diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index b19479c..8a95df4 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ You can also get the SHA-256 from the file and compare it with the reference in | ```mkfile``` | Make files. | | ```cd``` | Change to a directory or file. | | ```cd ..``` | Go back a directory. | -| ```ls``` or ```dir``` | Go back a directory. | +| ```ls``` or ```dir``` or ```directory``` | Displays all the files and folders in the current directory. | | ```clear``` or ```cls``` | Clears the console window. | | ```whoami``` | Shows the pc name and username. | | ```drives``` | List all drives in your computer. | @@ -192,6 +192,28 @@ You can also get the SHA-256 from the file and compare it with the reference in | ```tree``` | Renders a detailed list of all the files and folders in a directory. | | ```winreset``` | Resets the window height and width. (Windows only) | | ```hash``` | Get's the MD5, SHA256 and SHA1 from the specified file. (`hash test.txt`)| +| ```tos``` | Opens the [Terms of Service](https://github.com/AZProductions/Kookaburra/blob/main/TOS.md). | +| ```exit``` | Exits the console. | +| ```env``` | Gets the Env data and writes it to the screen. *(For testing purposes)* | +| ```restart``` | Restarts the console. | +| ```restart -p``` | Restarts the console without doing [Package Check](https://github.com/AZProductions/Kookaburra/blob/855cebcf43eefe40c602f826491ec02d66e1e545/src/Program.cs#L1520-L1807). | +| ```kbconfig``` or ```settings``` | Open the settings file in the default text editor. | +| ```drives```| Displays all active drives with additional info. | +| ```explorer``` or ```explore``` or ```browse``` or ```view```| Opens file explorer in the current directory. | +| ```mv``` | Moves the selected directory or file to the specified directory or file. | +| ```mv -o``` | Moves the selected directory or file to the specified directory or file overriding it. | +| ```ipconfig``` | Shows the current internet drives, chipsets and local ip information. | +| ```start``` | Starts the specified file. | +| ```sound.play``` | Plays specified **.wav** file(s). | +| ```download``` | Downloads specified file from an internet location. | +| ```tip``` | Shows a random tip. | +| ```whoami``` | Displays the MachineName + UserName. | +| ```edit``` | Opens the specified file in the default text editor. *(text_editor.txt)* | +| ```pwd``` | Prints the working directory. | +| ```uname``` | Prints the username. | +| ```mname``` | Prints the machinename. | +| ```tree``` or ```list``` | Displays the current folder/file structure in a detailed [tree](https://spectreconsole.net/widgets/tree). + ## ⏩ CLI Shortcuts | Shortcut | Description |