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SRA Report

This tool allows you to generate reports that detail an endpoint's standard relayer API HTTP specification compliance. The tool will perform a Postman collection run and either print a report to the console or save it to disk as a json file. SRA report can also output a Postman collection file and Postman environment file in order to facilitate replication and debugging of collection runs using the Postman native app.

The tool currently performs the following checks for each endpoint:

  • application/json Content-Type header validation
  • JSON schema validation
  • Correct filtering when a query paramater is provided (ex. when querying for a specific maker address, all orders returned have the same maker address that was provided by the query)

Features to come:

  • Correct sorting (ex. the /orderbook endpoint should return orders in order of price)
  • Tests for pagination
  • Tests for the POST /order endpoint
  • Tests for failure cases and errors


yarn add -g @0xproject/sra-report


  --help                      Show help                                [boolean]
  --version                   Show version number                      [boolean]
  --endpoint-url, -e          API endpoint url to test for standard relayer API
                              compliance                     [string] [required]
  --output, -o, --out         The relative path to write the report generated by
                              the collection run, prints to console by default
  --network-id, -n            ID of the network that the API is serving orders
                              from                         [number] [default: 1]
  --environment, --env        The relative path to a postman environment file
                              for the collection run                    [string]
  --export-collection, --ec   The relative path to write the postman collection
                              file used by the collection run           [string]
  --export-environment, --ee  The relative path to write the postman environment
                              file used by the collection run           [string]

Example Usage

Print report to console

sra-report --endpoint-url ''

Save a report to disk

sra-report --endpoint-url '' --output 'path/to/report.json'

Generate report for an endpoint that serves kovan testnet orders

sra-report --endpoint-url '' --network-id 42

Write Postman collection and environment files for use in the Postman native app

sra-report --endpoint-url '' --export-collection 'path/to/collection.json' --export-environment 'path/to/environment.json'

Run the report using a custom environment

sra-report --endpoint-url '' --environment 'path/to/custom/environment.json'

Custom environments

When testing your standard relayer API endpoint in development, it may be useful to modify the Postman environment file generated by this tool such that specific query parameters are used during the collection run. For example, by default, this tool will grab the first order it can from the /orders endpoint and use properties from that order as query parameters for the rest of the run. Another example is the tool will default to the WETH and ZRX token contracts when querying some endpoints but you may want to specify these.

In order to provide a custom environment to the tool, perform the following steps:

  1. Export a Postman environment file using the tool: example
  2. Open the Postman environment file using your favorite text editor or in the Postman native app
  3. Modify the specific values you want
  4. Save the environment file and export it if using the Postman native app
  5. Run the tool and supply a path to your modified environment file: example


We welcome improvements and fixes from the wider community! To report bugs within this package, please create an issue in this repository.

Please read our contribution guidelines before getting started.

Install dependencies

If you don't have yarn workspaces enabled (Yarn < v1.0) - enable them:

yarn config set workspaces-experimental true

Then install dependencies

yarn install


To build this package and all other monorepo packages that it depends on, run the following from the monorepo root directory:

PKG=@0xproject/sra-report yarn build

Or continuously rebuild on change:

PKG=@0xproject/sra-report yarn watch


yarn clean


yarn lint

Run Tests

yarn test