This project shall display a map of germany, stripped down to community level, where the next globus supermarket is. This is due to the fact that i really love Leberkaesebroetchen for 1 Euro from globus and I wanted to know how far the next one is based on where people are living
The simplest way do have working setup is to use docker-compose
docker-compose up --build
Afterwards, the server is available at http://localhost:54721
To develop , you need to install uv
pip install uv
Then, the easiest way is to sync
with the development dependencies,
and activate the virtual env
uv sync --extra dev
. .venv/bin/activate
and install the pre-commit
pre-commit install
Now, you are ready to code! For details about uv
usage, check
the uv documentation
├── apps (real visualiziation apps like notebooks)
├── data
│ ├── external (data from external sources)
│ ├── interim (data preprocessed but not ready for visualization yet)
│ └── processed (finished processed data used for visualization
├── processing (notebooks used to process and prepare data)
└── ... (all other default top-levelfiles)
Note: Not all external
data is checked in due to size contraints,
see the
in data
for details.
- Not every globus has a Leberkaesebroetchen for 1 Euro, but it is not easy to find out which one have and which not. Therefore, it shows all globus (which is an overapproximation)