This directory contains the GitOps project used for the deployment of the platform.
We have 2 environments: dev
and stable
. The idea is that when the platform is running fine on dev
, then it is ready to be promoted to stable
This kustomize project is organized as following:
: this layer should contain the resources that are in common to every platform (k8s and ocp).base-openshift
: this layer should contain the resources that are in common to the ocp environments we have (dev
: this overlay should contain only the configurations specific to thedev
environment (for example the secrets).overlays/stable
: this overlay should contain only the configurations specific to thestable
: this overlay should contain only the configurations specific to theminikube/k8s
The kustomize project defines the what
, but we manage when
the changes are applied to every specific environment with the dev
and stable
branches of this repository.
The ArgoCD service on the dev
cluster is watching the branch dev
of this repository and applies the overlay dev
On the other side, the ArgoCD service on the stable
cluster is watching the branch stable
of this repository and applies the overlay stable
A deployer bot
has been implemented to make easy and transparent the deployment to a specific environment. There is only one command available: /deploy <target_env>
. For example, if you want to deploy to dev
you will add a comment /deploy dev
in the pull request that has been merged. If you want to deploy to stable
, you have to comment with /deploy stable
The workflow for the developer is the following:
- The developer wants to modify the services and opens a pull request from his/her fork to the
branch of this repository. The kustomize project and all its overlays must be modified if needed, according to the changes to the codebase (for example, a new configuration is added). - When the pull request of the developer has been merged
- if the merged pull request does trigger the build of at least one image -> use the
deployer bot
in the "update kustomization images" pull request - if the merged pull request does not trigger any build of the images -> use the
deployer bot
directly in the pull request itself. (this is the case for integration tests and kustomize configuration only PR for example).
- if the merged pull request does trigger the build of at least one image -> use the
- Running Minikube instance with enabled Ingress
All supporting services are deployed in dedicated namespaces to provide isolation between components.
In this deployment scenario developer provides operator image, Kustomize deploy all components required by operator and manager into Minikube (apart from Managed Kafka - that needs to be provisioned externally). Can be used to run full e2e testing.
As a prerequisite the developer needs to adjust
It is mainly used by Kind (default hostname iskind-control-plane
), so you can remove that line if you are using minikube or set the Minikube IP, both will work.overlays/minikube/manager/patches/deploy-config.yaml
to contain proper Minikube IP address. IP address can be retrieved usingminikube ip
. Port value should stay as defined as it references Keycloak Nodeport.overlays/minikube/shard/patches/deploy-config.yaml
to contain the offline token for the webhook robot account. It can be retrieved with the command belowoverlays/minikube/manager/kustomization.yaml
to contain Managed Kafka bootstrap server URLs and client credentials as well as Managed Connectors bootstrap server URLs and client credentials
curl --insecure -X POST http://`minikube ip`:30007/auth/realms/event-bridge-fm/protocol/openid-connect/token --user event-bridge:secret -H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -d 'username=webhook-robot-1&password=therobot&grant_type=password&scope=offline_access' | jq --raw-output '.access_token'
Components can be installed using command kustomize build overlays/minikube | oc apply -f -
Note: Some components may not be created fast enough while being required by following resources (for example Strimzi CRD). If you see some error in the command output then rerun the command again.
Manager is available on URL http://<minikube IP>/manager
, keycloak on http://<minikube IP>:30007
You can run this command to setup MANAGER_URL
variables to your shell:
. dev/bin/credentials/local_env
Environment can take a significant time to start completely, check status of all components in minikube.
Required Operators:
- Cluster Monitoring
- Bitnami sealed secrets (via controller deployment below)
- Openshift Serverless is installed with this guide.
- Service Mesh is installed with this guide
We make use of the BitNami Sealed Secrets Operator to store sensitive information, encrypted in this Git repository. Things are encrypted using the public key and then decrypted in our demo cluster using the private key. The private key is only known to the Sealed Secrets Operator in our demo cluster and is managed as part of our demo cluster setup.
The public key for encryption needs to be retrieved from the demo cluster using your login.
Log in to the demo cluster and then use the following to retrieve the key from the root of this repository:
kubeseal --controller-namespace kube-system --fetch-cert > mycert.pem
Once you have downloaded the public key certificate, you can use the following commands to encrypt:
oc create secret generic my-secret --from-literal='DATA=<mydata>' --dry-run=client -o yaml > secret.yaml
kubeseal --cert mycert.pem --scope cluster-wide -o yaml -f secret.yaml > sealedSecret.yaml
So for example, in order to create the Grafana secrets, run
kubeseal --controller-namespace kube-system --fetch-cert > mycert.pem
BEARER_TOKEN=$(oc serviceaccounts get-token grafana-serviceaccount -n event-bridge-prod)
oc create secret generic grafana-secrets --from-literal='BEARER_TOKEN=$BEARER_TOKEN' --from-literal='GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_USER=<REDACTED>' --from-literal='GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<REDACTED>' --dry-run=client -o yaml > secret.yaml
kubeseal --cert mycert.pem --scope cluster-wide -o yaml -f secret.yaml > grafana-secrets.yaml
Deployments are managed by ArgoCD (look for the url in the onboarding document).
When a pull request is merged into master, the CD pipeline is triggered and a new docker image is pushed to our repository. Within 30 minutes, a new pull request should be created to this repository to update the image of the kustomization overlay.
Note: you should not push changes to the demo cluster under the same namespace that is used by the kustomization overlay, because it will conflict with ArgoCD that will detect the difference and will re-deploy the resources that are in the main
branch of the public repository.
You can of course create the resources under another namespace or another cluster instead.
Before you start the deployment process, ensure that your oc
CLI is authenticated to our demo cluster.
To do a deployment, use the following from your authenticated oc
CLI (remember to change the namespace
in the overlay):
kustomize build overlays/stable | oc apply -f -
The command should complete and exit cleanly.
Assuming that the infrastructure version you'd like to deploy is the stable
one, then the requirements are the following:
- The
OpenShift Serverless
operator is installed - Install
Redhat OpenShift distributed tracing platform
,Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh
according to this documentation. - You have to provide all the secrets/configurations using AWS secret manager. Get in touch with the dev team for that. Assuming you have deployed new AWS secrets
, then- Replace the
of the resourcesevent-bridge-manager-secrets.yaml
. - Replace the
with a plainSecret
containing the AWS credentials like
- Replace the
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: "awssm-secret"
access-key: <AWS ACCESS KEY B64 ENCODED>
secret-access-key: <SECRET ACCESS KEY B64 ENCODED>
Then, in order to do a deployment, use the following from your authenticated oc
kustomize build overlays/stable | oc apply -f -
The resources should be available under the namespace event-bridge-stable