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Leaflet Changelog

(all changes without author notice are by @mourner)


An in-progress version being developed on the master branch.

Breaking changes

  • Moved polyline editing code into Leaflet.draw plugin (where it fits much better along with all other editing and drawing handlers). The API remains the same.
  • Dropped support for environments that augment Object.prototype (luckily it's a thing of the past nowadays).
  • Renamed [email protected] to marker-icon-2x.png to fix compatibility with Google AppEngine. #1552 #1553


Usability and performance improvements

  • Improved zoom control design once more - cleaner, simpler, more accessible (mostly by @jacobtoye). #1313
  • Improved TileLayer zoom animation to eliminate flickering in case one tile layer on top of another or when zooming several times quickly (by @mourner with lots of fixes from @danzel). #1140 #1437 #52
  • Significantly improved mass layer removal performance (by @jfgirard with fixes from @danzel). #1141 #1514
  • Improved zoom behavior so that there's no drift of coordinates when you change zoom back and forth without panning. #426
  • Improved double click behavior to zoom while keeping the clicked point fixed (by @ansis). #1582
  • Improved attribution control to be much less obtrusive (no "powered by", just a Leaflet link). You can still remove the prefix with map.attributionControl.setPrefix('') if you need.
  • Improved box zoom to be cancelable by pressing Escape (by @yohanboniface). #1438
  • Improved paths with clickable: false to allow mouse events to pass through to objects underneath (by @snkashis). #1384 #1281

API improvements

General API improvements
  • Made Leaflet classes compatible with CoffeeScript class inheritance syntax (by @calvinmetcalf). #1345 #1314
  • Added cleanAllEventListeners method (aliased to off without arguments) to all events-enabled objects (by @iirvine). #1599
  • Added addOneTimeEventListener method (aliased to once) to all events-enabled objects (by @iirvine). #473 #1596
  • Added ability to pass coordinates as simple objects ({lat: 50, lon: 30} or {lat: 50, lng: 30}). #1412
  • Added LatLngBounds getNorth, getEast, getSouth, getWest methods (by @yohanboniface). #1318
  • Added AMD support (Leaflet now registers itself as a leaflet AMD module). #1364
  • Added L.Util.trim function (by @kristerkari). #1607
Layers API improvements
  • Added toGeoJSON method to various layer types, allowing you to save your Leaflet layers as GeoJSON. (by @jfirebaugh). #1462 #712
  • Added LayerGroup hasLayer method (by @rvlasveld). #1282 #1300
  • Added LayerGroup getLayers method (by @tmcw). #1469
  • Added LayerGroup getLayer method (by @gumballhead). #1650
  • Improved LayerGroup removeLayer method to also accept layer id (by @gumballhead). #1642
  • Improved Marker and Path bindPopup method to also accept Popup objects (by @snkashis). #1385 #1208 #1402
  • Added Marker setPopupContent method (by @snkashis). #1373
  • Added Path pointerEvents option for setting pointer-events on SVG-powered vector layers (by @inpursuit). #1053
  • Improved Polygon to filter out last point if it's equal to the first one (to fix GeoJSON polygon issues) (by @snkashis). #1153 #1135
  • Improved L.Util.template (and correspondingly url-related TileLayer options) to support functions for data values (by @olegsmith). #1554
  • Added TileLayer getContainer method (by @tmcw). #1433
  • Fixed TileLayer.Canvas redraw method chaining (by @jieter). #1287
  • Added latlng property to Marker mouse event data. #1613
  • Added popupopen and popupclose events to various layers (by @Koc). #738
  • Added GeoJSON coordsToLatLng option for dealing with GeoJSON that has non-WGS84 coords (thanks to @moonlite). #888 #886
  • Added Popup keepInView option (thanks to @lapo-luchini) that prevents the popup from going off-screen while it's opened. #1308 #1052
Map API improvements
  • Improved all view changing methods of Map (setView, panTo, setZoom, fitBounds, etc.) to accept an options object, including the ability to precisely control zoom/pan animations they cause (force disable/enable, etc.). #1617 #1616 #340 #483 #1164 #1420
  • Improved Map fitBounds method to accept padding (or paddingTopLeft and paddingBottomRight) options, allowing you to zoom to an area with a certain padding in pixels (usually left for controls). #859
  • Added Map remove method to properly destroy the map and clean up all events (by @jfirebaugh and @mourner). #1434 #1101 #1621
  • Added Map zoomlevelschange event that triggers when the current zoom range (min/max) changes (by @moonlite). #1376
  • Added Map setZoomAround method for zooming while keeping a certain point fixed (used by scroll and double-click zooming). #1157
  • Improved Map to throw exception if the specified container id is not found (by @tmcw). #1574
  • Improved Map locationfound event to pass all location data (heading, speed, etc.). #984 #584 #987 #1028
  • Improved Map closePopup method to optionally accept a popup object to close. #1641
  • Improved Map stopLocate method to abort resetting map view if calling locate with setView option. #747
  • Improved Map openPopup method to also accept (content, latlng) signature as a shortcut.
  • Added Map resize event. #1564
Controls API improvements
  • Added generic toolbar classes for reuse by plugin developers (used by zoom control).
  • Added Control.Layers overlayadd and overlayremove events (by @calvinmetcalf). #1286
  • Added Control getContainer method. #1409

Development workflow improvements


General bugfixes

  • Fixed lots of issues with extent restriction by Map maxBounds. #1491 #1475 #1194 #900 #1333
  • Fixed occasional crashes by disabling zoom animation if changing zoom level by more than 4 levels.. #1377
  • Fixed a bug that caused unwanted scrolling of the page to the top of the map on focus. #1228 #1540
  • Fixed a bug where clicking on a marker with an open popup caused the popup to faded in again (by @snkashis). #506 #1386
  • Fixed a bug where zoom buttons disabled state didn't update on min/max zoom change (by @snkashis). #1372 #1328
  • Fixed a bug where scrolling slightly wouldn't always zoom out the map (by @cschwarz). #1575
  • Fixed popup close button to not leave an outline after clicking on it and reopening the popup (by @dotCypress). #1537
  • Fixed a bug that prevented tiles from loading during pan animation.

Browser bugfixes

  • Fixed a bug where TileLayer opacity didn't work in IE 7-8 (by @javisantana & [@danzel](https://gi .com/danzel)). #1084 #1396 #1371
  • Fixed a bug in Android WebView where click was triggered twice on one tap (by @jerel). #1227 #1263
  • Fixed a bug where mouse coordinates where shifted in Firefox if the map was inside a positioned block on a scrolled page (by @joschka). #1365 #1322
  • Fixed a bug where box zoom didn't work in some cases in Firefox 18+ (by @fabriceds). #1405
  • Fixed a bug where tile layer z-index order sometimes broke after view reset. #1422
  • Fixed Leaflet not working correctly in PhantomJS (by @rassie). #1501
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the layers control from working correctly on WinPhone8/IE10 Touch (by @danzel). #1635 #1539

API bugfixes

  • Fixed a bug where event listener still fired even if it was removed on the same event in other listener (by @spamdaemon). #1661 #1654
  • Fixed a bug where Map fitBounds wouldn't work correctly with large bounds (thanks to @MaZderMind). #1069
  • Fixed a bug where default marker icon path wasn't properly detected in some cases in IE6-7 (by @calvinmetcalf). #1294
  • Fixed a bug where Map hasLayer wasn't handling null objects (by @rvlasveld). #1282 #1302
  • Fixed a bug where TileLayer.WMS param values weren't escaped in URLs (by @yohanboniface). #1317
  • Fixed a bug where Map moveend fired before dragend on drag (by @oslek). #1374
  • Fixed a bug where panning with inertia produced an excessive Map movestart event on inertia start (by @oslek). #1374
  • Fixed a bug where Map moveend fired repeatedly on window resize even if the actual map size didn't change (by @oslek). #1374
  • Fixed a bug where L.point and L.latLng factories weren't passing null and undefined values through.
  • Fixed a bug where layers that belong to multiple feature groups didn't propagate events correctly (by @danzel). #1359
  • Fixed a bug where Control.Attribution removeAttribution of inexistant attribution corrupted the attribution text. #1410
  • Fixed a bug where TileLayer.WMS tileSize option was ignored (by @brianhatchl). #1080
  • Fixed a bug where Polyline constructor could overwrite the source array (by @snkashis and @danzel). #1439 #1092 #1246 #1426
  • Fixed compatibility with Browserify (by @jfirebaugh). #1572
  • Fixed a bug where Map moveend sometimes wasn't fired after drag (particularly often when dragging with a trackpad).
  • Fixed a bug where marker dragging disabling/enabling wouldn't always work correctly (by @snkashis and @escaped). #1471 #1551
  • Fixed TileLayer to prevent incorrect subdomain in case of negative tile coordinates (by @malexeev). #1532
  • Fixed DomEvent removeListener function chaining (by @pagameba).
  • Fixed polygons to normalize holes (remove last point if it's equal to the first one) (by @jfirebaugh). # #1459
  • Fixed DivIcon html option to accept 0 as a value (by @stuporglue). #1633
  • Fixed a bug where removeEventListener would throw an error if no events are registered on the object (by @tjoekbezoer). #1632 #1631
  • Fixed a bug with Canvas-based paths throwing an error on mousemove in certain conditions. #1615
  • Fixed a bug where copies of the world wouldn't load if you set TileLayer bounds (by @ansis). #1618
  • Fixed a bug where Point equals and contains methods didn't accept points in array form.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause an error when trying to get the state of the map in a Map load event listener. #962
  • Fixed a bug where TileLayer load event wouldn't always fire correctly. #1565
  • Added Map autopanstart event back (it was removed occasionally in previous version). #1375

0.5.1 (February 6, 2013)

  • Fixed a regression with GeoJSON not accepting arrays of FeatureCollection (by @snkashis). #1299 #1298
  • Fixed a regression with CirleMarker setRadius not working if called before adding the layer to the map (by @danzel). #1342 #1297

0.5 (January 17, 2013)

Breaking changes

Be sure to read through these changes to avoid any issues when upgrading from older versions:

  • Removed default LatLng wrapping/clamping of coordinates (-180, -90 to 180, 90), wrapping moved to an explicit method (LatLng wrap).
  • Disabled Map worldCopyJump option by default (jumping back to the original world copy when panning out of it). Enable it explicitly if you need it.
  • Changed styles for the zoom control (you may need to update your custom styles for it).


Usability improvements

  • Added touch zoom, pan and double tap support for IE10 touch devices and Metro apps (by @danzel and @veproza with help from @oliverheilig). #1076 #871
  • Improved panning inertia to be much more natural and smooth.
  • Improved dragging cursors in Chrome, Safari and Firefox (now grabbing hand cursors are used).
  • Improved zoom animation curve for a better feel overall.
  • Improved scroll wheel zoom to be more responsive.
  • Improved panning animation performance in IE6-8.
  • Improved zoom control design to look better, more neutral and in line with other controls, making it easier to customize and fit different website designs. Replaced +/- images with text.
  • Improved zoom control to zoom by 3 levels if you hold shift while clicking on a button.
  • Improved zoom control buttons to become visually disabled when min/max zoom is reached. #917
  • Improved scale control styles.
  • Improved fallback control styles for IE6-8.
  • Added retina support for markers (through Icon iconRetinaUrl and shadowRetinaUrl options) (by @danzel). #1048 #1174
  • Added retina-sized default marker icon in addition to standard one (along with its SVG source and with some subtle design improvements) (by @danzel). #1048 #1174
  • Improved vectors updating/removing performance on Canvas backend (by @danzel). #961
  • Cut total images size from 10KB to 3.2KB with Yahoo Thanks to Peter Rounce for suggestion.

API improvements

  • Replaced L.Transition with a much better and simpler L.PosAnimation.
  • Added Class addInitHook method for adding constructor hooks to any classes (great extension point for plugin authors). #1123
  • Added Map whenReady method (by @jfirebaugh). #1063
  • Added optional delta argument to Map zoomIn and zoomOut (1 by default).
  • Added isValid method to LatLngBounds and Bounds (by @domoritz). #972
  • Added Point equals method.
  • Added Bounds getSize method.
  • Improved markers and vectors click event so that it propagates to map if no one is listening to it (by @danzel). #834 #1033
  • Added Path unbindPopup and closePopup methods.
  • Added Path add and remove event.
  • Added Marker riseOnHover and riseOffset options (for bringing markers to front on hover, disabled by default) (by jacobtoye). #914 #920
  • Added Marker move and remove events.
  • Added Marker contextmenu event. #223
  • Added Popup zoomAnimation option (useful to disable when displaying flash content inside popups #999).
  • Added FeatureGroup layeradd and layerremove events (by @jacobtoye). #1122
  • Added Control.Layers baselayerchange event (by @jfirebaugh). #1064
  • Improved Control.Layers to support HTML in layer names (by @aparshin). #1055 #1099
  • Added CRS.Simple to the list of built-in CRS and improved it to be more usable out of the box (it has different default scaling and transformation now), see debug/map/simple-proj.html for an example.
  • Removed Browser ua, gecko, opera properties (no longer needed).
  • Added L.extend, L.bind, L.stamp, L.setOptions shortcuts for corresponding L.Util methods.
  • Disabled clearing of map container contents on map initialization (as a result of fixing #278).
  • Added L.Util.isArray function (by @oslek). #1279
  • Added mouseover and mouseout events to canvas-based vector layers (by @snkashis). #1403
  • Added Map eachLayer to iterate over all layers added to the map (by @jfirebaugh). #1457
  • Added TileLayer bounds option to limit tile loading to a specific region (by @adimitrov). #991


General bugfixes

  • Fixed broken tiles and zooming in RTL layouts (by @danzel). #1099 #1095
  • Fixed a bug with pan animation where it jumped to its end position if you tried to drag the map.
  • Fixed a bug where shift-clicking on a map would zoom it to the max zoom level.
  • Fixed a glitch with zooming in while panning animation is running.
  • Fixed a glitch with dragging the map while zoom animation is running.
  • Fixed a bug where slight touchpad scrolling or one-wheel scrolling wouln't always perform zooming. #1039
  • Fixed a bug where panBy wouldn't round the offset values (so it was possible to make the map blurry with it). #1085
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't scroll the layers control with a mouse wheel.
  • Fixed a regression where WMS tiles wouldn't wrap on date lines. #970
  • Fixed a bug where mouse interaction was affected by map container border width (by @mohlendo). #1204 #1205
  • Fixed a bug with weird vector zoom animation when using Canvas for rendering (by @danzel). #1187 #1188
  • Fixed a bug where max bounds limitation didn't work when navigating the map with a keyboard (by @snkashis). #989 #1221

API bugfixes

  • Fixed a bug where TileLayer bringToBack didn't work properly in some cases (by @danzel). #963 #959
  • Fixed a bug where removing a tile layer while dragging would throw an error (by @danzel). #965 #968
  • Fixed a bug where middle marker wasn't removed after deleting 2 end nodes from a polyline (by @Svad). #1022 #1023
  • Fixed a bug where Map load event happened too late (after moveend, etc.) (by @jfirebaugh). #1027
  • Fixed Circle getBounds to return correct bounds and work without adding the circle to a map. #1068
  • Fixed a bug where removing Popup on viewreset throwed an error (by fnicollet and @danzel). #1098 #1094
  • Fixed a bug where TileLayer.Canvas drawTile didn't receive tile zoom level in arguments.
  • Fixed a bug where GeoJSON resetStyle would not fully reset a layer to its default style. #1112
  • Fixed a bug that caused infinite recursion when using latLngBounds factory with coordinates as string values. #933
  • Fixed chaining on Marker setIcon, setZIndexOffset, update methods. #1176
  • Fixed a bug with mouse interaction when the map container contained children with position other than absolute. #278
  • Fixed a bug with fill/stroke opacity conflicts when using Canvas for rendering (by @danzel). #1186 #1889
  • Fixed a bug where FeatureGroup bindPopup didn't take options into account.
  • Fixed a bug where Canvas-based vector layers didn't cleanup click event on removal properly (by @snkashis). #1006 #1273
  • Fixed a bug where CircleMarker setStyle didn't take radius into account (by @fdlk). #1012 #1013
  • Fixed a bug where null GeoJSON geometries would throw an error instead of skipping (by @brianherbert). #1240
  • Fixed a bug where Canvas-based vector layers passed incorrect layer event property on click (by @snkashis). #1215 #1243
  • Fixed a bug where TileLayer.WMS didn't work correctly if the base URL contained query parameters (by @snkashis). #973 #1231
  • Fixed a bug where removing a polyline in editing state wouldn't clean up the editing handles (by @mehmeta). #1233
  • Fixed a bug where removing a vector layer with a bound popup wouldn't clean up its click event properly (by @yohanboniface). #1229
  • Fixed a bug where GeoJSON features with GeometryCollection didn't pass properties to pointToLayer function (by @calvinmetcalf). #1097
  • Fixed FeatureGroup eachLayer chaining. #1452

Browser bugfixes

  • Fixed a bug with map freezing after zoom on Android 4.1. #1182
  • Fixed a bug where "Not implemented" error sometimes appeared in IE6-8 (by @bryguy and @lookfirst). #892 #893
  • Fixed compatibility with SmoothWheel extension for Firefox (by @waldir). #1011
  • Fixed a bug with popup layout in IE6-7 (by @danzel). #1117
  • Fixed a bug with incorrect box zoom opacity in IE6-7 (by @jacobtoye). #1072
  • Fixed a bug with box zoom throwing a JS error in IE6-7 (by @danzel). #1071
  • Fixed a bug where TileLayer bringToFront/Back() throwed an error in IE6-8. #1168
  • Fixed array type checking in the code to be more consistent in a cross-frame environment (by @oslek). #1279
  • Fixed a bug with - key not working in Firefox 15+ (thanks to @mattesCZ). #869

0.4.5 (October 25, 2012)

  • Fixed a bug with wonky zoom animation in IE10 (by @danzel). #1007
  • Fixed a bug with wonky zoom animation in Chrome 23+ (by @danzel). #1060 #1056

0.4.4 (August 7, 2012)


  • Improved GeoJSON setStyle to also accept function (like the corresponding option).
  • Added GeoJSON resetStyle(layer), useful for resetting hover state.
  • Added feature property to layers created with GeoJSON (containing the GeoJSON feature data).
  • Added FeatureGroup bringToFront and bringToBack methods (so that they would work for multipolys).
  • Added optional animate argument to Map invalidateSize (by @ajbeaven). #857


  • Fixed a bug where tiles sometimes disappeared on initial map load on Android 2/3 (by @danzel). #868
  • Fixed a bug where map would occasionally flicker near the border on zoom or pan on Chrome.
  • Fixed a bug where Path bringToFront and bringToBack didn't return this.
  • Removed zoom out on Win/Meta key binding (since it interferes with global keyboard shortcuts). #869

0.4.2 (August 1, 2012)

  • Fixed a bug where layers control radio buttons would not work correctly in IE7 (by @danzel). #862
  • Fixed a bug where FeatureGroup removeLayer would unbind popups of removed layers even if the popups were not put by the group (affected Leaflet.markercluster plugin) (by @danzel). #861

0.4.1 (July 31, 2012)

  • Fixed a bug that caused marker shadows appear as opaque black in IE6-8. #850
  • Fixed a bug with incorrect calculation of scale by the scale control. #852
  • Fixed broken L.tileLayer.wms class factory (by @mattcurrie). #856
  • Improved retina detection for TileLayer detectRetina option (by @sxua). #854

0.4 (July 30, 2012)

API simplification

Leaflet 0.4 contains several API improvements that allow simpler, jQuery-like syntax (example) while being backwards compatible with the previous approach (so you can use both styles):

  • Improved most methods and options to accept LatLng, LatLngBounds, Point and Bounds values in an array form (e.g. map.panTo([lat, lng]) will be the same as map.panTo(new L.LatLng(lat, lng)))
  • Added addTo method to all layer classes, e.g. marker.addTo(map) is equivalent to map.addLayer(marker)
  • Added factory methods to most classes to be able to write code without new keyword, named the same as classes but starting with a lowercase letter, e.g.'map') is the same as new L.Map('map')

Notable new features

  • Added configurable panning inertia - after a quick pan, the map slows down in the same direction.
  • Added keyboard navigation for panning/zooming with keyboard arrows and +/- keys (by @ericmmartinez). #663 #646
  • Added smooth zoom animation of markers, vector layers, image overlays and popups (by @danzel). #740 #758
  • Added Android 4+ pinch-zoom support (by @danzel). #774
  • Added polyline and polygon editing. #174
  • Added an unobtrusive scale control.
  • Added DivIcon class that easily allows you to create lightweight div-based markers.
  • Added Rectangle vector layer (by @JasonSanford). #504


Usability improvements

  • Improved zooming so that you don't get a blank map when you zoom in or out twice quickly (by @danzel). #7 #729
  • Drag-panning now works even when there are markers in the starting point (helps on maps with lots of markers). #506
  • Improved panning performance even more (there are no wasted frames now).
  • Improved pinch-zoom performance in mobile Chrome and Firefox.
  • Improved map performance on window resize.
  • Replaced box-shadow with border on controls for mobile devices to improve performance.
  • Slightly improved default popup styling.
  • Added TileLayer detectRetina option (false by default) that makes tiles show in a higher resolution on iOS retina displays (by @Mithgol). #586

GeoJSON API changes

GeoJSON API was improved to be simpler and more flexible (example). The changes are not backwards-compatible, so be sure to update your old code.

  • Added style option for styling vector layers, passed either as an object or as a function (to style vector layers according to GeoJSON properties).
  • Added filter option to leave out features that don't correspond to a certain criteria (e.g. based on properties).
  • Added onEachFeature option to execute certain code on each feature layer based on its properties (binding popups, etc).
  • Changed pointToLayer function signature to provide geojson in addition to latlng when creating point features for more flexibility.

Icon API changes

Icon API was improved to be more flexible, but one of the changes is backwards-incompatible: you now need to pass different icon properties (like iconUrl) inside an options object (example).

  • Converted Icon properties to options, changed constructor signature to Icon(options).
  • Moved default marker icon options to L.Icon.Default class (which extends from L.Icon).
  • Added Icon className option to assign a custom class to an icon.
  • Added Icon shadowAnchor option to set the anchor of the shadow.
  • Made all Icon options except iconUrl optional (if not specified, they'll be chosen automatically or implemented using CSS). Anchor is centered by default (if size is specified), and otherwise can be set through CSS using negative margins.

Control API changes

  • Added setPosition and getPosition to all controls, as well as ability to pass certain position as an option when creating a control.
  • Made controls implementation easier (now more magic happens under the hood).
  • Replaced ugly control position constants (e.g. L.Control.Position.TOP_LEFT) with light strings ('topleft', 'bottomright', etc.)

Other breaking API changes

  • Improved TileLayer constructor to interpolate URL template values from options (removed third urlParams argument).
  • Changed TileLayer scheme: 'tms' option to tms: true.
  • Removed Map locateAndSetView method (use locate with setView: true option)
  • Changed popup minWidth and maxWidth options to be applied to content element, not the whole popup.
  • Moved prefix argument to options in Control.Attribution constructor.
  • Renamed L.VERSION to L.version.

Other API improvements

  • Improved on and off methods to also accept (eventHash[, context]), as well as multiple space-separated events (by @Guiswa). #770
  • Improved off to remove all listeners of the event if no function was specified (by @Guiswa). #770 #691
  • Added TileLayer setZIndex method for controlling the order of tile layers (thanks to @mattcurrie). #837
  • Added Control.Layers autoZIndex option (on by default) to preserve the order of tile layers when switching.
  • Added TileLayer redraw method for re-requesting tiles (by @greeninfo). #719
  • Added TileLayer setUrl method for dynamically changing the tile URL template.
  • Added bringToFront and bringToBack methods to TileLayer, ImageOverlay and vector layers. #185 #505
  • Added TileLayer loading event that fires when its tiles start to load (thanks to @lapinos03). #177
  • Added TileLayer.WMS setParams method for setting WMS parameters at runtime (by @greeninfo). #719
  • Added TileLayer.WMS subdomain support ({s} in the url) (by @greeninfo). #735
  • Added originalEvent property to MouseEvent (by @k4). #521
  • Added containerPoint property to MouseEvent. #413
  • Added contextmenu event to vector layers (by @ErrorProne). #500
  • Added LayerGroup eachLayer method for iterating over its members.
  • Added FeatureGroup mousemove and contextmenu events (by @jacobtoye). #816
  • Added chaining to DomEvent methods.
  • Added on and off aliases for DomEvent addListener and removeListener methods.
  • Added L_NO_TOUCH global variable switch (set it before Leaflet inclusion) which disables touch detection, helpful for desktop apps built using QT. #572
  • Added dashArray option to vector layers for making dashed strokes (by jacobtoye). #821 #165
  • Added Circle getBounds method. #440
  • Added Circle getLatLng and getRadius methods (by @Guiswa). #655
  • Added openPopup method to all vector layers. #246
  • Added public redraw method to vector layers (useful if you manipulate their LatLng points directly).
  • Added Marker opacity option and setOpacity method.
  • Added Marker update method. #392
  • Improved Marker openPopup not to raise an error if it doesn't have a popup. #507
  • Added ImageOverlay opacity option and setOpacity method. #438
  • Added Popup maxHeight option that makes content inside the popup scrolled if it doesn't fit the specified max height.
  • Added Popup openOn(map) method (similar to Map openPopup).
  • Added Map getContainer method (by @Guiswa). #654
  • Added Map containerPointToLatLng and latLngToContainerPoint methods. #474
  • Added Map addHandler method.
  • Added Map mouseup and autopanstart events.
  • Added LatLngBounds pad method that returns bounds extended by a percentage (by @jacobtoye). #492
  • Moved dragging cursor styles from JS code to CSS.

Bug fixes

General bugfixes

  • Fixed a bug where the map was zooming incorrectly inside a position: fixed container (by @chx007). #602
  • Fixed a bug where scaled tiles weren't cleared up after zoom in some cases (by @cfis) #683
  • Fixed a bug where map wouldn't drag over a polygon with a mousedown listener. #834

API bugfixes

  • Fixed a regression where removeLayer would not remove corresponding attribution. #488
  • Fixed a bug where popup close button wouldn't work on manually added popups. #423
  • Fixed a bug where marker click event would stop working if you dragged it and then disabled dragging. #434
  • Fixed a bug where TileLayer setOpacity wouldn't work when setting it back to 1.
  • Fixed a bug where vector layer setStyle({stroke: false}) wouldn't remove stroke and the same for fill. #441
  • Fixed a bug where Marker bindPopup method wouldn't take offset option into account.
  • Fixed a bug where TileLayer load event wasn't fired if some tile didn't load (by @lapinos03 and @cfis) #682
  • Fixed error when removing GeoJSON layer. #685
  • Fixed error when calling GeoJSON clearLayer (by @runderwood). #617
  • Fixed a bug where Control setPosition wasn't always working correctly (by @ericmmartinez). #657
  • Fixed a bug with Util.bind sometimes losing arguments (by @johtso). #588
  • Fixed a bug where drag event was sometimes fired after dragend. #555
  • Fixed a bug where TileLayer load event was firing only once (by @lapinos03 and shintonik). #742 #177
  • Fixed a bug where FeatureGroup popup events where not cleaned up after removing a layer from it (by @danzel). #775
  • Fixed a bug where DomUtil.removeClass didn't remove trailing spaces (by @jieter). #784
  • Fixed a bug where marker popup didn't take popup offset into account.
  • Fixed a bug that led to an error when polyline was removed inside a moveend listener.
  • Fixed a bug where LayerGroup addLayer wouldn't check if a layer has already been added (by @danzel). 798

Browser bugfixes

  • Fixed broken zooming on IE10 beta (by @danzel). #650 #751
  • Fixed a bug that broke Leaflet for websites that had XHTML content-type header set (by lars-sh). #801
  • Fixed a bug that caused popups to be empty in IE when passing a DOM node as the content (by @nrenner). #472
  • Fixed inability to use scrolled content inside popup due to mouse wheel propagation.
  • Fixed a bug that caused jumping/stuttering of panning animation in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug where popup size was calculated incorrectly in IE.
  • Fixed a bug where cursor would flicker when dragging a marker.
  • Fixed a bug where clickable paths on IE9 didn't have a hand cursor (by naehrstoff). #671
  • Fixed a bug in IE with disappearing icons when changing opacity (by @tagliala and DamonOehlman). #667 #600
  • Fixed a bug with setting opacity on IE10 (by @danzel). 796
  • Fixed a bug where Control.Layers didn't work on IE7. #652
  • Fixed a bug that could cause false mousemove events on click in Chrome (by @stsydow). #757
  • Fixed a bug in IE6-8 where adding fill or stroke on vector layers after initialization with setStyle would break the map. #641
  • Fixed a bug with setOpacity in IE where it would not work correctly if used more than once on the same element (by @ajbeaven). #827
  • Fixed a bug in Chrome where transparent control corners sometimes couldn't be clicked through (by @danzel). #836 #575

Mobile browser bugfixes

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused map to disappear completely after zoom on iOS (by @fr1n63). #580 #777
  • Fixed a bug that often caused vector layers to flicker on drag end on iOS (by @krawaller). #18
  • Fixed a bug with false map click events on pinch-zoom and zoom/layers controls click. #485
  • Fixed a bug where touching the map with two or more fingers simultaneously would raise an error.
  • Fixed a bug where zoom control wasn't always visible on Android 3. #335
  • Fixed a bug where opening the layers control would propagate a click to the map (by @jacobtoye). #638
  • Fixed a bug where ImageOverlay wouldn't stretch properly on zoom on Android 2. #651
  • Fixed a bug where clearLayers for vector layers on a Canvas backend (e.g. on Android 2) would take unreasonable amount of time. #785
  • Fixed a bug where setLatLngs and similar methods on vector layers on a Canvas backend would not update the layers immediately. #732

0.3.1 (February 14, 2012)

  • Fixed a regression where default marker icons wouldn't work if Leaflet include url contained a query string.
  • Fixed a regression where tiles sometimes flickered with black on panning in iOS.

0.3 (February 13, 2012)

Major features

  • Added Canvas backend for vector layers (polylines, polygons, circles). This enables vector support on Android < 3, and it can also be optionally preferred over SVG for a performance gain in some cases. Thanks to @florianf for a big part of this work.
  • Added layers control (Control.Layers) for convenient layer switching.
  • Added ability to set max bounds within which users can pan/zoom. #93


Usability improvements

  • Map now preserves its center after resize.
  • When panning to another copy of the world (that's infinite horizontally), map overlays now jump to corresponding positions. #273
  • Limited maximum zoom change on a single mouse wheel movement (so you won't zoom across the whole zoom range in one scroll). #149
  • Significantly improved line simplification performance (noticeable when rendering polylines/polygons with tens of thousands of points)
  • Improved circles performance by not drawing them if they're off the clip region.
  • Improved stability of zoom animation (less flickering of tiles).

API improvements

  • Added ability to add a tile layer below all others (map.addLayer(layer, true)) (useful for switching base tile layers).
  • Added Map zoomstart event (thanks to @Fabiz). #377
  • Improved Map locate method, added ability to watch location continuously and more options. #212
  • Added second argument inside to Map getBoundsZoom method that allows you to get appropriate zoom for the view to fit inside the given bounds.
  • Added hasLayer method to Map.
  • Added Marker zIndexOffset option to be able to set certain markers below/above others. #65
  • Added urlParams third optional argument to TileLayer constructor for convenience: an object with properties that will be evaluated in the URL template.
  • Added TileLayer continuousWorld option to disable tile coordinates checking/wrapping.
  • Added TileLayer tileunload event fired when tile gets removed after panning (by @CodeJosch). #256
  • Added TileLayer zoomOffset option useful for non-256px tiles (by @msaspence).
  • Added TileLayer zoomReverse option to reverse zoom numbering (by @Majiir). #406
  • Added TileLayer.Canvas redraw method (by @mortenbekditlevsen). #459
  • Added Polyline closestLayerPoint method that's can be useful for interaction features (by @anru). #186
  • Added setLatLngs method to MultiPolyline and MultiPolygon (by @anru). #194
  • Added getBounds method to Polyline and Polygon (by @JasonSanford). #253
  • Added getBounds method to FeatureGroup (by @JasonSanford). #557
  • Added FeatureGroup setStyle method (also inherited by MultiPolyline and MultiPolygon). #353
  • Added FeatureGroup invoke method to call a particular method on all layers of the group with the given arguments.
  • Added ImageOverlay load event. #213
  • Added minWidth option to Popup (by @marphi). #214
  • Improved LatLng constructor to be more tolerant (and throw descriptive error if latitude or longitude can't be interpreted as a number). #136
  • Added LatLng distanceTo method (great circle distance) (by @mortenbekditlevsen). #462
  • Added LatLngBounds toBBoxString method for convenience (by @JasonSanford). #263
  • Added LatLngBounds intersects(otherBounds) method (thanks to @pagameba). #350
  • Made LatLngBounds extend method to accept other LatLngBounds in addition to LatLng (by @JasonSanford). #553
  • Added Bounds intersects(otherBounds) method. #461
  • Added L.Util.template method for simple string template evaluation.
  • Added DomUtil.removeClass method (by @anru).
  • Improved browser-specific code to rely more on feature detection rather than user agent string.
  • Improved superclass access mechanism to work with inheritance chains of 3 or more classes; now you should use Klass.superclass instead of this.superclass (by @anru). #179
  • Added Map boxzoomstart and boxzoomend events (by @zedd45). #554
  • Added Popup contentupdate event (by @mehmeta). #548

Breaking API changes

  • shiftDragZoom map option/property renamed to boxZoom.
  • Removed mouseEventToLatLng method (bringed back in 0.4).

Development workflow improvements

  • Build system completely overhauled to be based on Node.js, Jake, JSHint and UglifyJS.
  • All code is now linted for errors and conformity with a strict code style (with JSHint), and wont build unless the check passes.


General bugfixes

  • Fixed a bug where Circle was rendered with incorrect radius (didn't take projection exagerration into account). #331
  • Fixed a bug where Map getBounds would work incorrectly on a date line cross. #295
  • Fixed a bug where polygons and polylines sometimes rendered incorrectly on some zoom levels. #381
  • Fixed a bug where fast mouse wheel zoom worked incorrectly when approaching min/max zoom values.
  • Fixed a bug where GeoJSON pointToLayer option wouldn't work in a GeometryCollection. #391
  • Fixed a bug with incorrect rendering of GeoJSON on a date line cross. #354
  • Fixed a bug where map panning would stuck forever after releasing the mouse over an iframe or a flash object (thanks to @sten82). #297 #64
  • Fixed a bug where mouse wheel zoom worked incorrectly if map is inside scrolled container (partially by @chrillo). #206
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to add the same listener twice. #281
  • Fixed a bug where Circle was rendered with incorrect radius (didn't take projection exaggeration into account). #331
  • Fixed a bug where Marker setIcon was not working properly (by @marphi). #218 #311
  • Fixed a bug where Marker setLatLng was not working if it's set before adding the marker to a map. #222
  • Fixed a bug where marker popup would not move on Marker setLatLng (by @tjarratt). #272
  • Fixed a bug where static properties of a child class would not override the parent ones.
  • Fixed broken popup closePopup option (by @jgerigmeyer).
  • Fixed a bug that caused en error when dragging marker with icon without shadow (by @anru). #178
  • Fixed a typo in Bounds contains method (by @anru). #180
  • Fixed a bug where creating an empty Polygon with new L.Polygon() would raise an error.
  • Fixed a bug where drag event fired before the actual movement of layer (by @anru). #197
  • Fixed a bug where map click caused an error if dragging is initially disabled. #196
  • Fixed a bug where map movestart event would fire after zoom animation.
  • Fixed a bug where attribution prefix would not update on setPrefix. #195
  • Fixed a bug where TileLayer load event wouldn't fire in some edge cases (by @dravnic).
  • Fixed a bug related to clearing background tiles after zooming (by @neno-giscloud & @dravnic).
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused map flickering after zoom animation.
  • Fixed a bug related to cleaning up after removing tile layers (by @dravnic). #276
  • Fixed a bug that made selecting text in the attribution control impossible. #279
  • Fixed a bug when initializing a map in a non-empty div. #278
  • Fixed a bug where movestart didn't fire on panning animation.
  • Fixed a bug in Elliptical Mercator formula that affeted EPSG:3395 CRS (by @Savvkin). #358

Browser bugfixes

  • Fixed occasional crashes on Mac Safari (thanks to @lapinos03). #191
  • Fixed a bug where resizing the map would sometimes make it blurry on WebKit (by @mortenbekditlevsen). #453
  • Fixed a bug that raised error in IE6-8 when clicking on popup close button. #235
  • Fixed a bug with Safari not redrawing UI immediately after closing a popup. #296
  • Fixed a bug that caused performance drop and high CPU usage when calling setView or panTo to the current center. #231
  • Fixed a bug that caused map overlays to appear blurry in some cases under WebKit browsers.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing errors in some Webkit/Linux builds (requestAnimationFrame-related), thanks to Chris Martens.

Mobile browser bugfixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused an error when clicking vector layers under iOS. #204
  • Fixed crash on Android 3+ when panning or zooming (by @florian). #137
  • Fixed a bug on Android 2/3 that sometimes caused the map to disappear after zooming. #69
  • Fixed a bug on Android 3 that caused tiles to shift position on a big map.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the map to pan when touch-panning inside a popup. #452
  • Fixed a bug that caused click delays on zoom control.

0.2.1 (2011-06-18)

  • Fixed regression that caused error in TileLayer.Canvas.

0.2 (2011-06-17)

Major features

  • Added WMS support (TileLayer.WMS layer).
  • Added different projections support, having EPSG:3857, EPSG:4326 and EPSG:3395 out of the box (through crs option in Map). Thanks to @Miroff & @Komzpa for great advice and explanation regarding this.
  • Added GeoJSON layer support.


Usability improvements

  • Improved panning performance in Chrome and FF considerably with the help of requestAnimationFrame. #130
  • Improved click responsiveness in mobile WebKit (now it happens without delay). #26
  • Added tap tolerance (so click happens even if you moved your finger slighly when tapping).
  • Improved geolocation error handling: better error messages, explicit timeout, set world view on locateAndSetView failure. #61

API improvements

  • Added MultiPolyline and MultiPolygon layers. #77
  • Added LayerGroup and FeatureGroup layers for grouping other layers.
  • Added TileLayer.Canvas for easy creation of canvas-based tile layers.
  • Changed Circle to be zoom-dependent (with radius in meters); circle of a permanent size is now called CircleMarker.
  • Added mouseover and mouseout events to map, markers and paths; added map mousemove event.
  • Added setLatLngs, spliceLatLngs, addLatLng, getLatLngs methods to polylines and polygons.
  • Added setLatLng and setRadius methods to Circle and CircleMarker.
  • Improved LatLngBounds contains method to accept LatLng in addition to LatLngBounds, the same for Bounds contains and Point
  • Improved LatLngBounds & Bounds to allow their instantiation without arguments (by @snc).
  • Added TMS tile numbering support through TileLayer scheme: 'tms' option (by @tmcw).
  • Added TileLayer noWrap option to disable wrapping x tile coordinate (by @jasondavies).
  • Added opacity option and setOpacity method to TileLayer.
  • Added setLatLng and setIcon methods to Marker.
  • Added title option to Marker.
  • Added maxZoom argument to map.locateAndSetView method.
  • Added ability to pass Geolocation options to map locate and locateAndSetView methods (by @JasonSanford).
  • Improved Popup to accept HTML elements in addition to strings as its content.

Development workflow improvements

  • Added Makefile for building leaflet.js on non-Windows machines (by @tmcw).
  • Improved debug/leaflet-include.js script to allow using it outside of debug folder (by @antonj).
  • Improved L definition to be compatible with CommonJS. #122

Bug fixes

General bugfixes

  • Fixed a bug where zooming is broken if the map contains a polygon and you zoom to an area where it's not visible. #47
  • Fixed a bug where closed polylines would not appear on the map.
  • Fixed a bug where marker that was added, removed and then added again would not appear on the map. #66
  • Fixed a bug where tile layer that was added, removed and then added again would not appear on the map.
  • Fixed a bug where some tiles would not load when panning across the date line. #97
  • Fixed a bug where map div with position: absolute is reset to relative. #100
  • Fixed a bug that caused an error when trying to add a marker without shadow in its icon.
  • Fixed a bug where popup content would not update on setContent call. #94
  • Fixed a bug where double click zoom wouldn't work if popup is opened on map click
  • Fixed a bug with click propagation on popup close button. #99
  • Fixed inability to remove ImageOverlay layer.

Browser bugfixes

  • Fixed a bug where paths would not appear in IE8.
  • Fixed a bug where there were occasional slowdowns before zoom animation in WebKit. #123
  • Fixed incorrect zoom animation & popup styling in Opera 11.11.
  • Fixed popup fade animation in Firefox and Opera.
  • Fixed a bug where map isn't displayed in Firefox when there's an img { max-width: 100% } rule.

Mobile browsers bugfixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented panning on some Android 2.1 (and possibly older) devices. #84
  • Disabled zoom animation on Android by default because it's buggy on some devices (will be enabled back when it's stable enough). #32
  • Fixed a bug where map would occasionally break while multi-touch-zooming on iOS. #32
  • Fixed a bug that prevented panning/clicking on Android 3 tablets. #121
  • Fixed a bug that prevented panning/clicking on Opera Mobile. #138
  • Fixed potentional memory leak on WebKit when removing tiles, thanks to @Scalar4eg. #107

0.1 (2011-05-13)

Initial Leaflet release.