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Install zboxcli

Harshit Mehndiratta edited this page Oct 31, 2023 · 20 revisions

Linux Installation

  1. Download the latest linux zboxcli archive release from here.
  2. Open terminal and extract the downloaded archive to a specified directory using the command below.
tar -xzf zbox-linux.tar.gz --directory /usr/local/bin
  1. Provide execution privileges to the zbox executable.
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/zboxx

4. Navigate to the extracted directory path

cd /usr/local/bin
  1. Run the zbox executable type by using the command below.

On successful installation you will see a help section similar to response below:

zbox is a decentralized storage application written on the 0Chain platform.                    

  zbox [command]

Available Commands:
  add                Adds free storage assigner
  alloc-cancel       Cancel an allocation

Windows Installation

  1. Download the latest windows zboxcli archive release from here.
  2. Extract the executable from the archive
  3. Now run the executable zbox.exe in windows command prompt.
  4. On successful installation, you will see a help section similar to response below :
zbox is a decentralized storage application written on the 0Chain platform.

  zbox [command]

Available Commands:
  add                Adds free storage assigner
  alloc-cancel       Cancel an allocation
  alloc-fini         Finalize an expired allocation

macOS Installation

  1. Download the latest mac zboxcli archive release from here.
  2. Open terminal and extract the downloaded archive to a specified directory using the commands below:
tar -xzf zbox-macos.tar.gz --directory /usr/local/bin

3. Provide execution privleges to the zbox executable.

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/zbox
  1. Navigate to extracted directory path .
cd /usr/local/bin
  1. Run the zbox executable using the command below.

On successful installation you will see a help section :

zbox is a decentralized storage application written on the 0Chain platform.
                        Complete documentation is available at

  zbox [command]

Available Commands:
  add                Adds free storage assigner
  alloc-cancel       Cancel an allocation
  alloc-fini         Finalize an expired allocation
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