- A server running 3CX server
- Linux subsystem or a Linux system with Ansible installed (Installation instructions below, Stap 1)
- A Raspberry Pi flashed with Raspberry Pi OS to install the SBC on (Raspberry Pi OS Lite recommended).
- SSH enabled on your Raspberry PI, instructions can be found here (On the side Step 3 recommended).
apt install ansible && apt install sshpass -y
mkdir 3CXSBC && cd 3CXSBC
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/78wesley/3CX-SBC/main/hosts && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/78wesley/3CX-SBC/main/3cxsbc.yml
Go to the hosts file and replace under [all] to the IP/Hostname of your Raspberry Pi on which you would like to install the 3CX SBC.
nano hosts
When you run the ansible script, the script will asks you to fill in the following information:
- What is the Web Url of 3CX?
- What is the SBC Authentication KEY ID?
- What will be the new password of the Raspberry Pi?
You can find this information if you add a new 3CX SBC within 3CX found at SIP-Trunk > Add SBC.
I recommend to use the SBC Password as the Raspberry Pi password so you will always be able to retrieve the password.
ansible-playbook -i hosts 3cxsbc.yml
Replace URL and KEY for your own SBC url and key.
wget -O- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/78wesley/3CX-SBC/main/3cxsbc.sh | bash /dev/stdin -u "URL" -k "KEY" -a 1