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1018 lines (749 loc) · 49.4 KB

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1018 lines (749 loc) · 49.4 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. AlamofireImage adheres to Semantic Versioning.

4.x Releases

3.x Releases

2.x Releases

1.x Releases

Released on 2023-09-13. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.



  • Project to require Swift 5.5.
  • Testing infrastructure and CI integration.
  • ImageResponseSerializer to be open.
  • acceptableImageContentTypes to be publicly visible.


  • Documentation example.

Released on 2021-04-03. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.




  • Invalid URL to file path conversion in URLCache creation.

Released on 2020-04-05. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Project to require Swift 5.1.

Released on 2020-03-07. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Missing nil default for completionHandler parameter of download method.
  • Swift Package Manager compatibility with local submodules, for real this time.

Released on 2020-02-29. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Swift Package Manager compatibility with local submodules.

Released on 2020-02-23. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Swift 5 compatibility.

Released on 2020-02-23. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Custom cacheKey support to ImageDownloader and UIImageView and UIButton extensions.
  • The application/octet-stream to the list of acceptable image content types to support iOS 13.
  • Custom ImageResponseSerializer support to ImageDownloader and UIImageView and UIButton extensions.
  • Tests to various types to verify they can handle URLRequestConvertible types that throw.
  • AlamofireExtended support to UIImage, UIImageView, and UIButton types to use af. prefixing instead of af_.
  • A 4.0 migration guide to the project and linked in the README.
  • SwiftFormat support to the project.


  • The license section of the README to link to the actual LICENSE file.
  • The ImageDownloader download image logic by removing variable shadowing to simplify logic flow.
  • The image cache capacity section in the README to improve in-memory setting recommendations.
  • The Alamofire dependency to ~> 5.0 across dependency management files.
  • The README to match all the newer conventions with the Alamofire 5 changes and af. prefixing on extensions.


  • The af_ APIs on UIImage, UIImageView, and UIButton in favor of the new af. equivalent APIs. These APIs will be removed in AFI5.


  • Issue in the README where the documentation link was incorrect.
  • Issue where af_setBackgroundImage was not setting the filter correctly on the image download.
  • Issue where runImageTransitionIfCached on UIImageView was not setting the placeholder image correctly.

Released on 2019-10-27. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Thread-safety issue in AutoPurgingImageCache.

Released on 2019-09-17. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Alamofire API usage after Alamofire 5 RC changes.

Released on 2019-08-27. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Issue where ImageDownloader was not dequeuing and cancelling requests correctly in certain race conditions due to Alamofire switching to async request creation.

Released on 2019-05-04. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Issue with AppStore submissions where the pre-release version in the bundle short versions string was being rejected when built with Carthage or as a submodule.

Released on 2019-04-13. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Project to require Alamofire 5.0.0-beta.5+ as a dependency.

Released on 2019-04-10. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Project to use Swift 5 only and require Alamofire 5.0.0-beta.4+ as a dependency.

Released on 2019-10-27. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Build for Catalyst platform by updating deprecated API usage.
  • Thread-safety issue in AutoPurgingImageCache.

Released on 2019-03-28. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Building using Xcode 9.

Released on 2019-03-27. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Project and dependencies for Xcode 10.2.
  • SPM support for Swift 4.2 and 5.

Released on 2018-11-27. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Alamofire Carthage checkout.
  • Required Alamofire version to 4.8.
  • Default Swift version to 4.


Released on 2018-09-17. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • The Xcode project configuration to use workspace linking instead of nested projects.


  • A minor CIGaussianBlur typo in one of the README examples.

Released on 2018-09-13. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Project configuration and files for Xcode 10 and Swift 4.2.

Released on 2018-03-31. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Jazzy docs and configuration.
  • Ruby environment settings that match Alamofire's.


  • Project configuration and files for Xcode 9.3 and Swift 4.1.
  • Copyrights to 2018 for all files.
  • TravisCI configuration for Xcode 9.3.


  • Gravatar API usage in example code.

Released on 2017-09-06. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Gitter badge to the README to direct users to the group.
  • Optional queue parameter to responseImage function.
  • Asserts to scaling functions as well as production fallbacks.
  • GitHub templates for issues and pull requests.


  • Alamofire submodule and dependency to ~> 4.5.
  • The project and codebase to support Swift 3 / 4 simultaneously.
  • The README to use the current version throughout the installation section.
  • Image response serializers code sample in the README to import Alamofire.


  • The Swift Package Manager (SPM) integration by excluding Tests folder.
  • Issue in the embedded framework section of the README where bash specifier was incorrect.
  • Various typos throughout the project using misspell.

Released on 2016-11-20. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • A new imageResponseSerializer property to the ImageDownloader.
  • New embedded framework installation instructions to the README.
  • A new iOS 8.1 target to the Travis CI device matrix.


  • The AutoPurgingImageCache APIs to an open ACL where applicable.
  • The ImageDownloader and RequestReceipt APIs to an open ACL where applicable.
  • The Xcode project to Xcode 8.1 and made all suggested project updates.
  • UIButton and UIImageView completion closures to be called after image is set.
  • The deployment targets to iOS 8.0 and macOS 10.10 to match core Alamofire project.
  • The Cartfile and pulled in Alamofire 4.2.0 submodule.


  • CoreImage filters on iOS 8.x due to runtime mapping issue with CIContext.

Released on 2016-10-01. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • New .swift-version file to repo and reactivated pod lib lint in Travis file.
  • The OS_ACTIVITY_MODE environment variable to disable excessive logging.
  • The new CoreImageFilter protocol and updated BlurFilter to conform to it.
  • The ability to the AutoPurgingImageCache to remove all images matching a URL request.
  • ImageFilter support to the UIButton extension.
  • MJPEG support to DataRequest extension for streaming images.
  • Stream image test for DataRequest extension and updated docstrings.


  • The Alamofire submodule to the 4.0.1 release.
  • All cases of OSX to macOS throughout the project.
  • Project settings by removing duplicate settings for individual targets.
  • Project and podspec so all files are compiled on all platforms.


  • A typo in placeholderImage parameter in several UIButton APIs.
  • A CIGuassianBlur typo in one of the README code samples.

Upgrade Notes

This release contains a non-backwards compatible change that fixes a typo in the UIButton extension where placeholderImage was misspelled in two APIs. Rather than push a MAJOR version release for a typo that people are generally getting incorrect, we decided to break semver here and fix the typo for everyone. Please note that we always try to follow semver as strictly as possible. However, this seemed like the best option given that users would continue to struggle with the typo throughout the lifespan of the 3.x releases.

Released on 2016-09-11. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • An AFI 3.0 Migration Guide and updated the README to match new APIs.


  • All source, test and example logic as well as project settings to compile against the Xcode 8 beta releases.
  • Deployment targets to iOS 9.0, macOS 10.11, tvOS 9.0 and watchOS 2.0.
  • All instances of com.alamofire with org.alamofire throughout project.
  • Copyright headers to match Alamofire formatting.
  • Updated the travis yaml file for Xcode 8.
  • All source, test and example APIs to match Swift 3 design guidelines.
  • All docstrings to use new Swift 3 syntax.
  • All AssociatedKey names to be lowercased to match Swift 3 guidelines.
  • The podspec for the 3.0.0 release and bumped deployment targets.
  • Code signing to now automatic with an empty team.
  • Number of large image test iterations to 200 to attempt to stabilize travis.


  • DispatchWorkItemFlags implementation with async flags.
  • ReleaseTest configuration by enabling testability in travis yaml file.
  • An NSURL extension from the test suite that wasn’t used.


  • Issue where removeImage API on the image cache would not remove the image.
  • Compilation errors due to AFError refactors in Alamofire.

Released on 2016-09-08. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Cleanup Whitespace aggregate target and scheme and removed all excess whitespace.


  • The source, test and example code along with project settings to support Swift 2.2 and Swift 2.3 simultaneously.
  • Updated the travis yaml file for Swift 2.3 and the new OS target versions.
  • Updated the Cartfile and Alamofire submodule to the 3.5.0 release.
  • Updated Xcode project settings based on Xcode 8 GM recommendations.
  • Code coverage generation is now disabled on framework targets to improve stability.


  • Issue where image download cancellation error was thrown in incorrect domain.
  • Image download cancellation and restart race condition.

Released on 2016-07-18. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • The dependency requirement in the README to Alamofire 3.3+.
  • The Alamofire submodule to the 3.4.1 release.
  • The Travis CI yaml file to use the xcode7.3 build.


  • Issue where queue names were not using hex formatters properly.
  • Deprecation warning from errorWithCode usage by switching to explicit NSError creation logic.

Released on 2016-03-23. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • The image/x-ms-bmp as an acceptable Content-Type.
  • The ability to track download progress in the ImageDownloader as well as the UIButton and UIImageView extensions.
  • The UIButton extension and tests to the tvOS targets.


  • The Alamofire submodule to the 3.3.0 release along with the Cartfile and Podspec dependencies.
  • All source code, tests and example logic to use Swift 2.2 conventions.
  • The required version of Xcode to 7.3 in the README.
  • The AutoPurgingImageCache to purge cache during memory warnings on tvOS.
  • Several Request and ImageDownloader tests on tvOS that were previously disabled.

Released on 2016-02-07. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Default value to completion parameter in downloadImage API in `ImageDownloader.


  • The Alamofire submodule to the 3.2.0 release.


  • Superfluous APIs on ImageDownloader, UIButton and UIImageView extensions and replaced with default parameter values.


  • Issue in UIImage extension where CoreImage filters were using the incorrect output frame.
  • All blur filter tests across all devices and OS's.
  • Issue where image response serializer was not thread-safe by switching over to thread-safe UIImage initializer.
  • Build warnings in Xcode 7.3 beta 2 for Swift 2.2.

Released on 2016-01-17. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Alpha properties to UIImage extension along with unit tests.
  • Condition to UIImageView test to verify active request receipt is reset.
  • UIButton extension supporting remote image downloads.
  • Tests verifying Accept header is set properly for button image downloads.
  • UIButton extension tests around cancelling and restarting image downloads.
  • iOS 9.2 devices to the travis yaml device matrix.
  • Carthage/Build ignore flag to the .gitignore file to match Alamofire.
  • Package.swift file to support Swift Package Manager (SPM).


  • UIImage scaling now uses af_isOpaque property where applicable.
  • Refactored UIButton extension and tests to more closely follow coding standards.
  • Simplified UIImageView tests replacing KVO by overriding the image property.
  • Excluded the UIButton extension from osx and watchOS targets in podspec.
  • Copyright headers to include 2016! 🎉🎉🎉
  • The default parameters in AutoPurgingImageCache initializer with correct MB values.
  • Several UIImageView APIs to public ACL to allow for better reuse.
  • Alamofire submodule to 3.1.5 release.

Released on 2015-12-16. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Ability for ImageDownloader to enqueue multiple image downloads at once.
  • Tests to verify image view can cancel and restart the same request.
  • Precondition to ImageCache ensuring memory capacity is GTE preferred usage after purge.
  • Ability for image transitions to run when image is cached if specified.
  • Test to verify Accept header is set correctly on UIImageView extension.
  • Added ReleaseTest configuration to allow running tests against optimized build.


  • Project to disable testability on release and to only build tests on when testing.
  • The Travis-CI configuration to Xcode 7.2, iOS 9.2, tvOS 9.1 and watchOS 2.1.


  • Issue where image was not downloaded when cancelled and restarted.
  • Issue where af_setImageWithURL was not using acceptable content types.

Released on 2015-11-22. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Note to the README about storing a strong ref to image downloaders.
  • Custom Info.plist for tvOS setting the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities to arm64.


  • The sessionManager ACL in the ImageDownloader to allow access to the underlying session and configuration.
  • The Alamofire submodule to the Alamofire 3.1.3 release.

Released on 2015-10-24. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • New tvOS framework and test targets to the project.
  • The tvOS deployment target to the podspec.
  • The BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE user defined setting to tvOS framework target.


  • The README to include tvOS and bumped the required version of Xcode.
  • The default tvOS and watchOS deployment targets in the Xcode project.
  • The Cartfile and Alamofire submodule to the 3.1.0 release.
  • The Travis-CI yaml file to run watchOS and tvOS builds and tests on xcode7.1 osx_image.


  • Several typos in the AutoPurgingImageCache section of the README.

Released on 2015-10-17. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • The cocoapods and carthage instructions in the README.

Released on 2015-10-14. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Ability to use a custom ImageDownloader per UIImageView instance.
  • New ImageDownloader initializer accepting a custom Manager instance using dependency injection.
  • Ability to add additional acceptable image content types for Request validation.


  • Cancelled request completion closures are now called on the main queue.

Released on 2015-09-27. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • The AlamofireImage 2.0 Migration Guide and also added to the README.
  • A new RequestReceipt struct to the ImageDownloader to improve cancellation reasoning.
  • Cancellation tests to the ImageDownloader to validate new cancellation behavior.
  • Section to the README documenting the RequestReceipt usage.


  • Cartfile to pick up latest changes from the master branch of Alamofire 3.0.
  • All source logic to use the Alamofire 3.0 APIs.
  • All tests to compile and run against the Alamofire 3.0 APIs.
  • All the sample code examples in the README to use all the new APIs.

Released on 2015-09-26. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Tests verifying response image serializers support file URLs.
  • Tests verifying cached image is set on UIImageView if completion closure is set.


  • The Request extension to validate file URLs making test mocking easier.


  • Issue where cached image was not set on a UIImageView if completion closure was set.

Released on 2015-09-22. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Tests around the UIImageView extension usage with redirect URLs.
  • Tests around the UIImageView extension usage with duplicate image requests.


  • Issue where UIImageView extension did not support redirect URLs.
  • Issue where duplicate image requests were cancelling the active image download in the UIImageView extension.

Released on 2015-09-19. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Custom image transition to the UIImageView extension.
  • CompositeImageFilter protocol to construct composite image filters.
  • DynamicImageFilter and DynamicCompositeImageFilter structs to make it easy to create custom image filters.


  • ImageDownloader download image completion closures to be optional.
  • Completion callback behavior of the UIImageView extension methods to be called before the image transition occurs.
  • Rounded corner radius image filter can now be adjusted by the image scale.
  • Enabled APPLICATION_EXTENSION_API_ONLY in watchOS framework.
  • The podspec file to allow all Alamofire 2.x versions.

Released on 2015-09-09. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • Alamofire dependency to ~> 2.0 for CocoaPods and Carthage.
  • Alamofire submodule to 2.0.0 release commit.
  • Xcode APPLICATION_EXTENSION_API_ONLY to YES for iOS and OSX frameworks.


  • Issue in ImageDownloader where the wrong image was being stored in the image cache.

Released on 2015-09-05.
