(This will be sent to registered particpants by email, but I'm also posting here as a convenient place to field any questions/issues.)
Thank you for enrolling in Data Science in the Tidyverse.
During class, we will be using RStudio Cloud, a hosted version of R and RStudio in the cloud. The only thing you need to do to prepare for class is sign up for a free RStudio Cloud account at https://rstudio.cloud/, and plan to bring your laptop with you. On the day of class, we'll provide you with an RStudio Cloud project that contains all of the course materials.
In the unlikely event that there are problems with the conference internet connection, you may want to have a local installation on your computer as a backup. If you'd like, install the following:
A recent version of R (~3.5.2), which is available for free at <cran.r-project.org>
A recent version of RStudio IDE (~1.1.463), available for free at <www.rstudio.com/download>
The set of relevant R packages, which you can install by connecting to the internet, opening RStudio, and running:
install.packages(c("babynames", "fivethirtyeight", "formatR", "gapminder", "hexbin", "mgcv", "maps", "mapproj", "nycflights13", "rmarkdown", "skimr", "tidyverse", "viridis"))
If you're a new R user or working on a government or corporate laptop, it's possible that installing R will be challenging. In that case, feel free to ignore the backup instructions and just count on RStudio Cloud. We'll talk about local installation on the second day of the workshop, and we'll have TAs there to help troubleshoot.
Whatever you do, don't forget your power cord!
We look forward to meeting you,
Amelia and Hadley