- < 鄭博仁, 107753017 >
- < 鄺芷君, 107753045 >
*The final goal of this project is to Identify a voice as male or female
*commend: Rscript Rscript sum.R voice.csv train/test
*on-line visualization: shiny
- presentation: 1071_datascience_FP_<107753017,107753045>.pptx
- related document for the final project
- voice.csv
- Input format: .csv
- method: libsvm
- comparison?: ROC curve and other methods of machine learning
- perform evaluation? 10 folds Cross-validation, extra separated data
- metric: Sensitivity, Specificity,Accuracy
- challenge: lack of datas, and cross validation didn’t work as well as we thought.