Opinionated permission handling done right with Kotlin.
Check more details in my blog
- The whole flow has been sorted out.
- Multiple permissions supported.
- Nice DSL for better code.
- Written in Kotlin
- Show an explanation to the user why we need those permissions.
- If the user press ok, then we will request for the permissions.
- After getting the request result, we will handling 3 cases:
- When everything is fine
- When permissions not accepted
- When user checks the
Never Ask again
option, we will route the user to the application settings to enable the permission there.
? Yes, this is such a confusing method depends on its name. In our flow, user always gets the explanation first, which should be a design which you always follow. But underneath, we use it to check theNeverAskAgain
- Install (Not yet published)
implementation 'xyz.albertgao:permissionk:1.0.0'
- Trigger the explanation step to invoking this function inside your activity, properly a onClickHandler
startToRequestPermission {
permissions = listOf(SEND_SMS, READ_PHONE_STATE)
requestCode = this@MyActivity.requestCode
ifSuccess {
// Your handling logic
message = "Hi, We need these permissions because we want to make the user experiences better, please grant them!"
- Inside the onRequestPermissionResult method, by using the following DSL:
override fun onRequestPermissionsResult(
theRequestCode: Int,
thePermissions: Array<String>,
theGrantResults: IntArray
) {
onRequestPermissionResultHandler {
actualRequestCode = theRequestCode
expectRequestCode = this@MyActivity.requestCode
permissions = thePermissions
grantResultsParam = theGrantResults
onSuccess {
// Do what you want
onFailure {
// You don't get the permission, do something
onNeverAskAgain {
message = "We noticed you have disabled some permissions . We will take you to the Application settings, you can re-enable the permission there."