Transcoded from a MusicXML version 2.0 file on 2013-01-15 using an XSLT stylesheet (musicxml2mei v. 2.2.3). The MusicXML file was generated using Finale 2010 for Windows and Dolet Light for Finale 2010 on 2010-04-21.
+The encoding contains the first 60 measures of movement 4.
+Joyful, joyful, we adore you, God of Glory, God of Love
+Transcoded from MusicXMl to MEI, and afterwards used the stylesheets:transformation.xsl,clean_up_samples.xsl,header2.xsl
+Converted to MEI 2013 using mei2012To2013.xsl, version 1.0 beta
+Converted to version 3.0.0 using mei21To30.xsl, version 1.0 beta
+Converted to MEI version 4.0.0 using mei30To40.xsl, version 1.0 beta