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Building and Deploying NeuralSPOT

NeuralSPOT make system is can be used in two ways:

  1. As the 'base of operations' for your AI development. Intended for stand-alone EVB development, you can add new binary (axf) targets to the /examples directory.
  2. As a seed for adding NeuralSPOT to a larger project. In this mode of operations, you would use NeuralSPOT to create a stub project (a "nest", described below) with everything needed to start running AI on EVBs.

Build Options

All make invocations for neuralSPOT must be done from the base directory ("nest" makes are different, and defined below). The primary targets are:

Target Description
make builds everything, including libraries and every target in examples directory
make clean deletes every build directory and artifact
make libraries builds the neuralspot and external component libraries
make nestall creates a minimal 'nest' with a basic stub file
make nest creates a minimal 'nest' without a basic stub file and without overwriting makefiles
make nestcomponent updates a single component in the nest
make deploy Uses jlink to deploy an application to a connected EVB
make view Starts a SWO terminal interface

Besides targets, NeuralSPOT has a standard set of compile-time switches to help you configure the build exactly the way you need. These are set via the normal make conpiption, e.g. make BOARD=apollo4b.

Parameter Description Default
PLATFORM Defines the target EVB (currently apollo4p_evb, apollo4p_blue_kxr_evb, apollo4p_blue_kbr_evb, apollo4l_evb, apollo4l_blue_evb, or apollo3p_evb) apollo4p_evb
BINDIRROOT Name of directories where binaries and build artifacts are stored. build
EXAMPLE Name of example to be built. By default, all examples will be built. All
NESTDIR Relative path and directory name where nest will be created nest
NESTCOMP root path to a single component to be updated for make nestcomponent extern/AmbiqSuite
NESTEGG name of neuralspot example used to create nest basic_tf_stub
AS_VERSION Ambiqsuite Version R4.4.1
TF_VERSION Tensflow Lite for Microcontrollers Version d5f819d_Aug_10_2023
TOOLCHAIN Compiler toolchain, set to 'arm' to select armclang arm-none-eabi (GCC)
TARGET Defines what target will be loaded by make deploy basic_tf_stub
MLDEBUG Setting to '1' turns on TF debug prints and use debug TFLM 0
MLPROFILE Setting to '1' enables TFLM profiling and logs (NOTE not supported for TF_VERSION R2.3.1) 0
GCC13_EXPERIMENTAL Must be set to 1 to compile with GCC 13.x undefined

Note Defaults for these values are set in ./make/ Ambiq EVBs are available in a number of flavors, each of which requiring slightly different config settings. For convenience, these settings can be placed in ./make/ (note that this file is ignored by git to prevent inadvertent overrides making it into the repo). To make changes to this file without tracking them in git, you can do the following: $> git update-index --assume-unchanged make/

NeuralSPOT Nests

The Nest is an automatically created directory with everything you need to get TF and AmbiqSuite running together and ready to start developing AI features for your application. It only includes static libraries, related header files, and a basic application stub with a main(). Nests are designed to accomodate various development flows - for a deeper discussion, see Developing with neuralSPOT.

Building Nest

Before building a nest, you must first build NeuralSPOT for your desired target. By default, the nest will be created in NeuralSPOT's root directory - set NESTDIR to change where it is built.

$> cd neuralSpot
$> make		       # this builds the artifacts needed to build the nest
$> make nestall  # this creates the nest, use BINDIR=<your directory> to change where
$> cd nest
$> make          # this builds the Nest basic_tf_stub.

Nest Directory Contents

Makefile # Automatically generated by 'make nest'
make/      # helper scripts and make includes
includes/  # *.h files in preserved original directory structure
libs/      # needed *.a files for both 3rd party and neuralspot libraries
	<nestegg sources>
	<previous contents of src - see 'upgrade' section below>

Choosing which NeuralSPOT example to base Nest on

By default, the example/basic_tf_stub is used to create the Nest (meaning the files in example/basic_tf_stub/src are copied into the nest). To base the nest on another example, used the NESTEGG parameter:

$> make NESTEGG=mpu_data_collection nestall # use example/mpu_data_collection as bases for new nest

Updgrading a Nest

When you create a nest, all source files (include_apis, example source code, libraries, etc.) are copied to NESTDIR. If you are working within a previously created nest, creating a new one with the same NESTDIR destination will overwrite these files. This is necessary for certain files (libraries, include_apis) that are required for NeuralSPOT's functionality, but not critical for the example code.

There are 3 ways to create or update a nest:

  1. make nestall: copies all nest components including example source code and makefiles
  2. make nest: copies everything except example source code and makefiles (it does create a suggested makefile)
  3. make NESTCOMP=desired_component nestcomponent: copies over only includes and libraries associated with the specified component.

To ease upgrading existing nests, make nest and make nestall will create a $(NESTDIR)/srcpreserved directory and copy the existing contents of $(NESTDIR)/src to it.

With this in mind, the nest 'full' upgrade workflow goes something like this:

  1. Before upgrading, preserve any non-src work in the $(NESTDIR) (and consider contributing these changes back to NeuralSPOT, of course):
    1. Any changes to files in includes/
    2. Any changes in pack/
  2. Upgrade the nest by running make nest with the same NESTDIR you are already using
  3. Compare $(NESTDIR)/src/preserved to new files in $(NESTDIR)/src, and copy in or merge as needed

If only one component (extern/.. or neuralspot/..) needs to be updated, make nestcomponent can be used instead.

For example:

$> make NESTCOMP=neuralspot/ns-rpc nestcomponent # only updates ns-rpc header files and static libs

Adding a target platform to an existing Nest

When a Nest is created, it includes the files for a specific PLATFORM (e.g. apollo4p_evb). More platforms can be added to a nest by running the make nest with the PLATFORM variable set. Platforms can coexist within a single Nest, and the makefile for the Nest "understands" PLATFORM and will choose the files accordingly.

> cd neuralSPOT
> make -j # Makes the initial libraries, defaults the platform to apollo4p_p
> make nestall # creates the initial Nest
> make PLATFORM=apollo4p_blue_kbr_evb # creates files for new platform
> make nestall PLATFORM=apollo4p_blue_kbr_evb # Adds the new platform to the Nest
> cd nest
> make # builds for apollo4p_evb
> make PLATFORM=apollo4p_blue_kbr_evb # builds for apollo4p_blue_kbr_evb