A web-based Graphical User Interface for 5GMS management that uses the Python library to
interact with the 5GMS Application Function. The source files and the documentation are located in
the management-ui
folder of this repository.
There are two ways to run this application. The recommendation is to use the Docker Compose service, because lightweight container building and activation will solve the entire scope of dependencies and the rest of the requirements.
To install Docker Compose service follow the official documentation. Next, clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/5G-MAG/rt-5gms-application-provider
cd ~/rt-5gms-application-provider
Building the Docker image will effectively install all dependencies for the 5GMS Application Function and the Management UI:
sudo docker-compose build
Upon successful completion, activate Application Provider with:
sudo docker-compose up
Access the module at: localhost:8000
If you prefer to run the 5GMS Application Function separately, without setting it up in the Docker environment, you have to build and install it as a local user. For that purpose, please follow this documentation.
Once installed and built, run the 5GMS Application Function:
Subsequently, install the Python dependencies required for Management UI:
cd ~/rt-5gms-application-provider
python3 -m pip install ./python
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Activate the Management UI application:
cd management-ui/
uvicorn server:app --reload
The Management UI will be accessible at port 8000
In case that you're receving any kind of web proxy errors, you can bypass that by using empty http
and https
proxy flags when running the server:
cd management-ui/
http_proxy= https_proxy= uvicorn server:app --reload
This repository contains CI/CD workflows for building native Docker image, Docker Compose and integration test for Management UI application.
Automated integration test is written to provide entire provisioning cycle, starting with creation of provisioning session, activating all network procedures, and finalizing with deletion of all resources. It effectively conducts sequence of HTTP requests to every Management UI web server's endpoint.
Run integration test :
cd ~/rt-5gms-application-provider/management-ui/tests
pytest integration_test.py
Please be aware that this procedure is already provided with the repository's CI/CD pipeline.