The client is simply instanced as follows:
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\AmpClient;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\ClientConfig;
$config = ClientConfig::create('<amp-url>', '<amp-channel>');
$client = AmpClient::create($config);
The only mandatory values in the configuration are the AMP application URL and the channel (project) name. Other optional options are as follows:
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\AmpClient;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\ClientConfig;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Request\ValueObject\BannerResource;
$config = ClientConfig::create('<amp-url>', '<amp-channel>');
# Configure http method, allowed values are GET (default) and POST.
$config = $config->withMethod('POST');
# Configure locale for requests (null by default).
$config = $config->withLocale('en');
# Configure AMP API version.
$config = $config->withVersion(1);
# Configure default resources for all requests.
$config = $config->withDefaultResources([
new BannerResource('category', ['1']),
# Configure value for http header X-Amp-Origin.
$config = $config->withOrigin('');
# Configure http cache. More about the cache in the documentation below.
$config = $config->withCacheExpiration('1 hour');
$client = AmpClient::create($config);
❗ Please note that
is immutable, just like the other client classes.
By default, the client uses NoCacheStorage, so requests are not cached. This can be changed by setting the cache and its expiration:
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\AmpClient;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\ClientConfig;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Http\Cache\InMemoryCacheStorage;
$config = ClientConfig::create('<amp-url>', '<amp-channel>')
->withCacheExpiration('1 hour');
$client = AmpClient::create($config)
->withCacheStorage(new InMemoryCacheStorage());
The cache expiration can be set using the DateTime modifier (for example 2 hours
, 1 day
etc.) or an integer that specifies the number of seconds for which the cache should be stored.
Currently, the following storages are implemented:
By default, the cache is controlled by the Cache-Control
and ETag
headers that AMP sends in the response.
However, the Cache-Control
header can be overridden in the configuration:
$config = $config->withCacheControlHeaderOverride('no-cache');
This setting will cache the responses, but a response is revalidated before each use.
The directives that are processed are no-store
, no-cache
, max-age
and s-maxage
. More information about the Cache-Control
header here.
The client sends requests using Guzzle. If you would like Guzzle to give the client default options, you must instantiate the AMP client with the HTTP client factory.
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\AmpClient;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\ClientConfig;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Http\HttpClientFactory;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Response\Hydrator\ResponseHydrator;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Response\Hydrator\BannersResponseHydratorHandler;
$guzzleConfig = [
# ... guzzle options ...
$config = ClientConfig::create('<amp-url>', '<amp-channel>');
$client = AmpClient::create(
config: $config,
httpClientFactory: new HttpClientFactory(
responseHydrator: new ResponseHydrator([
new BannersResponseHydratorHandler(),
guzzleClientConfig: $guzzleConfig,
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\AmpClientInterface;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Request\BannersRequest;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Request\ValueObject\Position;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Request\ValueObject\BannerResource;
/** @var AmpClientInterface $client */
$request = new BannersRequest([
new Position(''),
new Position('', [
new BannerResource('role', 'guest'),
$response = $client->fetchBanners($request); # SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Response\BannersResponse
$homepageTop = $response->getPosition('');
$homepagePromo = $response->getPosition('');
Banners can be rendered simply by using the Renderer
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\Renderer;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Response\BannersResponse;
/** @var BannersResponse $response */
$renderer = Renderer::create();
echo $renderer->render($response->getPosition(''));
The second argument can be used to pass an array of attributes to be contained in the banner's HTML wrapper element.
echo $renderer->render($response->getPosition(''), ['class' => 'my-awesome-class']);
The third argument can be used to provide custom options. These options are available in the banner templates and will also be available to the JavaScript client, so they can be accessed in event handlers.
echo $renderer->render($response->getPosition(''), [], ['customOption' => 'customValue']);
Banner rendering can be left to the JavaScript client using the Renderer::renderClientSide()
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\Renderer;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Request\ValueObject\Position;
$renderer = Renderer::create();
echo $renderer->renderClientSide(new Position(''));
echo $renderer->renderClientSide(new Position(''), ['class' => 'my-awesome-class']);
Banners rendered in this way will be loaded by the JavaScript client when its attachBanners()
function is called.
Banners can be rendered in "embed" mode, which means they are inside the <iframe>
This rendering mode is again controlled by the JavaScript client.
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\Renderer;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Request\ValueObject\Position;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\ClientSideMode;
$renderer = Renderer::create();
echo $renderer->renderClientSide(
position: new Position(''),
mode: ClientSideMode::embed(),
The information that the banner should be rendered in the <iframe>
tag can also be returned by AMP.
If we want to follow this behavior, we need to condition the rendering ourselves.
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\AmpClientInterface;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\RendererInterface;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Request\BannersRequest;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Request\ValueObject\Position;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\ClientSideMode;
/** @var AmpClientInterface $client */
/** @var RendererInterface $renderer */
$request = new BannersRequest([
new Position(''),
$response = $client->fetchBanners($request);
$position = $response->getPosition('');
if ($position::ModeEmbed === $position->getMode()) {
echo $renderer->renderClientSide(
position: $request->getPosition(''),
mode: ClientSideMode::embed(),
} else {
echo $renderer->render($position);
and random
positions are now fully compatible with embed
mode. Rendering other types via embed
mode is not recommended.
The default client templates support native lazy loading of images.
To activate lazy loading the option 'loading' => 'lazy'
must be passed to the renderer.
# server-side rendering:
echo $renderer->render($response->getPosition(''), [], [
'loading' => 'lazy',
# client-side rendering:
echo $renderer->renderClientSide(new Position(''), [], [
'loading' => 'lazy',
A special case is a position of type multiple
, where it may be desirable to lazily load all banners except the first.
his can be achieved with the following expression:
# server-side rendering:
echo $renderer->render($response->getPosition(''), [], [
'loading' => '>=1:lazy',
# client-side rendering:
echo $renderer->renderClientSide(new Position(''), [], [
'loading' => '>=1:lazy',
If you prefer a different implementation of lazy loading, it is possible to use own templates instead of the default ones and integrate a different solution in these templates.
The fetchpriority attribute can be set for image and embed banners using the fetchpriority
# server-side rendering:
echo $renderer->render($response->getPosition(''), [], [
'fetchpriority' => 'high',
# client-side rendering:
echo $renderer->renderClientSide(new Position(''), [], [
'fetchpriority' => 'high',
In the case of a multiple
position, it may be required that the first banner have a fetch priority of high
and the others low
This can be achieved with the following expression:
# server-side rendering:
echo $renderer->render($response->getPosition(''), [], [
'fetchpriority' => '0:high,low',
# client-side rendering:
echo $renderer->renderClientSide(new Position(''), [], [
'fetchpriority' => '0:high,low',
The default templates are written as .phtml
templates and can be found here. Templates can be also overwritten:
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\Renderer;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\Phtml\PhtmlRendererBridge;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\Templates;
$bridge = new PhtmlRendererBridge();
$bridge = $bridge->overrideTemplates(new Templates([
Templates::Single => '/my_custom_template_for_single_position.phtml',
$renderer = Renderer::create($bridge);
The following template types can be overwritten:
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\Templates;
new Templates([
Templates::Single => '/single.phtml', # for positions with the display type "single"
Templates::Multiple => '/multiple.phtml', # for positions with the display type "multiple"
Templates::Random => '/random.phtml', # for positions with the display type "random"
Templates::NotFound => '/notFound.phtml', # for positions that were not found
Templates::ClientSide => '/clientSide.phtml', # for positions that should be rendered by JS client
Banners can also be rendered using the Latte templating system.
Versions ^2.11
and ^3.0
are supported.
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\AmpClientInterface;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\Renderer;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\Latte\LatteRendererBridge;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Response\BannersResponse;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\Latte\ClosureLatteFactory;
use Latte\Engine;
/** @var BannersResponse $response */
$renderer = Renderer::create(
LatteRendererBridge::fromEngine(new Engine()),
# or lazily via
$renderer = Renderer::create(
new LatteRendererBridge(
new ClosureLatteFactory(function (): Engine {
return new Engine();
echo $renderer->render($response->getPosition(''));
The default .latte
templates are located here and can be overridden in the same way as the default .phtml
In addition to being able to render banners manually using Latte templates, the client offers the ability to render them directly using a custom Latte macro. The macro is registered as follows:
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\AmpClientInterface;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\RendererInterface;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Bridge\Latte\AmpClientLatteExtension;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Bridge\Latte\RendererProvider;
use Latte\Engine;
/** @var AmpClientInterface $client */
/** @var RendererInterface $renderer */
$engine = new Engine();
$provider = (new RendererProvider($client,$renderer))
->setDebugMode(true); # exceptions from Client and Renderer are suppressed in non-debug mode
AmpClientLatteExtension::register($engine, $provider);
$engine->render(__DIR__ . '/template.latte');
{* ./template.latte *}
Available arguments are:
* `resources` - An array of banner resources,
* `options` - An array of custom options. Can be also used for enabling native lazy loading.
* `attributes` - An array of HTML attributes
* `mode` - Allows to switch a rendering mode. See the "Using multiple rendering modes" section below
{banner, resources: ['role' => 'guest'], options: ['loading' => 'lazy']}
{banner homepage.bottom, attributes: ['class' => 'my-awesome-class']}
Banners are now requested via API and rendered to the template automatically.
By default, each {banner}
macro makes a separate request to the AMP API, so in our example above, three requests are sent.
This can be solved, however you need to render the Latte to a string, not a buffer.
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\AmpClientInterface;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\RendererInterface;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Bridge\Latte\AmpClientLatteExtension;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Bridge\Latte\RendererProvider;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Bridge\Latte\RenderingMode\QueuedRenderingMode;
use Latte\Engine;
/** @var AmpClientInterface $client */
/** @var RendererInterface $renderer */
$engine = new Engine();
$provider = (new RendererProvider($client,$renderer))
->setRenderingMode(new QueuedRenderingMode());
AmpClientLatteExtension::register($engine, $provider);
$output = $engine->renderToString(__DIR__ . '/template.latte');
echo $provider->renderQueuedPositions($output);
Now the client requests both banners in the template with one request.
The following rendering modes are available:
- direct (DirectRenderingMode) - The default mode, API is requested separately for each banner.
- client_side (ClientSideRenderingMode) - Renders only a wrapper element and leaves loading banners on the JavaScript client. Banners are loaded by calling the
function. - embed (EmbedRenderingMode) - Same behavior as
, but passes the information to the JavaScript client that the banner should be rendered asembed
. - queued (QueuedRenderingMode) - Renders only HTML comments as placeholders and stores requested positions in a queue. It will request and render all banners at once when the
method is called. - queued_in_presenter_context (QueuedRenderingInPresenterContextMode) - Same behavior as
but in the context of a Presenter only. Usable with Nette applications only.
Besides the default rendering mode, which is set by the method RendererProvider::setRenderingMode()
, it is possible to configure alternative modes that can be used in templates.
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Bridge\Latte\RendererProvider;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Bridge\Latte\RenderingMode\DirectRenderingMode;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Bridge\Latte\RenderingMode\ClientSideRenderingMode;
/** @var AmpClientInterface $client */
/** @var RendererInterface $renderer */
$provider = new RendererProvider($client, $renderer);
$provider->setRenderingMode(new DirectRenderingMode()); # No need to actually set it up, this mode is the default.
new ClientSideRenderingMode(),
{* The first banner will be rendered with the default mode (directly) *}
{* The second banner will be rendered client side *}
{banner, mode: 'client_side'}
Macro {banner}
can be renamed. This can be done by specifying the third argument of the method AmpClientLatteExtension::register()
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Bridge\Latte\AmpClientLatteExtension;
use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Bridge\Latte\RendererProvider;
use Latte\Engine;
/** @var RendererProvider $provider */
/** @var Engine $engine */
AmpClientLatteExtension::register($engine, $provider, 'ampBanner');
The macro will now be named {ampBanner}