=== TODO ===
- Fix links!
- Make defense matrix room objects into a full prototype.
- Additional spawn timer offsets, for energyminer ect.
- Cheaper spawn room energy consolidation.
- Move storage in remaining rooms.
- Automatically evacuate terminal during siege. --- ADJUST ---
- Improve area-repair to take creep's target hits into account. Should free up more energy and reduce number of trips.
- Add global energy level and change upgrade constraints to use this value.
==== Production ==== DONE - Base production on global state.
- Make storage reserves of critical materials.
==== Combat ====
- Automatic rampart defense.
- Improved invader response.
- Specialize response types, ---DONE small creep for small invaders---, heavy response for healer combos.
- Improved SK combat logic.
- Improve tower logic.
- Avoid attacking well-healed creeps.
- Prioritize isolated creeps.
- Pin and slice invader response?