Stands for “YAML ain’t markup language”. It has 3 key points:
- It’s case sensitive.
- It’s a data serialisation language which means it stores data in form of code. Later using these files we deserialise. It’s similar to JSON and XML.
- It only stores data no commands. So basically it’s a data format to exchange data.
It’s used for writing configuration files for Docker and Kubernetes Services.
- Human readable
- Strict syntax and indentation. Using tools like “ValidKube” you can validate YAML files easily.
- Easily convertible to JSON or XML
- Preferred for representing complex data
- Parsing is easy
Sample YAML file:
# key-value pairs
- - - #separator to indicate different objects
# list
- apple
- mango
- lime
— - -
# block
- delhi
- mumbai
- - -
random: [“hello”, 100]
. . . #end of YAML file