A release build for Sparrow fits in ~1MiB of memory and boots to a running system in 4MiB. The boostrap mechanism (using capDL and the rootserver) actually requires ~2x the idle memory footprint to reach a running state (due to the overhead of the rootserver instantiating the system). The kmem.sh script can be used to analyze memory use. We use kmem and the bloaty tool to evaluate memory use. For example,
$ kmem.sh
debug_console 130 KiB 133200
mailbox_driver 66 KiB 68416
memory_manager 119 KiB 122416
uart_driver 70 KiB 72528
GRAND TOTAL 1163 KiB 1190976
Note that kmem.sh accounts for seL4 kernel objects for the Sparrow platform but lacks the necessary object sizes for other platforms. kmem output tries to aggregate resources by CAmkES component but for shared resources (e.g. mapped pages used for RPC) may appear as separate items; e.g.
multi_logger 32 KiB 32800
Memory use in CantripOS was lowered by replacing the C-based CAmkES' runtime by a native Rust framework. The CAmkES tool that processes an assembly specification and does resource allocation generates minimal code (almost entirely definitions). The cantrip-os-camkes crate implements all runtime functionality and is designed to be used directly in case the generated template code is not suitable. This can be used, for example, to prototype new RPC mechanisms before writing any template code. Overall the Rust template support improves performance and robustness by extending the scope of the borrow checker and enabling the optimizer to work across the entirety of a thread's implementation.
Another important difference between CantripOS CAmkES use and the legacy code
is no Interface Definitions are used (anything specified is ignored).
Instead one writes pure Rust that handles parameter marshaling and logistics.
Two RPC implementations are provided: rpc_basic
and rpc_shared
This allows for direct marshaling & unmarshaling of parameters into the IPC
buffer which reduces memory use and memory copies.
The long-term goal for RPC support is to provide Rust derive macros that can
be used to annotate data structures with automatic generation of boilerplate code.
The other notable change in CantripOS is more fine-grained control for when CAmkES threads are created. This has two forms: shared IRQ's and explicitly disabling interface threads. Normally each IRQ has a dedicated thread that services it. When there are low-priority IRQ's aggregating them so they are directed to one thread one can eliminate the static per-thread overhead (stack, ipc_buffer, kernel resources). For example, in the Sparrow system.camkes file the mailbox driver services multiple IRQ's in a single thread:
connection cantripIRQ mailbox_driver_irq(
from mailbox_hardware.wtirq,
from mailbox_hardware.eirq,
to mailbox_driver.irq)
and, in fact, the MailboxDriver's control thread is re-purposed to do this by specifying:
consumes Interrupt irq;
attribute int irq_has_thread = false;
in MailboxDriver.camkes and supplying a run method that processes the IRQ's:
fn run() {
// NB: do not handle rtirq, it blocks waiting for the api thread
wtirq => WtirqInterfaceThread::handler,
eirq => EirqInterfaceThread::handler