- Support only PHP 8.0-8.2
- Added property and return types
- Dropped PHP < 7.4
- Pinned to voku/portable-utf8
- Pinned to voku/anti-xss
- Support
- Updated package metadata
- Fixed docs
- Provisional PHP 8.1 support
- Bumped minimum versions
- Support specifying evil tags
- Bumped minimum versions
- Provisional PHP 8.0 support
- Pinned to voku/anti-xss
- Updated funding information
- Use latest anti-xss
- Dropped PHP 7.0 and 7.1
- Pinned to voku/anti-xss 4.1.x
- Fixed phpdoc of clean
- Fixed create method
- Switched to voku/anti-xss
- Support PHP 7.0 - 7.4
- Fixed phpdoc
- Initial port