All URIs are relative to https://localhost/alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1
Method | HTTP request | Description |
copyNode | POST /nodes/{nodeId}/copy | Copy a node |
createAssociation | POST /nodes/{nodeId}/targets | Create node association |
createNode | POST /nodes/{nodeId}/children | Create a node |
createSecondaryChildAssociation | POST /nodes/{nodeId}/secondary-children | Create secondary child |
deleteAssociation | DELETE /nodes/{nodeId}/targets/{targetId} | Delete node association(s) |
deleteNode | DELETE /nodes/{nodeId} | Delete a node |
deleteNodes | Deletes multiple nodes | |
deleteSecondaryChildAssociation | DELETE /nodes/{nodeId}/secondary-children/{childId} | Delete secondary child or children |
getNode | GET /nodes/{nodeId} | Get a node |
getNodeContent | GET /nodes/{nodeId}/content | Get node content |
listNodeChildren | GET /nodes/{nodeId}/children | List node children |
listParents | GET /nodes/{nodeId}/parents | List parents |
listSecondaryChildren | GET /nodes/{nodeId}/secondary-children | List secondary children |
listSourceAssociations | GET /nodes/{nodeId}/sources | List source associations |
listTargetAssociations | GET /nodes/{nodeId}/targets | List target associations |
lockNode | POST /nodes/{nodeId}/lock | Lock a node |
moveNode | POST /nodes/{nodeId}/move | Move a node |
requestDirectAccessUrl | POST /nodes/{nodeId}/request-direct-access-url | Generate a direct access content url for a given node |
unlockNode | POST /nodes/{nodeId}/unlock | Unlock a node |
updateNode | PUT /nodes/{nodeId} | Update a node |
updateNodeContent | PUT /nodes/{nodeId}/content | Update node content |
Copy a node
this endpoint is available in Alfresco 5.2 and newer versions.
Copies the node nodeId to the parent folder node targetParentId. You specify the targetParentId in the request body.
The new node has the same name as the source node unless you specify a new name in the request body.
If the source nodeId is a folder, then all of its children are also copied.
If the source nodeId is a file, it's properties, aspects and tags are copied, it's ratings, comments and locks are not.
Name | Type | Description |
nodeId | string | The identifier of a node. |
nodeBodyCopy | NodeBodyCopy | The targetParentId and, optionally, a new name which should include the file extension. |
opts.include | string[] | Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: allowableOperations , association , isLink , isFavorite , isLocked , path , permissions , definition |
opts.fields | string[] | A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter. |
Return type: NodeEntry
import { AlfrescoApi, NodesApi } from '@alfresco/js-api';
const alfrescoApi = new AlfrescoApi(/*..*/);
const nodesApi = new NodesApi(alfrescoApi);
const nodeBodyCopy = {};
const opts = {};
nodesApi.copyNode(`<nodeId>`, nodeBodyCopy, opts).then((data) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Create node association
this endpoint is available in Alfresco 5.2 and newer versions.
Create an association, with the given association type, between the source nodeId and a target node.
Note: You can create more than one association by specifying a list of associations in the JSON body like this:
"targetId": "string",
"assocType": "string"
"targetId": "string",
"assocType": "string"
If you specify a list as input, then a paginated list rather than an entry is returned in the response body. For example:
"list": {
"pagination": {
"count": 2,
"hasMoreItems": false,
"totalItems": 2,
"skipCount": 0,
"maxItems": 100
"entries": [
"entry": {
"entry": {
Name | Type | Description |
nodeId | string | The identifier of a source node. |
associationBodyCreate | AssociationBody | The target node id and assoc type. |
opts.fields | string[] | A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter. |
Return type: AssociationEntry
import { AlfrescoApi, NodesApi } from '@alfresco/js-api';
const alfrescoApi = new AlfrescoApi(/*..*/);
const nodesApi = new NodesApi(alfrescoApi);
const associationBodyCreate = {};
const opts = {};
nodesApi.createAssociation(`<nodeId>`, associationBodyCreate, opts).then((data) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Create a node
this endpoint is available in Alfresco 5.2 and newer versions.
Create a node and add it as a primary child of node nodeId.
This endpoint supports both JSON
and multipart/form-data
(file upload).
Using multipart/form-data
Use the filedata field to represent the content to upload, for example, the following curl command will create a node with the contents of test.txt in the test user's home folder.
curl -utest:test -X POST host:port/alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1/nodes/-my-/children -F [email protected]
You can use the name field to give an alternative name for the new file.
You can use the nodeType field to create a specific type. The default is cm:content.
You can use the renditions field to create renditions (e.g. doclib) asynchronously upon upload. Also, as requesting rendition is a background process, any rendition failure (e.g. No transformer is currently available) will not fail the whole upload and has the potential to silently fail.
Use overwrite to overwrite an existing file, matched by name. If the file is versionable, the existing content is replaced.
When you overwrite existing content, you can set the majorVersion boolean field to true to indicate a major version should be created. The default for majorVersion is false. Setting majorVersion enables versioning of the node, if it is not already versioned.
When you overwrite existing content, you can use the comment field to add a version comment that appears in the version history. This also enables versioning of this node, if it is not already versioned.
You can set the autoRename boolean field to automatically resolve name clashes. If there is a name clash, then the API method tries to create a unique name using an integer suffix.
You can use the relativePath field to specify the folder structure to create relative to the node nodeId. Folders in the relativePath that do not exist are created before the node is created.
Any other field provided will be treated as a property to set on the newly created node.
setting properties of type d:content and d:category are not supported.
Using JSON
You must specify at least a name and nodeType. For example, to create a folder:
"name": "My Folder",
"nodeType": "cm:folder"
You can create an empty file like this:
"name": "My text file.txt",
"nodeType": "cm:content"
You can update binary content using the PUT /nodes/{nodeId}
API method.
You can create a folder, or other node, inside a folder hierarchy:
"name": "My Special Folder",
"nodeType": "cm:folder",
"relativePath": "X/Y/Z"
The relativePath specifies the folder structure to create relative to the node nodeId. Folders in the relativePath that do not exist are created before the node is created.
You can set properties when you create a new node:
"name": "My Other Folder",
"nodeType": "cm:folder",
"cm:title": "Folder title",
"cm:description": "This is an important folder"
You can set multi-value properties when you create a new node which supports properties of type multiple.
"name": "My Other Folder",
"nodeType": "custom:destination",
"cm:title": "Folder title",
"cm:description": "This is an important folder",
"custom:locations": [
"location X",
"location Y"
Any missing aspects are applied automatically. For example, cm:titled in the JSON shown above. You can set aspects explicitly, if needed, using an aspectNames field.
setting properties of type
are not supported.
You can also optionally disable (or enable) inherited permissions via isInheritanceEnabled flag:
"isInheritanceEnabled": false,
{"authorityId": "GROUP_special", "name": "Read", "accessStatus":"DENIED"},
{"authorityId": "testuser", "name": "Contributor", "accessStatus":"ALLOWED"}
Typically, for files and folders, the primary children are created within the parent folder using the default "cm:contains" assocType. If the content model allows then it is also possible to create primary children with a different assoc type. For example:
"name": "My Node",
"nodeType": "my:specialNodeType",
"association": {
"assocType": "my:specialAssocType"
Additional associations can be added after creating a node. You can also add associations at the time the node is created. This is required, for example, if the content model specifies that a node has mandatory associations to one or more existing nodes.
You can optionally specify an array of secondaryChildren to create one or more secondary child associations, such that the newly created node acts as a parent node.
You can optionally specify an array of targets to create one or more peer associations such that the newly created node acts as a source node. For example, to associate one or more secondary children at time of creation:
"name": "My Folder",
"nodeType": "cm:folder",
"childId": "abcde-01234-...",
"assocType": "my:specialChildAssocType"
For example, to associate one or more targets at time of creation:
"name": "My Folder",
"nodeType": "cm:folder",
"targetId": "abcde-01234-...",
"assocType": "my:specialPeerAssocType"
Note: You can create more than one child by specifying a list of nodes in the JSON body. For example, the following JSON body creates two folders inside the specified nodeId, if the nodeId identifies a folder:
"name":"My Folder 1",
"name":"My Folder 2",
If you specify a list as input, then a paginated list rather than an entry is returned in the response body. For example:
"list": {
"pagination": {
"count": 2,
"hasMoreItems": false,
"totalItems": 2,
"skipCount": 0,
"maxItems": 100
"entries": [
"entry": {
"entry": {
Name | Type | Description |
nodeId | string | The identifier of a node. You can also use one of these well-known aliases: -my- , -shared- , -root- |
nodeBodyCreate | NodeBodyCreate | The node information to create. |
opts.autoRename | boolean | If true, then a name clash will cause an attempt to auto rename by finding a unique name using an integer suffix. |
opts.include | string[] | Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: allowableOperations , association , isLink , isFavorite , isLocked , path , permissions , definition |
opts.fields | string[] | A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter. |
Return type: NodeEntry
import { AlfrescoApi, NodesApi } from '@alfresco/js-api';
const alfrescoApi = new AlfrescoApi(/*..*/);
const nodesApi = new NodesApi(alfrescoApi);
const nodeBodyCreate = {};
const opts = {};
nodesApi.createNode(`<nodeId>`, nodeBodyCreate, opts).then((data) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Create secondary child
this endpoint is available in Alfresco 5.2 and newer versions.
Create a secondary child association, with the given association type, between the parent nodeId and a child node.
Note: You can create more than one secondary child association by specifying a list of associations in the JSON body like this:
"childId": "string",
"assocType": "string"
"childId": "string",
"assocType": "string"
If you specify a list as input, then a paginated list rather than an entry is returned in the response body. For example:
"list": {
"pagination": {
"count": 2,
"hasMoreItems": false,
"totalItems": 2,
"skipCount": 0,
"maxItems": 100
"entries": [
"entry": {
"entry": {
Name | Type | Description |
nodeId | string | The identifier of a parent node. |
secondaryChildAssociationBodyCreate | ChildAssociationBody | The child node id and assoc type. |
opts.fields | string[] | A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter. |
Return type: ChildAssociationEntry
import { AlfrescoApi, NodesApi } from '@alfresco/js-api';
const alfrescoApi = new AlfrescoApi(/*..*/);
const nodesApi = new NodesApi(alfrescoApi);
const secondaryChildAssociationBodyCreate = {};
const opts = {};
nodesApi.createSecondaryChildAssociation(nodeId, secondaryChildAssociationBodyCreate, opts).then((data) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Delete node association(s)
this endpoint is available in Alfresco 5.2 and newer versions.
Delete an association, or associations, from the source *nodeId to a target node for the given association type.
If the association type is not specified, then all peer associations, of any type, in the direction from source to target, are deleted.
After removal of the peer association, or associations, from source to target, the two nodes may still have peer associations in the other direction.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
nodeId | string | The identifier of a source node. | |
targetId | string | The identifier of a target node. | |
opts.assocType | string | Only delete associations of this type. | [optional] |
import { AlfrescoApi, NodesApi } from '@alfresco/js-api';
const alfrescoApi = new AlfrescoApi(/*..*/);
const nodesApi = new NodesApi(alfrescoApi);
const opts = { };
nodesApi.deleteAssociation(`<nodeId>`, `<targetId>`, opts).then(() => {
console.log('API called successfully.');
Delete a node
this endpoint is available in **Alfresco 5.**2 and newer versions.
Deletes the node nodeId.
If nodeId is a folder, then its children are also deleted.
Deleted nodes move to the trashcan unless the permanent query parameter is true and the current user is the owner of the node or an admin.
Deleting a node deletes it from its primary parent and also from any secondary parents. Peer associations are also deleted, where the deleted node is either a source or target of an association. This applies recursively to any hierarchy of primary children of the deleted node.
Note: If the node is not permanently deleted, and is later successfully restored to its former primary parent, then the primary child association is restored. This applies recursively for any primary children. No other secondary child associations or peer associations are restored for any of the nodes in the primary parent-child hierarchy of restored nodes, regardless of whether the original associations were to nodes inside or outside the restored hierarchy.
Name | Type | Description |
nodeId | string | The identifier of a node. |
opts.permanent | boolean | If true then the node is deleted permanently, without moving to the trashcan. Only the owner of the node or an admin can permanently delete the node. |
import { AlfrescoApi, NodesApi } from '@alfresco/js-api';
const alfrescoApi = new AlfrescoApi(/*..*/);
const nodesApi = new NodesApi(alfrescoApi);
const opts = { };
nodesApi.deleteNode(`<nodeId>`, opts).then(() => {
console.log('API called successfully.');
Delete multiple nodes
this endpoint is available in Alfresco 5.2 and newer versions.
Deletes the nodes specified in the nodeIds array.
Name | Type | Description |
nodeIds | string[] | The list of node IDs to delete. |
opts.permanent | boolean | If true then nodes are deleted permanently, without moving to the trashcan. Only the owner of the node or an admin can permanently delete the node. |
import { AlfrescoApi, NodesApi } from '@alfresco/js-api';
const alfrescoApi = new AlfrescoApi(/*..*/);
const nodesApi = new NodesApi(alfrescoApi);
const opts = { };
nodesApi.deleteNodes(`[<nodeId1>, <nodeId2>]`, opts).then(() => {
console.log('API called successfully.');
Delete secondary child or children
this endpoint is available in Alfresco 5.2 and newer versions.
Delete secondary child associations between the parent nodeId and child nodes for the given association type.
If the association type is not specified, then all secondary child associations, of any type in the direction from parent to secondary child, will be deleted. The child will still have a primary parent and may still be associated as a secondary child with other secondary parents.
Name | Type | Description |
nodeId | string | The identifier of a parent node. |
childId | string | The identifier of a child node. |
opts.assocType | string | Only delete associations of this type. |
import { AlfrescoApi, NodesApi } from '@alfresco/js-api';
const alfrescoApi = new AlfrescoApi(/*..*/);
const nodesApi = new NodesApi(alfrescoApi);
const opts = {};
nodesApi.deleteSecondaryChildAssociation(`<nodeId>`, `<childId>`, opts).then(() => {
console.log('API called successfully.');
Get a node
this endpoint is available in Alfresco 5.2 and newer versions.
Get information for node nodeId.
You can use the include parameter to return additional information.
Name | Type | Description |
nodeId | string | The identifier of a node. You can also use one of these well-known aliases: -my- , -shared- , -root- |
opts.include | string[] | Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: allowableOperations , association , isLink , isFavorite , isLocked , path , permissions , definition |
opts.relativePath | string | A path relative to the nodeId. If you set this, information is returned on the node resolved by this path. |
opts.fields | string[] | A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter. |
Return type: NodeEntry
import { AlfrescoApi, NodesApi } from '@alfresco/js-api';
const alfrescoApi = new AlfrescoApi(/*..*/);
const nodesApi = new NodesApi(alfrescoApi);
const opts = {};
nodesApi.getNode(`<nodeId>`, opts).then((data) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Get node content
this endpoint is available in Alfresco 5.2 and newer versions.
Gets the content of the node with identifier nodeId.
Name | Type | Description |
nodeId | string | The identifier of a node. |
attachment | boolean | true (default) enables a web browser to download the file as an attachment. false means a web browser may preview the file in a new tab or window, but not download the file. You can only set this parameter to false if the content type of the file is in the supported list; for example, certain image files and PDF files. If the content type is not supported for preview, then a value of false is ignored, and the attachment will be returned in the response. |
ifModifiedSince | Date | Only returns the content if it has been modified since the date provided. Use the date format defined by HTTP. For example, Wed, 09 Mar 2016 16:56:34 GMT. |
range | string | The Range header indicates the part of a document that the server should return. Single part request supported, for example: bytes=1-10. |
Return type: Blob
import { AlfrescoApi, NodesApi } from '@alfresco/js-api';
const alfrescoApi = new AlfrescoApi(/*..*/);
const nodesApi = new NodesApi(alfrescoApi);
const opts = {};
nodesApi.getNodeContent(`<nodeId>`, opts).then((data) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
List node children
this endpoint is available in Alfresco 5.2 and newer versions.
Gets a list of children of the parent node nodeId.
Minimal information for each child is returned by default.
You can use the include parameter to return additional information.
The list of child nodes includes primary children and secondary children, if there are any.
You can use the include parameter (include=association) to return child association details for each child, including the assocType and the isPrimary flag.
The default sort order for the returned list is for folders to be sorted before files, and by ascending name.
You can override the default using orderBy to specify one or more fields to sort by. The default order is always ascending, but you can use an optional ASC or DESC modifier to specify an ascending or descending sort order.
For example, specifying orderBy=name DESC
returns a mixed folder/file list in descending name order.
You can use any of the following fields to order the results:
- isFolder
- name
- mimeType
- nodeType
- sizeInBytes
- modifiedAt
- createdAt
- modifiedByUser
- createdByUser
Name | Type | Description |
nodeId | string | The identifier of a node. You can also use one of these well-known aliases: -my- , -shared- , -root- |
skipCount | number | Default: 0. The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0. |
maxItems | number | Default: 100. The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100. |
orderBy | string[] | A string to control the order of the entities returned in a list. You can use the orderBy parameter to sort the list by one or more fields. Each field has a default sort order, which is normally ascending order. Read the API method implementation notes above to check if any fields used in this method have a descending default search order. To sort the entities in a specific order, you can use the ASC and DESC keywords for any field. |
where | string | Optionally filter the list. Here are some examples: where=(isFolder=true) , where=(isFile=true) , where=(nodeType='my:specialNodeType') , where=(nodeType='my:specialNodeType INCLUDESUBTYPES') , where=(isPrimary=true) , where=(assocType='my:specialAssocType') , where=(isPrimary=false and assocType='my:specialAssocType') |
include | string[] | Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: allowableOperations , aspectNames , association , isLink , isFavorite , isLocked , path , properties , permissions |
relativePath | string | Return information on children in the folder resolved by this path. The path is relative to nodeId. |
includeSource | boolean | Also include source in addition to entries with folder information on the parent node – either the specified parent nodeId, or as resolved by relativePath. |
fields | string[] | A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter. |
Return type: NodeChildAssociationPaging
import { AlfrescoApi, NodesApi } from '@alfresco/js-api';
const alfrescoApi = new AlfrescoApi(/*..*/);
const nodesApi = new NodesApi(alfrescoApi);
const opts = {};
nodesApi.listNodeChildren(`<nodeId>`, opts).then((data) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
List parents
this endpoint is available in Alfresco 5.2 and newer versions.
Gets a list of parent nodes that are associated with the current child nodeId.
The list includes both the primary parent and any secondary parents.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
nodeId | string | The identifier of a child node. You can also use one of these well-known aliases: -my- , -shared- , -root- |
where | string | Optionally filter the list by assocType and/or isPrimary. Here are some example filters: where=(assocType='my:specialAssocType') , where=(isPrimary=true) , where=(isPrimary=false and assocType='my:specialAssocType') |
include | string[] | Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: allowableOperations , aspectNames , isLink , isFavorite , isLocked , path , properties |
skipCount | number | The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0. | default to 0 |
maxItems | number | The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100. | default to 100 |
includeSource | boolean | Also include source (in addition to entries) with folder information on nodeId | |
fields | string[] | A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter. |
Return type: NodeAssociationPaging
import { AlfrescoApi, NodesApi } from '@alfresco/js-api';
const alfrescoApi = new AlfrescoApi(/*..*/);
const nodesApi = new NodesApi(alfrescoApi);
const opts = {};
nodesApi.listParents(`<nodeId>`, opts).then((data) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
List secondary children
this endpoint is available in Alfresco 5.2 and newer versions.
Gets a list of secondary child nodes that are associated with the current parent nodeId, via a secondary child association.
Name | Type | Description |
nodeId | string | The identifier of a parent node. You can also use one of these well-known aliases: -my- , -shared- , -root- |
opts.where | string | Optionally filter the list by assocType. Here's an example: where=(assocType='my:specialAssocType') |
opts.include | string[] | Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: allowableOperations , aspectNames , isLink , isFavorite , isLocked , path , properties |
opts.skipCount | number | Default: 0. The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0. |
opts.maxItems | number | Default: 100. The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100. |
opts.includeSource | boolean | Also include source (in addition to entries) with folder information on nodeId |
opts.fields | string[] | A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter. |
Return type: NodeChildAssociationPaging
import { AlfrescoApi, NodesApi } from '@alfresco/js-api';
const alfrescoApi = new AlfrescoApi(/*..*/);
const nodesApi = new NodesApi(alfrescoApi);
const opts = {};
nodesApi.listSecondaryChildren(`<nodeId>`, opts).then((data) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
List source associations
this endpoint is available in Alfresco 5.2 and newer versions.
Gets a list of source nodes that are associated with the current target nodeId.
Name | Type | Description |
nodeId | string | The identifier of a target node. |
opts.where | string | Optionally filter the list by assocType. Here's an example: where=(assocType='my:specialAssocType') |
opts.include | string[] | Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: allowableOperations , aspectNames , isLink , isFavorite , isLocked , path , properties |
opts.fields | string[] | A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter. |
Return type: NodeAssociationPaging
import { AlfrescoApi, NodesApi } from '@alfresco/js-api';
const alfrescoApi = new AlfrescoApi(/*..*/);
const nodesApi = new NodesApi(alfrescoApi);
const opts = {};
nodesApi.listSourceAssociations(`<nodeId>`, opts).then((data) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
List target associations
this endpoint is available in Alfresco 5.2 and newer versions.
Gets a list of target nodes that are associated with the current source nodeId.
Name | Type | Description |
nodeId | string | The identifier of a source node. |
opts.where | string | Optionally filter the list by assocType. Here's an example: where=(assocType='my:specialAssocType') |
opts.include | string[] | Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: allowableOperations , aspectNames , isLink , isFavorite , isLocked , path , properties |
opts.fields | string[] | A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter. |
Return type: NodeAssociationPaging
import { AlfrescoApi, NodesApi } from '@alfresco/js-api';
const alfrescoApi = new AlfrescoApi(/*..*/);
const nodesApi = new NodesApi(alfrescoApi);
const opts = {};
nodesApi.listTargetAssociations(`<nodeId>`, opts).then((data) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Lock a node
this endpoint is available in Alfresco 5.2 and newer versions.
Places a lock on node nodeId.
Note: you can only lock files. More specifically, a node can only be locked if it is of type cm:content or a subtype of cm:content.
The lock is owned by the current user, and prevents other users or processes from making updates to the node until the lock is released.
If the timeToExpire is not set or is zero, then the lock never expires. Otherwise, the timeToExpire is the number of seconds before the lock expires.
When a lock expires, the lock is released.
If the node is already locked, and the user is the lock owner, then the lock is renewed with the new timeToExpire.
By default, a lock is applied that allows the owner to update or delete the node. You can use type to change the lock type to one of the following:
- ALLOW_OWNER_CHANGES (default) changes to the node can be made only by the lock owner. This enum is the same value as the deprecated
described inorg.alfresco.service.cmr.lock.LockType
in the Alfresco Public Java API. This is the default value. - FULL no changes by any user are allowed. This enum is the same value as the deprecated
described inorg.alfresco.service.cmr.lock.LockType
in the Alfresco Public Java API.
By default, a lock is persisted in the database. You can create a volatile in-memory lock by setting the lifetime property to EPHEMERAL.
You might choose use EPHEMERAL
locks, for example, if you are taking frequent short-term locks that you don't need
to be kept over a restart of the repository. In this case you don't need the
overhead of writing the locks to the database.
If a lock on the node cannot be taken, then an error is returned.
Name | Type | Description |
nodeId | string | The identifier of a node. |
nodeBodyLock | NodeBodyLock | Lock details. |
include | string[] | Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: allowableOperations , association , isLink , isFavorite , isLocked , path , permissions , definition |
fields | string[] | A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter. |
Return type: NodeEntry
import { AlfrescoApi, NodesApi } from '@alfresco/js-api';
const alfrescoApi = new AlfrescoApi(/*..*/);
const nodesApi = new NodesApi(alfrescoApi);
const nodeBodyLock = {};
const opts = {};
nodesApi.lockNode(`<nodeId>`, nodeBodyLock, opts).then((data) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Move a node
this endpoint is available in Alfresco 5.2 and newer versions.
Move the node nodeId to the parent folder node targetParentId.
The targetParentId is specified in the in request body.
The moved node retains its name unless you specify a new name in the request body.
If the source nodeId is a folder, then its children are also moved.
The move will effectively change the primary parent.
Name | Type | Description |
nodeId | string | The identifier of a node. |
nodeBodyMove | NodeBodyMove | The targetParentId and, optionally, a new name which should include the file extension. |
opts.include | string[] | Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: allowableOperations , association , isLink , isFavorite , isLocked , path , permissions , definition |
opts.fields | string[] | A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter. |
Return type: NodeEntry
import { AlfrescoApi, NodesApi } from '@alfresco/js-api';
const alfrescoApi = new AlfrescoApi(/*..*/);
const nodesApi = new NodesApi(alfrescoApi);
const nodeBodyMove = {};
const opts = {};
nodesApi.moveNode(`<nodeId>`, nodeBodyMove, opts).then((data) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Generate a direct access content url for a given node
this endpoint is available in Alfresco 7.1 and newer versions.
Name | Type | Description |
nodeId | string | The identifier of a node. |
Return type: DirectAccessUrlEntry
import { AlfrescoApi, NodesApi } from '@alfresco/js-api';
const alfrescoApi = new AlfrescoApi(/*..*/);
const nodesApi = new NodesApi(alfrescoApi);
const nodeId = 'da2e6953-3850-408b-8284-3534dd777417';
nodesApi.requestDirectAccessUrl(nodeId).then((data) => {
console.log('URL generated successfully: ', data.contentUrl);
Unlock a node
this endpoint is available in Alfresco 5.2 and newer versions.
Deletes a lock on node nodeId.
The current user must be the owner of the locks or have admin rights, otherwise an error is returned.
If a lock on the node cannot be released, then an error is returned.
Name | Type | Description |
nodeId | string | The identifier of a node. |
opts.include | string[] | Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: allowableOperations , association , isLink , isFavorite , isLocked , path , permissions , definition |
opts.fields | string[] | A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter. |
Return type: NodeEntry
import { AlfrescoApi, NodesApi } from '@alfresco/js-api';
const alfrescoApi = new AlfrescoApi(/*..*/);
const nodesApi = new NodesApi(alfrescoApi);
const opts = {};
nodesApi.unlockNode(`nodeId`, opts).then((data) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Update a node
this endpoint is available in Alfresco 5.2 and newer versions.
Updates the node nodeId. For example, you can rename a file or folder:
"name":"My new name"
You can also set or update one or more properties:
"cm:title":"Folder title"
You can update multi-value properties of a node which supports properties of type multiple.
"name":"My Other Folder",
"cm:title":"Folder title",
"cm:description":"This is an important folder",
"custom:locations": [
"location NewX",
"location NewY"
Note: setting properties of type d:content and d:category are not supported.
Note: if you want to add or remove aspects, then you must use GET /nodes/{nodeId} first to get the complete set of aspectNames.
You can add (or remove) locallySet permissions, if any, in addition to any inherited permissions. You can also optionally disable (or re-enable) inherited permissions via isInheritanceEnabled flag:
"isInheritanceEnabled": false,
{"authorityId": "GROUP_special", "name": "Read", "accessStatus":"DENIED"},
{"authorityId": "testuser", "name": "Contributor", "accessStatus":"ALLOWED"}
Note: if you want to add or remove locally set permissions then you must use GET /nodes/{nodeId} first to get the complete set of locallySet permissions.
Note: Currently there is no optimistic locking for updates, so they are applied in "last one wins" order.
Name | Type | Description |
nodeId | string | The identifier of a node. |
nodeBodyUpdate | NodeBodyUpdate | The node information to update. |
opts.include | string[] | Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: allowableOperations , association , isLink , isFavorite , isLocked , path , permissions , definition |
opts.fields | string[] | A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter. |
Return type: NodeEntry
import { AlfrescoApi, NodesApi } from '@alfresco/js-api';
const alfrescoApi = new AlfrescoApi(/*..*/);
const nodesApi = new NodesApi(alfrescoApi);
const nodeBodyUpdate = {};
const opts = {};
nodesApi.updateNode(`<nodeId>`, nodeBodyUpdate, opts).then((data) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Update node content
this endpoint is available in Alfresco 5.2 and newer versions.
Updates the content of the node with identifier nodeId.
The request body for this endpoint can be any text or binary stream.
The majorVersion and comment parameters can be used to control versioning behaviour. If the content is versionable, a new minor version is created by default.
Optionally a new name parameter can also be specified that must be unique within the parent folder. If specified and valid then this will rename the node. If invalid then an error is returned and the content is not updated.
Note: This API method accepts any content type, but for testing with this tool text based content can be provided. This is because the OpenAPI Specification does not allow a wildcard to be provided or the ability for tooling to accept an arbitrary file.
Name | Type | Description |
nodeId | string | The identifier of a node. |
contentBodyUpdate | string | The binary content |
opts.majorVersion | boolean | If true, create a major version. Setting this parameter also enables versioning of this node, if it is not already versioned. |
opts.comment | string | Add a version comment which will appear in version history. Setting this parameter also enables versioning of this node, if it is not already versioned. | | string | Optional new name. This should include the file extension. The name must not contain spaces or the following special characters: * " < > \\ / ? : and | . The character . must not be used at the end of the name. |
opts.include | string[] | Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: allowableOperations , association , isLink , isFavorite , isLocked , path , permissions , definition |
opts.fields | string[] | A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter. |
Return type: NodeEntry
import { AlfrescoApi, NodesApi } from '@alfresco/js-api';
const alfrescoApi = new AlfrescoApi(/*..*/);
const nodesApi = new NodesApi(alfrescoApi);
const contentBodyUpdate = {};
const opts = {};
nodesApi.updateNodeContent(`<nodeId>`, contentBodyUpdate, opts).then((data) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The name must not contain spaces or the following special characters: * \" < > \\ / ? : and | . The character . must not be used at the end of the name. |
nodeType | string | |
aspectNames | string[] | |
properties | Map<string, string> | |
permissions | PermissionsBody |
Name | Type |
list | NodeAssociationPagingList |
Name | Type |
pagination | Pagination |
entries | NodeAssociationEntry[] |
source | Node |
Name | Type |
entry | NodeAssociation |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | |
name | string | The name must not contain spaces or the following special characters: * \" < > \\ / ? : and | . The character . must not be used at the end of the name. |
nodeType | string | |
isFolder | boolean | |
isFile | boolean | |
isLocked | boolean | |
modifiedAt | Date | |
modifiedByUser | UserInfo | |
createdAt | Date | |
createdByUser | UserInfo | |
parentId | string | |
isLink | boolean | |
isFavorite | boolean | |
content | ContentInfo | |
aspectNames | string[] | |
properties | any | |
allowableOperations | string[] | |
path | PathInfo | |
permissions | PermissionsInfo | |
definition | Definition | |
association | AssociationInfo |
Name | Type | Description |
targetParentId | string | |
name | string | The name must not contain spaces or the following special characters: * \" < > \\ / ? : and | . The character . must not be used at the end of the name. |
Name | Type |
timeToExpire | number |
type | string |
lifetime | string |
Name | Type | Description |
targetParentId | string | |
name | string | The name must not contain spaces or the following special characters: * \" < > \\ / ? : and | . The character . must not be used at the end of the name. |
Name | Type |
list | NodeChildAssociationPagingList |
Name | Type |
pagination | Pagination |
entries | NodeChildAssociationEntry[] |
source | Node |
Name | Type |
entry | NodeChildAssociation |
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | |
name | string | The name must not contain spaces or the following special characters: * \" < > \\ / ? : and | . The character . must not be used at the end of the name. |
nodeType | string | |
isFolder | boolean | |
isFile | boolean | |
isLocked | boolean | |
modifiedAt | Date | |
modifiedByUser | UserInfo | |
createdAt | Date | |
createdByUser | UserInfo | |
parentId | string | |
isLink | boolean | |
isFavorite | boolean | |
content | ContentInfo | |
aspectNames | string[] | |
properties | any | |
allowableOperations | string[] | |
path | PathInfo | |
permissions | PermissionsInfo | |
definition | Definition | |
association | ChildAssociationInfo |
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The name must not contain spaces or the following special characters: * \" < > \\ / ? : and | . The character . must not be used at the end of the name. |
nodeType | string | |
aspectNames | string[] | |
properties | any | |
permissions | PermissionsBody | |
definition | Definition | |
relativePath | string | |
association | NodeBodyCreateAssociation | |
secondaryChildren | ChildAssociationBody[] | |
targets | AssociationBody[] |
Name | Type |
assocType | string |
Name | Type |
targetId | string |
assocType | string |
Name | Type |
childId | string |
assocType | string |
Name | Type |
isInheritanceEnabled | boolean |
locallySet | PermissionElement[] |