The rapidly developing aerospace industry is picking up speed with faster and exponential development and comercialization, this is why we've created AeroRust.
AeroRust is aiming to help push the Open-source community more into the growing Aerospace industry, by providing information, materials, tools, crates and etc. to hobyists and industry leaders. There are 2 distict parts in our organization:
An opened environment welcoming anyone interested in aerospace, robotics, programming, etc.
Our community resides on Discord, so make sure to come and say hi 👋 when you get there:
Here you will find the people who are developing all the projects (from programming to educational) under the AeroRust organization. A good starting point to get involved is to check out, where you can find or share new ideas, current projects and more.
If you or your company is interested in this kind of technology, make sure to check out the Contact letter for companies, agencies and communities AeroRust/WorkingGroup#6. We have layed out useful information if you're looking to adopt Rust and you can read about our aproach on how to grow it.
We have a number of conferece participations, as well as talks which you can find here including links where you can watch them: AeroRust/WorkingGroup#14
Aerospace is the human effort in science, engineering, and business to fly in the atmosphere of Earth and surrounding space
Source: Wikipedia
A language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.
We also aim to grow the Rust programming language community by this effort and set it as a leading technology in the area.
The language is picking up speed and it's already making a change in other industries and inspiring changes in other languages and communities. Rust has many compelling features and benefits over other languages, however, it might not be the only language you might need to achieve your goals.