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AccelByte Gaming Services and 3rd Party OpenID Connect Login Integration Using AccelByte C# (.NET) Extend SDK


AccelByte Gaming Services provides integration with OpenID Connect providers as one of the 3rd party login integration options. Any OpenID Connect providers should work. The following sample app will show you how to do this with AccelByte C# Extend SDK and PhantAuth installation (an OpenID Connect provider to simplify testing). Use this image to deploy local phantauth installation in local environment using docker.

Sample App

  1. Clone AccelByte C# Extend SDK
  2. Go to samples/AccelByte.Sdk.Sample.OIDC.Web folder
  3. Follow the to setup and use the sample application

How It Works

    actor U as User
    participant I as Web Browser
    participant A as Sample App
    participant P as OIDC Provider
    participant B as AB Cloud IAM Service

    U ->>+ I: Open Index Page
    I ->>+ A: Get index.html
    A -->>- I:  
    I ->>+ A: Get Provider List (provider.json)
    A -->>- I: 
    I -->>- U:   

    U ->>+ I: Click Provider Login Button
    I ->>+ P: Get OIDC Client Configuration via Discovery URL
    P -->>- I: 
    I ->>+ P: Get OIDC Provider Login Page
    P -->>- I: 
    I -->>- U: 

    U ->>+ I: Login
    I ->>+ P: Perform Login
    P -->>- I: 
    I -->>+ A: Call Callback URL
    A ->>+ P: Authorize Access Token
    P -->>- A:  
    A ->>+ B: Platform Login
    B -->>- A: 
    A -->>- I:  
    I -->>- U:  


Code Walktrough

1. How to get provider’s OpenID configuration and execute a sign-in request

In index.html:

This function is to get config from discovery url and after the config is retrieved, it creates an OidcClient object. Note that the response_type is code, as we want to get the access code to be authorized later.

function discoverOidConfigAndCreateClient(config, onCreated) {
        url: config.discovery_url,
        method: 'GET',
        success: function (dResp) {
            var oidcClient = new Oidc.OidcClient({
                authority: dResp.issuer,
                client_id: config.client_id,
                redirect_uri: (window.location.href + 'callback?provider=' + config.key),
                response_type: "code",
                scope: config.scope,
                filterProtocolClaims: false,
                loadUserInfo: false
            if (onCreated != undefined)
                onCreated(oidcClient, dResp);

And this code shows the usage of the above function and uses the OidcClient object to make a sign-in request and redirect the web page to the provider's login page.

discoverOidConfigAndCreateClient(config, function (client, discData) {
            state: {
                bar: Math.random()
        }).then(function (req) {
            window.location = req.url;
        }).catch(function (err) {

2. How to receive callback from provider and authorize the access token

Processing access token received from the provider is done on the backend side. These codes shows how to receive then using plain .NET web server (kestrel)

public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context)
    string route = (context.Request.Method.ToUpper() + " " + context.Request.Path);
    if (route == "GET /callback")
        string providerId = String.Empty;
        string authCode = String.Empty;

        if (context.Request.Query.ContainsKey("provider"))
            providerId = context.Request.Query["provider"].ToString().Trim().ToLower();
        if (context.Request.Query.ContainsKey("code"))
            authCode = context.Request.Query["code"].ToString().Trim();

        var dProviders = _Providers.ToDictionary();
        if (!dProviders.ContainsKey(providerId))
            context.Response.StatusCode = 400;
            await context.Response.WriteAsync("UNRECOGNIZED PROVIDER");

        ProviderSpecification spec = dProviders[providerId];
        OAuthTokens tokens = GetAuthorizedToken(spec, authCode);



The provider will send authentication or access code, and by using this code, we want to authorize it so we can use the later tokens as our platform token for AccelByte. Authorizing an auth code done using this method:

protected OAuthTokens GetAuthorizedToken(ProviderSpecification spec, string authorizationToken)
    HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
    DiscoveryData dData = DiscoveryData.Retrieve(client, spec.DiscoveryUrl);

    HttpRequestMessage req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, dData.TokenEndpoint);
    req.Content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new Dictionary<string, string>()
        {"grant_type", "authorization_code" },
        {"client_id", spec.ClientId },
        {"client_secret", spec.ClientSecret },
        {"redirect_uri", "http://localhost:9090/callback" },
        {"code", authorizationToken }
    HttpResponseMessage response = client.Send(req);
    string jsonString = Helper.ConvertInputStreamToString(response.Content.ReadAsStream());

    return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<OAuthTokens>(jsonString)!;

It sends the auth code to the provider’s token endpoint with grant_type authorization_code. It will return a collection of authorized tokens. One of them is id_token which we will use later.

3. How to use the authorized tokens for AccelByte c# Extend SDK LoginProvider method

These codes show how to use the id token to login to the AccelByte backend.

    AccelByteSDK sdk = AccelByteSDK.Builder

    string output = String.Empty;
    sdk.LoginPlatform(spec.ABPlatformId, tokens.ID, (otr) =>
            output = JsonSerializer.Serialize(otr);                          

    context.Response.StatusCode = 200;
    await context.Response.WriteAsync(output);
catch (Exception x)
    context.Response.StatusCode = 500;
    await context.Response.WriteAsync(x.Message);

This uses the id_token to Sdk’s LoginPlatform method.


Adding Other OIDC Providers to This Sample App

You just need to provide all of the required fields into JSON array in providers.json.

  • name will be shown in the sample application web index page.
  • key is the unique identifier for this provider, make sure it follows standard variable naming.
  • discovery_url is the url provided by the provider for the configuration. Consult their respective documentation for this value.
  • client_id is an identifier provided by the provider.
  • client_secret , similar to client_id, will be provided by the provider. In some cases, there are some OIDC public instances that do not use client secret value. In that case, just leave this field blank.
  • scope is all the scopes required by the application. For this sample app, the scopes mentioned in the sample json is enough.
  • platform_id is the identifier you fill in the AccelByte admin panel when registering the OIDC provider.