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This Library provides read access to the Artesian API

Getting Started


This library is provided in NuGet.

Support for .NET Standard 2.0 and NET 8.

In the Package Manager Console -

Install-Package Artesian.SDK

or download directly from NuGet.

How to use

The Artesian.SDK instance can be configured using either Client credentials or API-Key authentication

ArtesianServiceConfig cfg = new ArtesianServiceConfig(
   new Uri("https://fake-artesian-env/"),

//Client credentials
ArtesianServiceConfig cfg = new ArtesianServiceConfig(
		new Uri("https://fake-artesian-env/"),

BREAKING CHANGES: Upgrade v4->v5

The following breaking changes has been introduced in v5 respect to v4.

Update of GME PublicOffer to V2.0

With the introduction of the MI-XBID market on the GME Public Offers data has been increased the api version With a version before v5 of the SDK it will be not possible to download the MI-XBID data

The new market in the class GME_Enums --> Market is MIXBID

Changes on fields

The following fields are now nullable. It will be always valorized for Makret except MIXBID

        //Can be NULL for XBID, never NULL otherwise
        public string Unit { get; set; }
        //Can be NULL for XBID, never NULL otherwise
        public decimal? MeritOrder { get; set; }

        //Can be NULL for XBID, never NULL otherwise
        public bool? PartialQuantityAccepted { get; set; }

        //Can be NULL for XBID, never NULL otherwise
        public decimal? ADJQuantity { get; set; }

        //Can be NULL for XBID, never NULL otherwise
        public decimal? ADJEnergyPrice { get; set; }

        //Can be NULL for XBID, never NULL otherwise
        public int? Quarter { get; set; }

        //Can be NULL for XBID, never NULL otherwise
        public decimal? AwardedPrice { get; set; }

The following fields are new.

        //Added for XBID, NULL otherwise
        public LocalDateTime? Timestamp { get; set; }

        //Added for XBID, NULL otherwise
        public decimal? PrezzoUnitario { get; set; }


Using the ArtesianServiceConfig we create an instance of the QueryService which is used to create Actual, Versioned and Market Assessment time series queries

Policy configuration

Optionally a custom policy can be introduced to configure policy constraints within the QueryService otherwise default policy is implemented

ArtesianPolicyConfig policy = new ArtesianPolicyConfig();
	    .RetryPolicyConfig(retryCount: 3, retryWaitTime: 200)
	    .CircuitBreakerPolicyConfig(maxExceptions: 2, durationOfBreak: 3)
	    .BulkheadPolicyConfig(maxParallelism: 10, maxQueuingActions: 15);

var qs = new QueryService(cfg, policy);
Wait & Retry PolicyRetry, waiting a specified duration between each retry
Circuit Breaker PolicyThe CircuitBreakerPolicy instance maintains internal state across calls to track failures
Bulkhead PolicyThe bulkhead isolation policy assigns operations to constrained resource pools, such that one faulting channel of actions cannot swamp all resource

Partition Strategy

Requests are partitioned by an IPartitionStrategy, optionally an IPartitionStrategy can be passed to use a certain partition
strategy. A partition strategy by ID is implemented by default

PartitionByIDStrategy idStrategy = new PartitionByIDStrategy();
var act = qs.CreateActual(idStrategy)
       .ForMarketData(new int[] { 100000001 })
Partition StrategiesDescription
Partition by IDRequests are partitioned into groups of ID's by a defined partition size

Actual Time Series

var actualTimeSeries = await qs.CreateActual()
                .ForMarketData(new int[] { 100000001, 100000002, 100000003 })
                .InAbsoluteDateRange(new LocalDate(2018,08,01),new LocalDate(2018,08,10))

To construct an Actual Time Series the following must be provided.

Actual QueryDescription
Market Data IDProvide a market data id or set of market data id's to query
Time GranularitySpecify the granularity type
Time Extraction WindowAn extraction time window for data to be queried

Go to Time Extraction window section

Market Assessment Time Series

var marketAssesmentSeries = await qs.CreateMarketAssessment()
                       .ForMarketData(new int[] { 100000001 })
                       .ForProducts(new string[] { "M+1", "GY+1" })

To construct a Market Assessment Time Series the following must be provided.

Market Assessment QueryDescription
Market Data IDProvide a market data id or set of market data id's to query
ProductProvide a product or set of products
Time Extraction WindowAn extraction time window for data to be queried

Go to Time Extraction window section

Auction Time Series

var marketAssesmentSeries = await qs.CreateAuction()
                       .ForMarketData(new int[] { 100000001 })
                       .InAbsoluteDateRange(new LocalDate(2018,08,01),new LocalDate(2018,08,10))

To construct an Auction Time Series the following must be provided.

Auction Query Description
Market Data ID Provide a market data id or set of market data id's to query
Time Extraction Window An extraction time window for data to be queried

Go to Time Extraction window section

Versioned Time Series

 var versionedSeries = await qs.CreateVersioned()
		.ForMarketData(new int[] { 100000001 })

To construct a Versioned Time Series the following must be provided.

Versioned QueryDescription
Market Data IDProvide a market data id or set of market data id's to query
Time GranularitySpecify the granularity type
Versioned Time Extraction WindowVersioned extraction time window
Time Extraction WindowAn extraction time window for data to be queried

Go to Versioned Time Extraction window section
Go to Time Extraction window section

Versioned Time Extraction Windows

Versioned Time Extraction WindowsDescription
VersionGets the specified version of a versioned timeseries
Last DaysGets the latest version of a versioned timeseries of each day in a time window
Last NGets the latest N timeseries versions that have at least a not-null value
Most RecentGets the most recent version of a versioned timeseries in a time window
Most Updated VersionGets the timeseries of the most updated version of each timepoint of a versioned timeseries

Versioned Time Extraction window types for queries.


 .ForVersion(new LocalDateTime(2018, 07, 19, 12, 0, 0, 123))

Last Days

 .ForLastOfDays(new LocalDate(2018, 6, 22), new LocalDate(2018, 7, 23))

Last N


Most Recent

 .ForMostRecent(Period.FromMonths(-1), Period.FromDays(20))

Most Updated Version

 /// optional paramater to limit version
 .ForMUV(new LocalDateTime(2019, 05, 01, 2, 0, 0))

Bid Ask Time Series

var bidAskSeries = await qs.CreateBidAsk()
                       .ForMarketData(new int[] { 100000001 })
                       .ForProducts(new string[] { "M+1", "GY+1" })

To construct a Bid Ask Time Series the following must be provided.

Bid Ask QueryDescription
Market Data IDProvide a market data id or set of market data id's to query
ProductProvide a product or set of products
Time Extraction WindowAn extraction time window for data to be queried

Go to Time Extraction window section

Artesian SDK Extraction Windows

Extraction window types for queries.

Date Range

 .InAbsoluteDateRange(new LocalDate(2018,08,01),new LocalDate(2018,08,10)

Relative Interval




Period Range

 .InRelativePeriodRange(Period.FromWeeks(2), Period.FromDays(20))

Filler Strategy

All extraction types (Actual,Versioned and Market Assessment) have an optional filler strategy.

var versionedSeries = await qs.CreateVersioned()
    .ForMarketData(new int[] { 100000001 })
	.InAbsoluteDateRange(new LocalDate(2018, 6, 22), new LocalDate(2018, 7, 23))





Custom Value

 // Market Assessment
 ..WithFillCustomValue(new MarketAssessmentValue { Settlement = 123, Open = 456, Close = 789, High = 321, Low = 654, VolumePaid = 987, VolumeGiven = 213, Volume = 435 })

Latest Value


MarketData Service

Using the ArtesianServiceConfig cfg we create an instance of the MarketDataService which is used to retrieve, edit or delete MarketData references. GetMarketReference will read the marketdata entity by MarketDataIdentifier and returns an istance of IMarketData if it exists.

//reference market data entity
var marketDataEntity = new MarketDataEntity.Input(){
    ProviderName = "TestProviderName",
    MarketDataName = "TestMarketDataName",
    OriginalGranularity = Granularity.Day,
    OriginalTimezone = "CET",
    AggregationRule = AggregationRule.Undefined,
    Type = MarketDataType.VersionedTimeSerie,
    MarketDataId = 1,
    DerivedCfg = new DerivedCfgCoalesce()
        OrderedReferencedMarketDataIds = new int[]{ 10000, 10001, 10002}.ToArray(),
        Version = 1,

var marketDataService = new MarketDataService(cfg);

var marketData = await marketDataService.GetMarketDataReference(new MarketDataIdentifier(

DerivedCfg can be of type: DerivedCfgCoalesce, DerivedCfgSum, DerivedCfgMuv. To Check MarketData for IsRegistered status, returns true if present or false if not found.

var isRegistered = await marketData.IsRegistered();

To Register MarketData , it will first verify that it has not all ready been registered then proceed to register the given MarketData entity.

await marketData.Register(marketDataEntity);

Calling Update will update the current MarketData metadata with changed values. Calling Load, retrieves the current metadata of a MarketData.

marketData.Metadata.AggregationRule = AggregationRule.SumAndDivide;
marketData.Metadata.Transform = SystemTimeTransforms.GASDAY66;

await marketData.Update();

await marketData.Load();

In marketData a public readonly parameter DerivedCfg contains the three possible DerivedCfg types. In case the MarketData is Derived, only one of the three types is populated. The other two are null.


Updating the DerivedCfg can be performed with UpdateDerivedConfiguration on MarketData. A validation will be done on the existing DerivedCfg of the MarketData, that should be not null and with same type as the one used for the update.

var derivedCfgUpdate = new DerivedCfgCoalesce()
    OrderedReferencedMarketDataIds = new int[]{ 10002, 10001, 10000}.ToArray(),

// an overload with force parameter (to force the update and rebuild) is provided
//marketData.UpdateDerivedConfiguration(derivedCfgUpdate, true);

Using Write mode to edit MarketData and Save to save the data of the current MarketData providing an instant. Can be used Delete specifying a range to delete a specific range of the time serie.

Actual Time Series

EditActual starts the write mode for an Actual Time serie. Checks are done to verify registration and MarketDataType to verify it is an Actual Time Serie. Using AddData to be written. When data is saved with Save, can be deleted with Delete function specifying the start and the end range.

var writeMarketData = marketdata.EditActual();

writeMarketData.AddData(new LocalDate(2018, 10, 03), 10);
writeMarketData.AddData(new LocalDate(2018, 10, 04), 15);

await writeMarketData.Save(Instant.FromDateTimeUtc(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime()));

await writeMarketData.Delete(new LocalDateTime(2018, 10, 04), new LocalDateTime(2018, 10, 05));

To delete the whole range of the Actual Time serie, the Delete command can be used without specifying any start and end range.

var writeMarketData = marketdata.EditActual();

await writeMarketData.Delete();

Versioned Time Series

EditVersioned starts the write mode for a Versioned Time serie. Checks are done to verify registration and MarketDataType to verify it is a Versioned Time Serie. Using AddData to be written. When data is saved with Save, can be deleted with Delete function specifying the start and the end range.

var writeMarketData = marketData.EditVersioned(new LocalDateTime(2018, 10, 18, 00, 00));

writeMarketData.AddData(new LocalDate(2018, 10, 03), 10);
writeMarketData.AddData(new LocalDate(2018, 10, 04), 15);

await writeMarketData.Save(Instant.FromDateTimeUtc(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime()));

await writeMarketData.Delete(new LocalDateTime(2018, 10, 04), new LocalDateTime(2018, 10, 05), version);

To delete the whole range of the Versioned Time serie, the Delete command can be used without specifying any start and end range.

var writeMarketData = marketdata.EditVersioned(new LocalDateTime(2018, 10, 18, 00, 00));

await writeMarketData.Delete();

Market Assessment Time Series

EditMarketAssessment starts the write mode for a Market Assessment. Checks are done to verify registration and MarketDataType to verify it is a Market Assessment. Using AddData to provide a local date time and a MarketAssessmentValue to be written. When data is saved with Save, can be deleted with Delete function specifying the start and the end range.

var writeMarketData = marketData.EditMarketAssessment();

var marketAssessmentValue = new MarketAssessmentValue()
    High = 47,
    Close = 20,
    Low = 18,
    Open = 33,
    Settlement = 22,
    VolumePaid = 34,
    VolumeGiven = 23,
    Volume = 16


writeMarketData.AddData(new LocalDate(2018, 11, 28), "Dec-18", marketAssessmentValue);

await writeMarketData.Save(Instant.FromDateTimeUtc(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime()));

var product = new List<string>(){"Dec-18"};

await writeMarketData.Delete(new LocalDateTime(2018, 10, 04), new LocalDateTime(2018, 10, 05), product);

To delete the whole range of the Market Assessment Time serie, the Delete command can be used without specifying any start and end range.

var writeMarketData = marketdata.EditMarketAssessment();

await writeMarketData.Delete();

Auction Time Series

EditAuction starts the write mode for an Auction entity. Checks are done to verify registration and MarketDataType to verify it is an Auction entity. Using AddData to provide a local date time and Auction bid and offer arrays to be written. When data is saved with Save, can be deleted with Delete function specifying the start and the end range.

var writeMarketData = marketData.EditAuction();

var localDateTime = new LocalDateTime(2018, 09, 24, 00, 00);
var bid = new List<AuctionBidValue>();
var offer = new List<AuctionBidValue>();
bid.Add(new AuctionBidValue(100, 10));
offer.Add(new AuctionBidValue(120, 12));

writeMarketData.Add(localDateTime, new AuctionBids(localDateTime, bid.ToArray(), offer.ToArray()));
await writeMarketData.Save(Instant.FromDateTimeUtc(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime()));

await writeMarketData.Delete(new LocalDateTime(2018, 10, 04), new LocalDateTime(2018, 10, 05));

To delete the whole range of the Auction Time serie, the Delete command can be used without specifying any start and end range.

var writeMarketData = marketdata.EditAuction();

await writeMarketData.Delete();

Bid Ask Time Series

EditBidAsk starts the write mode for a Bid Ask. Checks are done to verify registration and MarketDataType to verify it is a Bid Ask. Using AddData to provide a local date time and a BidAskValue to be written. When data is saved with Save, can be deleted with Delete function specifying the start and the end range.

var writeMarketData = marketData.EditBidAsk();

var bidAskValue = new BidAskValue()
    BestBidPrice = 47,
    BestBidQuantity = 18,
    BestAskPrice = 20,
    BestAskQuantity = 33,
    LastPrice = 22,
    LastQuantity = 13

writeMarketData.AddData(new LocalDate(2018, 11, 28), "Dec-18", bidAskValue);

await writeMarketData.Save(Instant.FromDateTimeUtc(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime()));

var product = new List<string>(){"Dec-18"};

await writeMarketData.Delete(new LocalDateTime(2018, 10, 04), new LocalDateTime(2018, 10, 05), product);

To delete the whole range of the Bid Ask Time serie, the Delete command can be used without specifying any start and end range.

var writeMarketData = marketdata.EditBidAsk();

await writeMarketData.Delete();

