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Brief Guide to Python Examples

This subdirectory contains Python versions of some of the example programs. Some details of tests carried out on the programs are also given. Do not expect to duplicate these results exactly, they are simply a guide as to the kind of behaviour to expect. If you find a definite programming error, please report it via the Issues tab above (you will need to be signed into GitHub to do this).

Python has some advantages over Fortran: it is an interpreted language, rather than a compiled one, which allows faster code development, and it has a natural (and readable) programming style. Variables may be created and redefined at runtime, as required. Object-oriented programming fits very well with the Python design, but it is well suited to other styles as well. It is widely used as a vehicle to introduce students to scientific programming. For an excellent introductory text, see:

Python has one major drawback, when compared with Fortran and other compiled languages: it is very slow in execution. To partially counter this, the NumPy package offers more efficient handling of array structures. The syntax of NumPy is surprisingly close to that of Fortran in some respects, especially for combining arrays. On top of this, NumPy and the SciPy package provide a huge variety of scientific libraries, and our Python examples make extensive use of these. Nonetheless, any code which cannot be handled in vectorized form by NumPy will still run slowly. Several strategies are available to address these issues (for example, Cython, SWIG, and F2PY which is part of NumPy), but we do not attempt to follow these here. As always, the main aim of these examples is to illustrate ideas in the text, not to provide programs for practical use. The reader should feel free to experiment with ways to make the programs run faster!

In the past few years, the community has made the transition from Python 2 to Python 3. There are some incompatibilities between the two, and since a choice had to be made, we settled on Python 3 for these examples. We indicate this by the string

#!/usr/bin/env python3

at the top of each source file. On many systems, this will allow the files to be run directly by typing their name, for example ./; otherwise it will be necessary to type, for example, python3, or just python, depending on your particular installation of Python. (Of course, in most cases, it will also be necessary to input data to the program.) The examples will not work with Python 2! For an introduction to the differences between Python 2 and Python 3, see the What's New in Python 3.0 page. The most obvious changes are

  1. print(a) is a function; print a will return an error.
  2. An expression like 1/2 will return a float; if you want a truncated integer, use 1//2.
  3. Various methods, such as dict.keys(), return views, and various functions, such as zip, return iterators, instead of lists.

Anyone coming from a Fortran background should note the use of indentation in Python to indicate the range of conditional constructs and loops; there is no end if statement! Fortran experts should also be aware that indices for arrays (and other entities) follow the C-convention of numbering from 0 upwards. Arrays cannot have negative indices; rather, the notation a[-1] refers to numbering backwards from the end of the array. A more subtle point is that, in the slice notation a[i:j], the upper index j is excluded, so for example a[1:3] consists of the elements a[1] and a[2], whereas in Fortran the analogous notation a(i:j) refers to elements i through j inclusive. Yet more subtlety lies in the distinction between an assignment statement which makes a fresh copy of an object, such as an array or array slice, and an assignment which merely gives a name to a view of that object. In the second case, no new memory locations are used, and changing the value associated with one of the objects will affect both of them: they are really the same object. This is a powerful, and memory-efficient, approach, but can be confusing!

Data Input

In the Fortran examples we use a namelist to input a few parameters from standard input, but Python does not have this. Instead, to provide a keyword based syntax, we input these values using the widespread JSON format. As a minimum, the program will expect to read {} (an empty list), and on a Linux/Unix/bash system a typical command line would be

echo '{}' | ./

or similar. To change the parameters, the JSON list might include the new values like this

{ "nblock":20, "nstep":1000, "temperature":2.0 }

Alternatively the list may be supplied in a file, for instance run.inp containing


and the program run like this

./ < run.inp

As indicated, the "key":value pairs may be set out on different lines if you wish. The appearance is very similar to a Python dictionary, and indeed the data is loaded and parsed into a dictionary for further processing. Note carefully that we use a colon : rather than an equals sign to separate the key from the value, and that the keys should be enclosed in double quotes "...". To avoid some fairly basic exceptions later in the program, we usually type-check the data (Python enthusiasts may disapprove of this) so integer values must not have a decimal point, while floating-point values must have one (and at least one digit following the point, for example 1.0, otherwise JSON raises an exception). String values need to be enclosed, like the keys, in double quotes. Boolean (logical) values are indicated by true or false (whereas in Python they are denoted True and False respectively). The variables which may be set in this way are typically considered one by one in our programs: those whose names correspond to keys supplied in the input file are given the input values, while the others are given values taken from another defaults dictionary.

Initial Configuration

Simulation runs for bulk liquids require a starting configuration which can usually be prepared using the program. The default parameters produce an FCC configuration of 256 atoms at reduced density ρ=0.75, writing out just the positions (for an MC program) to a file cnf.inp. You would run the program as described above, for instance on a Linux/Unix/bash system like this

echo '{}' | ./

If the parameter "velocities":true is supplied within the JSON list, then positions and velocities are written to the file, corresponding to a reduced temperature T = 1.0. These values of ρ and T (see below) lie in the liquid region of the Lennard-Jones phase diagram. Non-default values may, of course, be supplied for this or other models. The cnf.inp file may then be copied to the directory in which the run is carried out. Typically, runs produce a final configuration cnf.out (which may be renamed to cnf.inp as a starting point for further runs) and intermediate configurations cnf.001, cnf.002 etc during the run.

Some of the programs simulate a single chain of atoms, without periodic boundary conditions. Initial configurations for these may also be prepared using the program, selecting "molecules":"chain", an appropriate number of atoms, for example "n":13, and "velocities":true if required. There is an option "constraints":true if the velocities should be chosen with constraints applied relative to the bonds between neighbouring atoms in the chain.

A utility program, takes in an MC or MD configuration and scales the velocities to change the kinetic energy per atom by a specified amount, and/or the positions (and the box length) to change the density by a specified amount. You may prefer to write your own program or script to perform these types of operation.

Visualizing configurations

Our simulation configuration files have a very simple format: the first line is the number of molecules, the second line is the periodic box length (we always use cubic boxes), or occasionally the bond length (for chain molecules which are simulated without a box), and the third and subsequent lines each contain the coordinates of one atom or molecule. The first three numbers on each of these lines are always the (x,y,z) position, in simulation units (e.g. Lennard-Jones σ=1). The rest of the numbers on each line contain velocities, orientation vectors etc., as appropriate.

This format is not compatible with most molecular visualization programs, such as JMOL or VMD. However, conversion into the basic XYZ format is easily achieved using a simple program, script, or editor. For example, on most Linux/Unix systems, the awk language will be available:

awk '(NR==1) {print} (NR==2) {print "Comment line"} (NR>2) {printf "%5s%15.6f%15.6f%15.6f\n", ("Ar"),($1*3.4),($2*3.4),($3*3.4)}' cnf.inp >

This produces a file which should be recognized as a set of Argon atoms with positions (in Angstroms) appropriate to their van der Waals diameter. This can be read into a molecular visualizer, which will typically have various options for representing the atoms. No attempt is made here to represent the periodicity of the system in the file.

Lennard-Jones simulation programs

State points for the Lennard-Jones potential, in its cut (but not shifted) form, denoted (c), cut-and-shifted form, denoted (cs), and full form (f), are discussed in the Fortran examples GUIDE. Except where otherwise stated, we use our default liquid state point (ρ,T)=(0.75,1.0) for testing, with N=256 atoms, Rc=2.5σ, and compare with the same equations of state due to Thol et al

We provide a Python version of the equation-of-state program based on the formulae in those papers. For completeness, note that Thol et al also supply C++ programs, and tables of data, in the Supplementary Information associated with their papers. They are not responsible for our (Python) program!

The Python codes run much more slowly than the Fortran ones, and so typically our default parameters carry out shorter runs (e.g. 10 blocks of 1000 steps rather than 10 blocks of 20000 steps). For both MC and MD examples, we supply two versions of the code in the main module: a slow version built around the standard Python loops, which may be directly compared with the Fortran examples; and a fast version which uses NumPy library routines to replace the inner loop. This is tantamount to vectorizing the calculation in a very simple way. (We do not claim to have chosen the fastest NumPy method in our Python simulation codes; for examples of other approaches to the same problem, see the program). The variable fast controls which version is used, and by default is set to True, at the start of the main module; the user may override this by editing this statement, but the program will then run (yet another) order of magnitude more slowly, so it may be necessary to reduce the run length still further.

Lennard-Jones MD, BD and SMC programs

The first test of the MD codes is that energy, or the appropriate energy-like variable, is conserved. The following table uses runs of 10 blocks, each consisting of a number of steps to give 16 units of time per block with the indicated timestep (e.g. 1000×0.016, 2000×0.008 etc). We report the MSD values of the conserved variable for each program.

δt md_nve_lj md_nvt_lj md_npt_lj
0.016 4.1613×10-6 4.3865×10-6 5.4746×10-6
0.008 1.8896×10-7 2.0417×10-7 2.5920×10-7
0.004 1.3705×10-8 1.3769×10-8 2.0192×10-8
0.002 1.3866×10-9 1.1486×10-9 1.5887×10-9
0.001 1.2650×10-10 1.8297×10-10 2.3865×10-10

Log-log plots show the expected dependence MSD ∝ δt4, hence RMSD ∝ δt2, except for some small deviations at the smallest timestep.

Now we compare EOS data with typical test runs of our programs. The results in the following table use the same run lengths as for the Fortran examples (i.e. longer than the default value in the program), and default parameters otherwise. Results for Smart Monte Carlo and Brownian Dynamics are included, as they use the same cut-and-shifted potential.

Numbers in parentheses (here and in the following tables) indicate errors in the last quoted digit, estimated from block averages. Results without error estimates are fixed (such as the temperature or density) or conserved.

Source ρ T E (cs) P (cs) Cv (cs) E (f) P (f) Cv (f)
Thol et al (2015) (cs) 0.75 1.00 -2.9286 0.9897 2.2787
Thol et al (2016) (f) 0.75 1.00 -3.7212 0.3996 2.2630 0.75 1.0027(4) -2.9278 0.988(3) 2.24(1) -3.7274 0.387(3) 0.75 1.00 -2.937(3) 0.975(4) 2.1(1) -3.737(3) 0.374(4) 2.1(1)§ 0.7509(5) 1.00 -2.942(5) 0.994(1) -3.743(6) 0.3908(6) 0.75 1.0006(1) -2.9283(1) 0.9903(7) 2.26(1) -3.7279(1) 0.3887(7) 0.75 1.00 -2.934(2) 0.982(3) 2.4(1) -3.734(2) 0.381(3) 2.4(1)§‡ 0.7505(4) 1.00 -2.936(4) 0.9920(7) -3.736(5) 0.3896(2)
smc_nvt_lj♯(a) 0.75 1.00 -2.929(1) 0.979(3) 2.256(4) -3.729(1) 0.378(3) 2.264(4)
smc_nvt_lj♯(b) 0.75 1.00 -2.932(2) 0.95(1) 2.28(3) -3.732(2) 0.35(1) 2.29(3)
smc_nvt_lj♯(c) 0.75 1.00 -2.934(3) 0.94(1) 2.24(2) -3.733(3) 0.34(1) 2.24(2) 0.75 1.00 -2.931(3) 0.976(5) 2.2(1) -3.731(3) 0.374(5) 2.2(1)

§ The constant-pressure simulation was run at P=0.99, the program default.

♯ The smc_nvt_lj program was tested (a) in default, single-particle-move, mode, with δt=0.1; (b) in multi-particle mode, moving 100% of particles, with δt=0.02; and (c) in multi-particle mode, moving 30% of particles, with δt=0.03. These values give acceptance rates in the 45% – 55% range.

‡ Indicates a larger system size, N=864, and a neighbour-list method: the main program is edited to import routines from rather than A cell structure is used, similar to the Fortran example. Linked lists are not used (despite the module name!), as there is no advantage to this in Python. The resulting code is not especially efficient for this system size, with 4×4×4 cells, and in a practical application when performance is an issue Python/NumPy would probably not be used for the force routine. However, the module illustrates the basic idea of this approach.

Lennard-Jones MC programs

The results in the following table use the same run lengths as for the Fortran examples, and default parameters otherwise.

Source ρ T E (c) P (c) E (f) P (f) Cv (f)
Thol et al (2016) (f) 0.75 1.00 -3.3197 0.7008 -3.7212 0.3996 2.2630 0.75 1.00 -3.3315(7) 0.653(4) -3.7331(7) 0.352(4) 2.274(9)
mc_nvt_lj_re 0.75 1.00 -3.3314(4) 0.652(2) -3.7330(4) 0.351(2) 2.272(5) 0.7510(6) 1.00 -3.339(4) 0.69 -3.741(5) 0.360(2) 0.7497(3) 1.00 -3.329(2) 0.656(4) -3.731(2) 0.355(4)

♯ The mc_nvt_lj_re program was run for four temperatures, see below for details.

The measured pressures P (c) are systematically a little low. This reflects the approximate nature of the delta correction applied to the virial pressure, to account for the discontinuous potential at Rc. At the density ρ=0.75, with Rc=2.5, the pressure correction is Δ P≈-0.3, which is substantial. However, this estimate is based on the assumption that the pair distribution function g(Rc)=1. In fact, the choice Rc=2.5 is a poor one in this regard, lying near a local minimum where g(Rc)≈ 0.91 (an illustration of g(r) appears below in the Pair distribution function section). Consequently the applied correction is slightly too large, and the resulting estimated pressure is systematically too low by ≈ 0.03. This serves as a reminder to always make clear what the cutoff is, and what corrections (for discontinuities or long-range interactions) have been applied.

Gibbs Monte Carlo program

The program carries out Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo, and to test it we selected a temperature T=1.0, which is below the critical point for the cut (but not shifted) LJ potential (see tables above). It was found convenient to start from ready-equilibrated configurations generated by the corresponding Fortran code, and these in turn had been produced by starting from lower temperatures, and slowly raising T. Note that the program expects two starting configurations: cnf1.inp and cnf2.inp. The total number of atoms was fixed at NL+NG=512 and total volume VL+VG≈5514. Exchanges of box identity are expected as the critical temperature is approached, and so one should not place blind trust in the separate box averages reported by the program, but refer to histograms of density, energy etc., illustrative examples of which appear here.

mc_gibbs_lj histograms

At T=1.0, however, these exchanges of box identity are expected to be infrequent, were not observed in the test runs, and the averages corresponded well to literature values for the coexistence parameters. The production run corresponded to default parameters in the program, except that the run length was taken to be 10 blocks of 10000 steps, as for the Fortran example.

Source ρL ρG PL PG EL (c) EG (c)
Trokhymchuk et al MC 0.6542 0.0439 0.0336 0.0336
Trokhymchuk et al MD 0.6507 0.0500 0.0380 0.0380 -2.713 ‡ 1.047 ‡ 0.653(1) 0.050(1) 0.028(1) 0.038(1) -2.729(5) 1.053(7)

‡ Indicates values for given ρ and T from the Thol et al (2016) EOS (f) with cutoff correction.

The small discrepancy between measured pressures in the two phases reflects the approximate nature of the delta correction for potential discontinuity, particularly in the liquid phase (see above). For a density ρ≈ 0.65 and Rc=2.5 the pressure correction is Δ P≈-0.23. However, this assumes g(Rc)=1, whereas actually g(Rc)≈ 0.95 at this density. Hence the correction is too large by approximately 0.01.

Replica exchange program

The program uses MPI to handle communications between processes. Here are some notes on the way the code is written.

We have used the mpi4py package of Python bindings to MPI. To run this example you will have to install this package, with a compatible implementation of MPI. We have tested it with Open MPI. Other Python packages which interface with MPI and other implementations of MPI itself are, of course, available.

We have adopted the simple approach of communicating single Python objects using the supplied methods with lowercase names such as bcast, send, recv, allreduce, which employ pickle behind the scenes. NumPy arrays are exchanged as buffers, using the uppercase-named method Sendrecv_replace, with automatic detection of data type and length. This should be faster, but we have not made much effort to optimize the speed. The MPI Init and Finalize functions are not explicitly called: mpi4py invokes them automatically when the MPI module is loaded, and when the Python process exits, respectively.

We have only attempted to handle the most obvious errors at the start of the program, such as missing configuration files and incorrect user data, by closing down all the processes. A production code would take more care to handle exceptions during the run. Unhandled exceptions could possibly lead to processes hanging or becoming deadlocked, so you should be aware of the dangers in running this example.

In the program, all processes write to their standard output, but the default in MPI is for all this output to be collated (in an undefined order) and written to a single channel. Testing was carried out using Open MPI, which allows the program to be run with a command line which includes an option for each process to write to separate files, similar to the following:

mpiexec -n 4 -output-filename out ./ < mc.inp

whereby the output files are placed in subdirectories, identified by process rank, beneath the specified directory out (in earlier versions of Open MPI, standard output would be directed to files named out##, the ## part being determined by the process rank). If your implementation does not have this option, you should edit the code to explicitly open a file for standard output, with a process-rank-dependent name, and associate the output channel with it.

The program conducts runs at several temperatures: four were used in testing. The default program values include T=1.0, which is reported above, and here is the complete set, with expected values from the Thol et al (2016) equation of state (f) corrected for cutoff. As usual the program employed the cut (but not shifted) potential. All runs are for density ρ=0.75, N=256, as usual; default parameters are used, except for the run lengths, which are set to 10 blocks of 10000 steps, as per the Fortran version. At the lowest temperature, the full-potential system would lie in the coexistence region, and the estimated pressure is negative.

Source T E (c) P (c) E (f) P (f) Cv (f)
Thol et al (2016) (f) 0.8772 -3.6001 0.1942 -4.0017 -0.1070 2.3081
mc_nvt_lj_re 0.8772 -3.6130(6) 0.141(3) -4.0146(6) -0.160(3) 2.310(7)
Thol et al (2016) (f) 1.0000 -3.3197 0.7008 -3.7212 0.3996 2.2630
mc_nvt_lj_re 1.0000 -3.3314(4) 0.652(2) -3.7330(4) 0.351(2) 2.272(5)
Thol et al (2016) (f) 1.1400 -3.0055 1.2571 -3.4070 0.9559 2.2278
mc_nvt_lj_re 1.1400 -3.0155(4) 1.211(2) -3.4171(4) 0.910(2) 2.224(4)
Thol et al (2016) (f) 1.2996 -2.6523 1.8667 -3.0539 1.5655 2.1989
mc_nvt_lj_re 1.2996 -2.6620(7) 1.819(3) -3.0636(7) 1.518(3) 2.206(6)

The above (default) temperatures are chosen to give swap acceptance ratios all fairly close to 20% here (of course, the set of temperatures, and all other run parameters, may be chosen by the user in a JSON list contained in the input file). It should be noted that process m reports the swap acceptance ratio for exchanges with process m+1, and the output file for the process with highest rank will report a zero swap ratio.

Lees-Edwards program

The program is intended to illustrate the moving boundaries used in nonequilibrium shear flow simulations and an algorithm for integrating the SLLOD equations of motion with constrained kinetic energy. The program uses the short-ranged WCA Lennard-Jones potential, in order to compare results with the following papers:

Testing was performed at the state point used in those papers: ρ=0.8442, T=0.722. A system size N=256 was used. The given program defaults, including a time step of 0.005, were used to give the results in the table below, except that the run length was increased to 10×100000 steps, the same as for the Fortran example, and the strain rate was varied as shown. In the table below, for each strain rate, the results in columns 2-4 come from

Strain rate E P η E P η
0.04 1.8040(2) 6.389(1) 2.31(3) 1.8035(5) 6.387(3) 2.4(1)
0.16 1.8099(3) 6.428(2) 2.227(9) 1.8087(4) 6.421(3) 2.19(2)
0.64 1.8648(2) 6.777(1) 1.940(2) 1.8645(4) 6.775(3) 1.933(6)

In all cases the kinetic energy was conserved very accurately by the algorithm. The results, particularly the increase in E and P, and the decrease in shear viscosity η, as the strain rate increases, are in good agreement with the above papers, and with the results of the Fortran programs. Incidentally, at the highest strain rate 0.64, the configurational temperature is systematically about 1% lower than the (constrained) kinetic temperature.

The results in columns 5-7 come from the same program, edited to import routines from rather than This version uses neighbour lists, in the same way as The system size is unchanged; however, for this system the program is very inefficient (compared with the simpler version without lists) and consequently the runs used for testing are only 10×20000 steps. The inefficiency probably results from the very small cells and hence short NumPy arrays, which incur significant overheads. It is worth repeating that in a practical application, when performance is an issue, Python/NumPy would probably not be used for the force routine.

Hard-particle programs

The programs and illustrate, respectively, the simplest MC and MD methods for the basic hard-sphere model. The temperature is not important in the first case: a factor kT is used to normalize the energies. The energy, in the second case, is identical with the (exactly conserved) kinetic energy, and hence closely related to the temperature. Equations of state for this model have been reported many times. Here we refer to some fairly recent, useful, sources of data and/or fitted equations

The paper of Kolafa et al (2004) is particularly careful to discuss corrections due to different ensembles and system size. Here we just present the raw results for a small system, N=256; programs are run with default parameters, except that the test runs were longer than default: 10 blocks of 10000 steps, same as for the Fortran examples. Starting fcc lattice configurations may be prepared using in the usual way. The EOS is taken from the Hansen-Goos (2016) paper, and a program to evaluate it may be found in

ρ P (EOS) P P ρ
0.50 1.6347 1.626(2) 1.633(1) 0.499(2)
0.55 2.0574 2.053(3) 2.056(1) 0.552(2)
0.60 2.5769 2.571(3) 2.573(1) 0.600(2)
0.65 3.2171 3.207(6) 3.215(1) 0.642(1)
0.70 4.0087 3.994(6) 4.005(2) 0.702(2)
0.75 4.9910 4.959(6) 4.984(1) 0.752(3)

We must remember that P is calculated by a box-scaling method in the NVT simulation, which may introduce a small systematic error. This can be reduced by reducing the scaling factor, at the expense of worsening the statistics. We also provide a program to illustrate the constant-NPT method. For the averages of ρ reported above, the input pressure was that given by the corresponding EOS entry. With default parameters, volume move acceptance ratio was nearly 5% at the highest pressure, and around 11% at the lowest pressure studied here.

We also provide two programs to simulate the hard spherocylinder model, of cylinder length L and diameter D: and Configurations may be prepared as described in the Fortran example GUIDE. Test runs were performed using 10 blocks of 10000 steps (as for the Fortran examples); the program default is 10×1000. For L=5, N=256 (a very small system, not recommended for serious work) we compare with the results of

See the Fortran GUIDE for comments about units, and other literature values.

P vmol ρ vmol P ρ S ρ S P S
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) mc_npt_sc mc_npt_sc mc_nvt_sc mc_nvt_sc
2.53 0.310 0.568 0.070 0.041 0.0693(3) 0.096(8) 0.577(2) 0.089(5)
3.63 0.352 0.816 0.079 0.053 0.0794(2) 0.119(8) 0.814(2) 0.081(8)
4.89 0.397 1.099 0.089 0.136 0.0898(2) 0.32(1) 1.098(3) 0.24(2)
5.05 0.400 1.135 0.090 0.170 0.0901(2) 0.191(8) 1.141(5) 0.15(2)‡
5.40 0.419 1.213 0.094 0.574 0.0948(2) 0.57(1) 1.224(4) 0.54(1)
5.80 0.436 1.303 0.098 0.714 0.0991(2) 0.769(8) 1.281(6) 0.791(3)
6.20 0.448 1.393 0.101 0.754 0.1024(2) 0.834(6) 1.381(5) 0.789(5)

The mc_npt_sc runs use pressures from column 3 above; the mc_nvt_sc runs are at densities taken from column 4. At the highest pressure, using default parameters, move acceptance ratio was around 30%, and volume acceptance ratio around 10%. These values rose to 50% and 15% respectively at the lowest pressure. The ‡ reminds us that results for these run lengths, near the isotropic-nematic transition, where very slow evolution of the nematic order parameter would be observed, are unreliable. Also the system size is about 25% that used by McGrother, which has a direct effect on the measured nematic order parameter. With these caveats in mind, agreement between the two programs, and with the results of McGrother et al (1996), is reasonable.

Chain simulation programs

The program simulates a single Lennard-Jones chain, where the atoms are linked by harmonic springs. There are, therefore, both bonded and non-bonded interactions, the former being used to select atom positions, and the latter appearing in Rosenbluth weights, which govern the acceptance/rejection of moves. For comparison with the paper of Calvo, Doye and Wales, J Chem Phys, 116, 2642 (2002), test runs were carried out using N=13 atoms, a bond length of 1.122462σ (prepared using with "molecules":"chain" to give random non-overlapping atom positions) and a rather low spring potential kspring=20. We only use CBMC moves in this code: for a practical application it would be advisable to include other kinds of move, for example crankshaft, pivot, and bridging moves. Replica exchange (as used by Calvo et al) would also improve the sampling at low temperature. Below we report the excess, potential, energy per atom PE, and the excess heat capacity per atom Cv(ex), as well as the radius of gyration Rg. The program default run length is 10 blocks of 5000 steps, but the results below were obtained with blocks of 100000 steps, like the Fortran examples. For lower temperatures (below 0.40), longer runs (10 blocks of 1000000 steps) were used for the Fortran examples, but these were not attempted here. For temperatures higher than 1.0, the bond length fluctuations become unphysically large for this value of kspring.

T PE Rg Cv(ex)
0.40 -1.515(4) 1.174(2) 2.39(8)
0.45 -1.405(3) 1.197(1) 2.19(4)
0.50 -1.297(3) 1.225(1) 2.00(2)
1.00 -0.437(2) 1.538(1) 1.38(1)

Here we give analogous results for the program default spring constant of kspring=400.

T PE Rg Cv(ex)
0.40 -1.538(7) 1.176(2) 3.6(2)
0.45 -1.384(3) 1.212(1) 2.44(6)
0.5 -1.268(1) 1.239(1) 2.03(2)
1.00 -0.463(2) 1.511(1) 1.228(6)
2.00 0.384(3) 1.853(2) 0.580(4)
5.00 1.999(3) 2.035(1) 0.472(2)

Similar models were employed in md_chain_nve_lj and md_chain_mts_lj: N=13 atoms and equilibrium bond length of 1.122462σ. Here we report results for constrained bond lengths, using the first program, and for kspring=400 and 10000 (the program default value), using the second program. Averages below were computed over 10 blocks of 100000 steps of length δt=0.002 (same as for the Fortran examples), whereas the program default is a more modest 10×10000 steps; otherwise program default input values were used. The primary indicator of a correctly-functioning program is energy conservation, and this was checked in all cases. Energies were chosen to give average temperatures close to the values used in the MC simulations above.

Results for constrained system (columns 2:4 RATTLE, columns 5:7 MILC-SHAKE):

E T Rg Cv T Rg Cv
-1.3495 0.401(2) 1.184(1) 2.47(3) 0.402(4) 1.183(3) 2.42(2)
-1.2195 0.449(2) 1.209(2) 2.35(1) 0.449(2) 1.208(1) 2.35(2)
-1.0968 0.504(1) 1.230(1) 2.30(2) 0.504(2) 1.227(1) 2.29(2)
-0.1244 1.016(5) 1.459(5) 2.03(2) 1.010(7) 1.466(5) 2.02(2)
1.0456 1.999(6) 1.752(7) 1.653(2) 2.006(5) 1.760(7) 1.650(2)
3.6459 4.996(3) 1.897(7) 1.534(1) 4.993(2) 1.890(4) 1.534(1)

Results for kspring=10000 system using MTS:

E T Rg Cv
-0.9494 0.401(2) 1.199(2) 3.27(4)
-0.7694 0.440(1) 1.240(1) 3.24(4)
-0.5943 0.510(2) 1.244(2) 2.90(4)
0.7857 1.003(4) 1.415(7) 2.63(3)
2.8858 2.00(2) 1.75(2) 2.02(3)
8.3859 4.99(2) 1.903(5) 1.98(2)

Results for kspring=400 system using MTS:

E T Rg Cv
-0.9942 0.399(1) 1.181(1) 3.6(1)
-0.8042 0.449(1) 1.210(1) 3.12(5)
-0.6558 0.496(1) 1.229(2) 3.07(5)
0.7565 0.996(3) 1.450(5) 2.54(2)
2.9036 2.014(5) 1.75(1) 2.08(2)
8.3488 4.999(5) 1.932(7) 1.973(5)

When comparing results with the MC program, several points should be remembered.

  1. Constraining the bond lengths affects average potential energy, kinetic energy, and heat capacity.
  2. While we use kspring=10000 to highlight the multiple timestep method, it is quite likely that energy flow between bond vibrations and other degrees of freedom will be inefficient, due to the timescale separation.
  3. The constant-NVE and constant-NVT ensembles are expected to yield different behaviour around the collapse transition. We do not focus on this region, in the Python tests.
  4. Molecular dynamics is not expected to thoroughly explore the energy landscape at low temperatures, giving instead (typically) quasi-harmonic vibrations in a single basin. We do not focus on this region, in the Python tests.

For the hard-sphere square-well chain, the aim was to show the operation of the Wang-Landau method. In we use pivot and crankshaft moves as well as CBMC regrowth. In a practical application it would be advisable to include some bridging moves as well. Reasonably long chains, N=128, have been studied by this method, and exact results are available for very short chains; see, for example,

who provide references to other simulation work.

For testing purposes our aims are quite modest: we choose N=6, bond length equal to σ, and a nonbonded interaction range of 1.5σ. The starting chain configuration can be prepared using in the usual way (note the non-default value of the bond length). Default parameters are used in, including a flatness criterion of 0.9. The entropy modification constant ds is halved at each stage, and there are 20 stages. For this system, the energy range (in units of the well depth) is E = 0 … -10. The principal result is the histogram of entropies S(E) produced at the final stage. For convenience we (arbitrarily) define S(0)=0. We conduct a set of nine independent WL runs, and report the results from the two runs with the highest and lowest values of S(-10), which bracket all the other results in the set, as a rough indication of the errors. We compare with the exact values calculated from the density of states of Taylor (2003), normalized in the same way to make S(0)=0.

E S(E) (exact) S(E) (WL) S(E) (WL)
0.0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
-1.0 0.7521 0.7561 0.7506
-2.0 0.6661 0.6655 0.6510
-3.0 0.2108 0.2067 0.1984
-4.0 -0.4433 -0.4352 -0.4560
-5.0 -1.3484 -1.3837 -1.3385
-6.0 -2.4438 -2.5051 -2.4393
-7.0 -3.6832 -3.7044 -3.6725
-8.0 -5.8548 -5.8702 -5.8534
-9.0 -8.4766 -8.4457 -8.5045
-10.0 -14.9981 -14.5896 -15.2831

As a further check, we ran a set of canonical ensemble calculations for the same system with mc_chain_nvt_sw at selected temperatures. The program default is to run for 10 blocks, each of 10000 steps, but the results here were obtained with 10×500000 steps for temperatures below 0.25, and 10×100000 steps for higher temperatures. The results may be compared with values reconstructed using the wl_hist program from the simulation histograms. Below we show the heat capacity per atom from the WL runs (shaded region, bounded by the two runs mentioned above), from the exact density of states of Taylor (2003) (line), and from the canonical ensemble calculations (points).

Wang-Landau test results

It is also straightforward to compare average energies and radii of gyration, but we do not do that here.

Because of the slow speed of the Python codes, we make no attempt to reproduce the tests conducted with the Fortran versions for the N=13 chains.

Polyatomic Lennard-Jones program

The program conducts Monte Carlo simulations of a system of rigid molecules composed of Lennard-Jones interaction sites. For simplicity the sites are taken to be identical, although the program is easily generalized. Molecular orientations are represented by quaternions, which are used to calculate the rotation matrix and hence the interaction site positions.

We test this with the three-site model of orthoterphenyl, a fragile glassformer, described in the following publications amongst others

We compare with the results of Mossa et al (2002). The sites are arranged at the vertices of an isosceles triangle with bond angle 75 degrees, LJ parameters ε = 5.276 kJ mol-1, σ=0.483nm, and two equal bonds of length σ. The program employs the usual reduced units based on ε and σ and in these units the potential cutoff of Mossa et al (2002) is Rc=2.612; the pair potential is Lennard-Jones with a shifted-force correction term, linear in r, to make the potential and its derivative vanish at r=Rc. Apart from the temperatures and much longer runs (10 blocks of 20000 steps each, the same as the Fortran tests), default program parameters were used throughout.

Tests were performed at ρ=0.32655 which is equivalent to ρ4=1.108g cm-3 in Mossa et al (2002). Comparisons of potential energy (PE=E-3 T converted to kJ/mol with a factor 5.276) were made with the fit given by eqn (23) of that paper. Note that ε/kB≈635 K.

T E P T (K) PE (kJ/mol) PE (kJ/mol) eqn (23)
0.5 -12.995(2) 1.763(9) 317 -76.48(2) -76.945
1.0 -9.813(15) 5.86(4) 635 -67.60(8) -67.634
1.5 -6.87(1) 9.33(2) 952 -59.99(5) -60.011
2.0 -4.10(1) 12.30(3) 1270 -53.29(5) -53.265

A second set of tests was performed at T=0.6≈380K at the specified densities ρ1, … ρ5 of Mossa et al (2002). A set of starting configurations is provided in the Data repository. Here the excess pressure (P(ex)=PT converted to MPa with a factor 77.75 based on the values of ε and σ) is compared with the fit given by eqn (28) and the coefficients in Table III of Mossa et al (2002). NB the volumes to insert into the equation are those of their Table I, which are specific to their system size. In addition their eqn (29) with coefficients in Table V is a fit to their potential energy, which we calculate from the simulation as described above.

Id ρ E P P(ex) (MPa) P(ex) (MPa) eqn (28) PE (kJ/mol) PE (kJ/mol) eqn (29)
1 0.30533 -11.617(7) 0.47(2) 22(2) 19.077 -70.79(4) -70.818
2 0.31240 -11.927(4) 1.00(2) 63(2) 60.143 -72.42(2) -72.289
3 0.31918 -12.16(1) 1.66(3) 114(2) 112.798 -73.65(5) -73.601
4 0.32655 -12.393(6) 2.52(2) 181(2) 177.222 -74.88(3) -74.886
5 0.33451 -12.498(3) 3.82(1) 281(1) 253.510 -75.44(2) -75.825

In making these comparisons, our limited run length (10 blocks of 20000 sweeps each) should be borne in mind, since this system can show sluggish behaviour. The MD simulations of Mossa et al (2002) are reported to extend to several hundred nanoseconds (of order 107 MD timesteps) at the lowest temperatures. It should be noted that this Python code is quite slow compared to the simpler atomic LJ examples.

For comparison we provide a molecular dynamics code for the same model. The program takes the molecular mass M to be unity. Mossa et al (2002) ascribe a notional mass of 78u to each of the three LJ sites, so M≈3.9×10-25kg. Combined with the above values of ε and σ, this gives a time scale (M/ε)1/2σ ≈ 3.22 ps. The timestep of δt=0.01 ps used by Mossa et al (2002) corresponds to the default value in the program dt=0.003 in these units. By default, the program simulates the constant-NVE ensemble, but there is an option to simulate at constant NVT by velocity randomization (Andersen thermostat). If the latter option is selected, the program will read configurations in the same format as (positions and quaternions only), selecting random initial velocities and angular momenta, which can be convenient.

By default the program calculates the inertia tensor from the LJ site bond vectors, assuming equal masses. For simplicity it is assumed that the bond vectors are defined such that the principal axes of the inertia tensor coincide with the xyz axes of the molecular coordinate system, with the centre of mass at the origin; it is always possible to arrange this. In general, the three principal moments of inertia will all be different, so the molecule is an asymmetric top. The MD algorithm for rotation is a symplectic one in which a kick propagator advances the space-fixed angular momenta, using the torque on each molecule, and a succession of drift steps implement free rotation about each of the principal axes. This is described in the text, section 3.3; see

The results below are for test runs in both constant-NVE and constant-NVT ensembles, at (approximately) the same state points as those given above. All runs were 10×5000 steps in length and used program defaults, except for t_interval=1 and the specified temperature in the NVT case. Because of the slow execution of the Python code, these runs are significantly shorter than the comparable Fortran examples, and very much shorter than the runs of Mossa et al (2002). For constant-NVE runs we report RMS energy fluctuations, and T is the average translational temperature.

ρ T E P E(RMS)
0.32655 0.5 -13.035(7) 1.66(2)
0.32655 0.5025(9) -13.0355 1.606(9) 1.14×10-8
0.32655 1.0 -9.74(1) 6.03(3)
0.32655 1.013(1) -9.7372 5.975(7) 1.01×10-7
0.32655 1.5 -6.81(1) 9.41(4)
0.32655 1.508(1) -6.8136 9.407(5) 3.64×10-7
0.32655 2.0 -4.16(3) 12.26(7)
0.32655 1.986(2) -4.1570 12.291(8) 9.04×10-7
ρ T E P E (RMS)
0.30533 0.6 -11.624(6) 0.48(2)
0.30533 0.6018(7) -11.6239 0.453(6) 1.33×10-8
0.31240 0.6 -11.902(9) 1.13(2)
0.31240 0.604(1) -11.9018 1.049(7) 1.49×10-8
0.31918 0.6 -12.206(7) 1.59(2)
0.31918 0.596(1) -12.2065 1.63(1) 1.64×10-8
0.32655 0.6 -12.379(8) 2.50(2)
0.32655 0.599(1) -12.3793 2.58(1) 1.93×10-8
0.33451 0.6 -12.541(4) 3.66(1)
0.33451 0.601(1) -12.5411 3.70(1) 2.40×10-8

DPD program

For the example, we recommend generating an initial configuration using the program, with JSON input similar to the following


The above value of the density is typical when using this method to model water.

For testing we compare with an approximate DPD equation of state for P

The paper of Liyana-Arachchi et al (2015) gives an improvement of the original EOS of Groot and Warren (1997), which is more accurate and applicable over a wider range of state points. The function is included in the dpd program, and the expected value of P (labelled EOS below) is printed for comparison at the end. We give results obtained by both the Lowe thermostat (L) and the Shardlow algorithm (S). Results below were obtained with runs of 10 blocks, each 10000 steps as for the Fortran examples (program default is 10×1000). We take the default values of a ρ/T=75, and of other parameters not mentioned below.

T ρ P (EOS) P (L) P (S)
0.5 3.0 11.864 11.821(2) 11.818(1)
1.0 3.0 23.587 23.635(3) 23.636(2)
1.5 3.0 35.276 35.458(3) 35.452(4)
2.0 3.0 46.951 47.263(3) 47.264(4)
1.0 2.0 14.187 14.318(2) 14.319(2)
1.0 4.0 32.811 32.626(1) 32.624(2)
1.0 5.0 41.887 41.530(3) 41.528(2)

Test programs for potentials, forces and torques

Two program files are provided: and, for pair potentials between, respectively, atoms and linear molecules. These load, at runtime, a module containing a function to calculate the necessary potential, forces and torques. The aim is to demonstrate the numerical testing of the analytical derivatives which go into the forces and torques: small displacements and rotations are applied in order to do this. The test is performed for a randomly selected configuration. Some parameters are used to prevent serious overlap, which might produce numerical overflow, while keeping the particles close enough together to give non-zero results. The values of these parameters may be adjusted via the input file in individual cases. To run the programs without any tweaking, simply give (through standard input in the usual way) a record containing the bare minimum information, namely a string which identifies the model of interest, for example {"model":"at"}. The supplied examples (with their identifying strings) are, for

  • "at" the Axilrod-Teller three-body potential
  • "bend" the angle-bending part of a polymer chain potential
  • "twist" the angle-torsion part of a polymer chain potential

and for

  • "dd" the dipole-dipole potential
  • "dq" the dipole-quadrupole and quadrupole-dipole potential
  • "gb" the Gay-Berne potential
  • "qq" the quadrupole-quadrupole potential

T-tensor program

The program compares the calculation of multipole energies by two methods: using explicit formulae based on trigonometric functions of the Euler angles, and via the Cartesian T-tensors. Two linear molecules are placed in random positions and orientations, within a specified range of separations, and some of the contributions to the electrostatic energies and forces are calculated. The program may be run using an empty input record {}, so as to take the program defaults, or various parameters may be specified using JSON format.

Several of the tensor manipulations are neatly expressed using NumPy library functions such as outer (outer product) and einsum (Einstein summation).

The force between the molecules is calculated from the analytical derivative of the T-tensor with respect to the separation vector. This naturally leads to formulae where the original T-tensor of rank n is replaced by one of rank n+1.

The torque on each molecule is calculated by formulae similar to those used for torques on multipoles in an external field, field gradient, etc., but in which the field terms are replaced by tensors based on T and the multipoles on the other molecule. This naturally leads to formulae involving the Levi-Civita (antisymmetric) symbol.

In practical applications, the formulae would usually be incorporated in a scheme for handling long-range forces in periodic boundaries (e.g. Ewald sum).

Ewald program

The k-space and r-space contributions to the Ewald sum are illustrated in and we provide a program to test these. The program reads in a configuration file cnf.inp in the usual format: any of the Lennard-Jones or hard-sphere configurations would be suitable. Charges are assigned to the atoms in an arbitrary way. The program itself adds the surface term (the self term is included in the k-space routine). Then, a comparison is made with the brute force summation over all pairs in shells of periodic boxes surrounding the central box. For default parameters, and test configurations with N=256, reasonable convergence is obtained within 8-10 shells. One can adjust the screening parameter kappa within reason (and the number of k-vectors may need changing as well): the contributions of r-space and k-space terms will change, but their sum should remain approximately constant.

There is also a comparison with a simplified particle-mesh Ewald method. As discussed in the text, the charge distribution is assigned to a cubic mesh, Fourier transformed by FFT, and used to calculate the total potential energy, using the solution of Poisson's equation in Fourier space. In doing so, accuracy is improved by optimizing the so-called influence function G. In this example, we use a simple sharpening function discussed by

but more sophisticated optimized functions are possible. It is easy to comment out this sharpening function, to see the extent of the correction; it is reasonably significant for the default parameter values.

See below for more discussion of the mesh function, provided in, and of the FFT routine which is illustrated in

Mesh program

The program generates a random configuration of a small number of charges and illustrates the way this may be assigned to a regular cubic mesh using the triangular-shaped cloud distribution described in

  • RW Hockney, JW Eastwood, Computer simulation using particles (Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1988).

The function generating the charge density is provided in The mesh dimension is, by default, kept small enough to print out the whole array for inspection afterwards. The number of charges and mesh dimension may be adjusted by the user, via JSON parameters.

Cluster program

The program is self contained. It reads in a configuration of atomic positions and produces a circular linked list for each cluster identified within the configuration. The best value of the critical separation r_cl depends on the particular physical system being considered. To illustrate, we have provided a file cluster.inp consisting of N=256 atoms at low overall density, generated by a short quench from a disordered system at high temperature to a low temperature inhomogeneous state (not yet at equilibrium). This file should be copied into the working directory before running the program. With the default value r_cl=1.5, six well-separated clusters should be identified. The results in this case are moderately insensitive to the value of r_cl, but increasing it above 3 includes all atoms in a single cluster, while reducing it below 1.15 will start to separate isolated atoms into clusters of their own.

Clustering algorithms are part of the standard toolkit of data analysis, and in practical applications it may be more efficient and convenient to use a packaged implementation of an algorithm such as dbscan

A Python implementation of dbscan is available as part of the sklearn library. For systems in periodic boundaries, rather than supplying the atomic positions, the user should compute a distance matrix using the minimum image convention, and supply that to the routine, as suggested by Turci.

Correlation function program

The aim of the program is to illustrate the direct method, and the FFT method, for calculating time correlation functions. The program is self contained: it generates the time dependent data itself, using a generalized Langevin equation, for which the time correlation function is known. The default parameters produce a damped, oscillatory, correlation function, but these can be adjusted to give monotonic decay, or to make the oscillations more prominent. If the origin_interval parameter is left at its default value of 1, then the direct and FFT methods should agree with each other to within numerical precision. The efficiency of the direct method may be improved, by selecting origins less frequently, and in this case the results obtained by the two methods may differ a little.

In the current implementation, the direct method makes little or no use of NumPy's efficient array manipulation functions, and so is very slow. For this reason, the default run length is much shorter than for the Fortran example. An alternative, much faster, direct method is also provided at the end of the program. This uses the NumPy correlate library function. The selected mode 'full' corresponds to aligning the data array v with itself, at all possible offsets that result in some overlap of values, before computing the products (for each offset) and summing. In this case, the resulting array is symmetric in time (offset), and only the values from the mid-point onwards are required; these must be normalized in the standard way and identical results to the slow direct method (with origin_interval=1) and FFT method, are obtained.

Sample results using default program parameters are shown here. The direct method (orange line) is overlayed perfectly by the FFT result (dashed green line), as expected. The library function result is not shown, as it is indistinguishable from the first two. The exactly known function is a blue line. There are clear discrepancies with the results of the simulation, as expected, due to the rather short duration of the latter. The very slow direct method could easily be edited out of the program, and the run length dramatically increased, to obtain more accurate results.

corfun test results

Diffusion program

The program reads in a sequence of configurations and calculates the velocity autocorrelation function $\langle\mathbf{v}(0)\cdot\mathbf{v}(t)\rangle$ (vacf), the mean square displacement $\langle |\Delta\mathbf{r}(t)|^2\rangle$ (msd), where $\Delta\mathbf{r}(t)=\mathbf{r}(t)-\mathbf{r}(0)$, and the cross-correlation between velocity and displacement $\langle\mathbf{v}(0)\cdot\Delta\mathbf{r}(t)\rangle$. Any of these may be used to estimate the diffusion coefficient, as described in the text. The output appears in diffusion.out. It is instructive to plot all three curves vs time.

The input trajectory is handled in a crude way, by reading in successive snapshots with filenames cnf.000, cnf.001, etc. These might be produced by a molecular dynamics program, at the end of each block, choosing to make the blocks fairly small (perhaps 10 steps). As written, the program will only handle up to cnf.999. Obviously, in a practical application, a proper trajectory file would be used instead of these separate files.

It is up to the user to provide the time interval between successive configurations. This will typically be a small multiple of the timestep used in the original simulation. This value delta is only used to calculate the time, in the first column of the output file. A default value of 0.05 is provided as a place-holder, but the user really should specify a physically meaningful value; forgetting to do so could cause confusion when one attempts to quantify the results.

To make it easier to test this program, we have also supplied a self-contained program, which generates an appropriate trajectory by numerically solving the simple Langevin equation for N non-interacting atoms (N=250 by default) in 3D. For this model, one specifies the temperature and friction coefficient, which dictates the rate of exponential decay of the vacf, and hence the diffusion coefficient. The exact results for the above three functions are written out to diffusion_exact.out for easy comparison with diffusion.out. Here are some typical results using default program parameters throughout. The results of the Langevin simulation are shown as points, plotting only every 10th value for clarity, while the exact results are indicated as lines. For the default program parameters, the diffusion coefficient is D=1. The results are very similar to those obtained from the analogous Fortran example.

diffusion test results

Pair distribution function

The program reads in a set of configurations and calculates the pair correlation function g(r). We limit the number of configurations to a maximum of 1000 (numbered from 000 to 999) simply so as to use a fixed naming scheme for the input configurations; in a practical application, a trajectory file would be used instead. The sum over all pairs is performed using a vectorized approach, so as to take advantage of NumPy routines. Two versions appear here as examples, both different from the methods used in our MD programs.

In the simplest version, a matrix of all pair distances is computed from the coordinate array r, and a NumPy indexing function is used to extract the upper triangle of N(N-1)/2 values which are processed together. For the cases tested, this proved significantly faster than an alternative (commented out in the code) based on S Brode and R Ahlrichs, Comput Phys Commun, 42, 51 (1986). In the alternative version, the coordinate array r is compared with a cyclically-shifted copy, to give n (that is, N) separation vectors rij which are processed all at once. Only n//2 shifts are needed to cover every distinct ij pair. There is a slight subtlety on the last shift, if n is even: both ij and ji pairs appear, and so the usual incrementing factor 2 is replaced by a factor 1. For either version of the code, the actual histogramming is conveniently performed by the built-in NumPy histogram routine.

We have tested this on a set of 500 configurations of N=256 Lennard-Jones atoms, cut (but not shifted) at Rc=2.5σ, at the usual state point ρ=0.75, T=1.0. The interval between configurations was 100 MC sweeps. This data set is provided in the file in the Data repository. Using the default resolution of 0.02σ, identical results were obtained as for the Fortran example.

g(r) test results

Interface pair correlation function

The program reads in a set of configurations and calculates the pair correlation function for a system that is inhomogeneous in the z direction. It is assumed that the configurations consist of a liquid slab, surrounded by gas, with the interfaces lying in the xy-plane. The two interfaces are located by fitting the instantaneous density profile to a difference of two tanh functions. Then the single-particle density function, relative to each of the interface locations, is calculated. To make the process as robust as possible, an initial guess at the mid-point of the liquid slab should be provided, and this is updated automatically as successive configurations are read in, so as to shift the liquid slab into the middle of the periodic box, before fitting. Also, the results of one fit are passed on as the starting point of the next one. The program handles cubic boxes only; the modifications necessary to handle non-cubic boxes are fairly easy to make, but we will not do that here. No attempt is made to correct for capillary-wave fluctuations affecting the width of the interface.

Having located, and combined, the two interfaces, the histograms for calculating the one-body and two-body densities are accumulated, in a coordinate system which has its origin at the interface. The one-body density is then fitted by a single tanh curve: this could easily be changed by the user if desired. For simplicity, in the normalization of the two-body density to give the pair correlation function, we use the fitted tanh form of the single particle density. This is obviously an approximation, and could be replaced by a better fit, or an interpolation scheme, to evaluate the function at arbitrary z. Finally, the program writes out the average, overall, density profile, the single-particle density (with fit) and slices at selected values of z and c through the pair correlation function.

In testing this program, it is important to use a large enough system so that all values of z1 and z2 of interest (measured relative to the interface position) lie far from the other interface position.

The program was tested on a system of N=10000 atoms, interacting through the Lennard-Jones potential cut (but not shifted) at Rc=2.5σ, in a cubic box of side 30σ, at a temperature T=0.90. For this system, ρG ≈ 0.024, ρL ≈ 0.713 (see A Trokhymchuk, J Alejandre, J Chem Phys, 111, 8510 (1999)). A set of 100 configurations from this run, together with the output of the Fortran example, grint.f90, with default parameters, are provided in the file in the Data repository. The output of is very similar to that of grint.f90. The Python version takes advantage of a curve fitting routine provided in SciPy, and the one-dimensional and multi-dimensional histogramming routines in NumPy.

Error calculation

The program is a self-contained illustration of the effects of correlations on the estimation of errors for a time series. We produce the series using a generalized Langevin equation, in the same manner as for the correlation function program (see above). Since the correlation time of the GLE is exactly known, we can predict the effects, and compare with the empirical estimates obtained by different methods. The program contains extensive comments to explain what is being calculated at each stage.

FFT program

The aim of is to illustrate the way a standard Fast Fourier Transform library routine is wrapped in a user program. We numerically transform a 3D Gaussian function, and compare with the analytically, exactly, known result, User input defines the number of grid points and the box size; sensible defaults are provided. The library that we use for this example is the built-in NumPy one.

Hit-and-miss and sample-mean

The two programs and illustrate two very simple Monte Carlo methods to estimate the volume of a 3D object. They are both described in detail at the start of Chapter 4. No user input is required. For the built-in values defining the geometry, the exact result is 5/3.

Quantum simulation programs

The program solves the diffusion equation in imaginary time corresponding to the Schrodinger equation, for a single simple harmonic oscillator. Atomic units are chosen so that the effective diffusion coefficient is D=1/2. A few hundred independent systems, or walkers, are simulated using a simple random walk and a crude creation/destruction scheme based on the difference between the potential energy and the trial energy. The scheme is described in the text. The value of the trial energy et is updated regularly, and the hope is that, after convergence, it will be equal to the correct ground-state energy for the system which, in this case, is 1/2. The updating scheme, and several of the default parameters, are taken from the following paper

Reasonable results for the energy and the ground-state wavefunction, which is accumulated as a histogram of walker positions, should be obtained using the default input values, with an empty input record {}; these defaults include setting et initially to the exact ground state energy. Other values such as {"et":0.6} may be supplied through standard input in the usual way. This type of simulation is sensitive to the initial value, and quite noisy: possible improvements are discussed in general terms in the text.

The program carries out a path integral Monte Carlo simulation for a single simple harmonic oscillator, at a specified temperature and ring-polymer size P. Larger values of P give energies closer to the exact quantum mechanical canonical ensemble average. For this simple model, exact results can also be calculated for the finite values of P used in the simulation

and a routine to evaluate these is included in the example. No special techniques are used to accelerate the simulation; standard Metropolis moves are employed. Default parameters correspond to P=8, T=0.2. The table below is for test runs at various values of P, keeping the same temperature, which generates a range of average energies between the classical limit E=0.2 and the quantum limit E=0.506784; in each case we compare with the exactly-known value for the same P.

P E (MC) E (exact)
2 0.3217(3) 0.321951
3 0.3920(4) 0.392308
4 0.4314(5) 0.431618
5 0.4552(7) 0.454545
6 0.4686(4) 0.468708
7 0.4777(6) 0.477941
8 0.4847(9) 0.484244

The program applies the path-integral method to the Lennard-Jones fluid. The simplest, primitive, algorithm is used, together with the crudest estimators for energy and pressure. The program uses single-particle Monte Carlo moves for the individual beads in the ring polymer, along with translations of the centre-of-mass of each polymer. As mentioned in the text, there are many improvements of all these aspects of the algorithm, which are recommended for production work.

The program takes in configuration files cnf##.inp where the ## reflects the polymer bead number, in the range 0 to P-1. These files have the same format as the classical Lennard-Jones configurations. They may be prepared in the same way as usual, from the program, from a run of at the appropriate density and temperature, or from a run of for a different value of P. It does no harm if these starting configurations are simply duplicates of each other, provided that a preliminary run is conducted to allow the polymers to equilibrate, after which all the output files cnf##.out may be renamed to cnf##.inp.

For testing, we compare with a set of simulations of neon,

which are mainly based on an empirical pair potential, but include selected results for Lennard-Jones for the case P=32. The LJ parameters for neon are ε=36.8K, σ=0.2789nm, atomic mass m=20.18u, and hence a reduced de Boer parameter λ=0.092σ, which is the default value in the program. We choose their lowest-temperature state point, (T,ρ)=(25.8K,36.28nm-3)=(0.701087,0.787069) in reduced LJ units. We use N=108 atoms, compared with Neumann and Zoppi's N=256, and our runs are five times shorter (10 blocks of 10000 sweeps); these differences should not be critical. (Note that the program default run length is still shorter). The maximum centre-of-mass displacement is 0.1σ. Because the intra-polymer springs increase in strength with P, the maximum displacement parameter for individual bead moves is reduced from 0.06σ for P=2 down to 0.03σ for P=16. These choices give reasonable acceptance ratios for both kinds of move. Because of the slowness of the program, we do not attempt the P=32 case; nonetheless the trend is fairly clear in the table below, and we can compare directly with the results of the corresponding Fortran example. In the table below we report: the rms radius R of the ring polymers, the average spring potential E(spring) per atom, the kinetic energy KE per atom, total energy E per atom, and pressure p (the last two including the standard long-range correction for the applied cutoff Rc=2.5σ).

P R E(spring) KE E p
1 † 0.0 0.0 1.052 -4.692(1) -0.756(6)
2 0.04043(1) 0.8961(6) 1.2072(6) -4.455(2) -0.411(7)
4 0.04942(1) 2.906(1) 1.300(1) -4.321(1) -0.236(9)
8 0.05183(1) 7.075(2) 1.338(2) -4.266(3) -0.166(8)
16 0.05246(3) 15.480(3) 1.346(3) -4.258(4) -0.17(1)
32 ‡ 0.053 32.3008 1.352 -4.227 -0.039

† For completeness the P=1 runs were performed using

‡ These results are taken from Table I of Neumann and Zoppi (2002), converted into LJ reduced units.

A drawback of this state point is that the pressure is negative, suggesting instability with respect to phase separation. Nonetheless we have seen no evidence of crystalline structure in the simulated configurations, and assume that the liquid phase is metastable.