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File metadata and controls

110 lines (97 loc) · 7.21 KB

Public Parameters for GNN Algorithms

Input/Oupput Path

Property Name Default Meaning
edgePath "" the input path (hdfs) of edge table
featurePath "" the input path (hdfs) of feature table
labelPath "" the input path (hdfs) of label table
testLabelPath "" the input path (hdfs) of validate label table
torchModelPath the name of the model file, in this example
predictOutputPath "" hdfs path to save the predict label for all nodes in the graph, set it if you need the label
embeddingPath "" hdfs path to save the embedding for all nodes in the graph, set it if you need the embedding vectors
outputModelPath "" hdfs path to save the training model file, which is also a torch model pt file, set it if you want to do predicting or incremental training in the next step
userFeaturePath "" the input path (hdfs) of user feature table
itemFeaturePath "" the input path (hdfs) of item feature table
userEmbeddingPath "" hdfs path to save the embedding for all user nodes in the graph, set it if you need the embedding vectors
itemEmbeddingPath "" hdfs path to save the embedding for all item nodes in the graph, set it if you need the embedding vectors
featureEmbedInputPath "" the embedding matrix for features(contains user, item), set it if you need to increment train only when data is high-sparse

Data Parameters

Property Name Default Meaning
featureDim -1 the dimension for the feature for each node, which should be equal with the number when generate the model file
edgeFeatureDim -1 the dimension for the feature of edge, which should be equal with the number when generate the model file
itemTypes 266 types of item nodes, which is also the num of meta-paths, for HAN
userFeatureDim -1 the dimension for the feature for each user node, which should be equal with the number when generate the model file
itemFeatureDim -1 the dimension for the feature for each item node, which should be equal with the number when generate the model file
fieldNum -1 the field num of user, the default is -1, set it if you need only when data is high-sparse
featEmbedDim -1 the dim of user embedding, the default is -1, set it if you need only when data is high-sparse
userFieldNum -1 the field num of user, the default is -1, set it if you need only when data is high-sparse
itemFieldNum -1 the field num of item, the default is -1, set it if you need only when data is high-sparse
userFeatEmbedDim -1 the dim of user embedding, the default is -1, set it if you need only when data is high-sparse
itemFeatEmbedDim -1 the dim of item embedding, the default is -1, set it if you need only when data is high-sparse
fieldMultiHot false whether the field is multi-hot(only support the last field is multi-hot), the default is false, set it if you need only when data is high-sparse
format sparse should be sparse/dense
numLabels 1 the num of multi-label classification task if numLabels > 1, the default is 1 for single-label classification

Algorithm Parameters

Property Name Default Meaning
stepSize 0.01 the learning rate when training
decay 0.001 the decay of learning ratio, the default is 0
optimizer adma adam/momentum/sgd/adagrad
numEpoch 10 number of epoches you want to run
testRatio 0.5 use how many nodes from the label file for testing(if testLabelPath is set, the testRatio is invalid)
trainRatio 0.5 randomly sampling part of samples to train; for unsupervised gnn algo
samples 5 the number of samples when sampling neighbors
userNumSamples 5 the number of samples of user neighbors training in the next step
itemNumSamples 5 the number of samples of item neighbors
second true whether use second hop sampling
batchSize 100 batch size for each optimizing step
actionType train hshould be train/predict
numBatchInit 5 we use a mini-batch way when initializing features and network structures on parameter servers. this parameter determines how many batches we uses in this step.
evals acc eval method, the default is acc, the optional value: acc,binary_acc,auc,precision,f1,rmse,recall;multi_auc for numLabels > 1
periods 1000 save pt model every few epochs
saveCheckpoint false whether checkpoint ps model after init parameters to ps
checkpointInterval 0 save ps model every few epochs
validatePeriods 5 validate model every few epochs
useSharedSamples false whether reuse the samples to calculate the train acc to accelerate, the default is false
numPartitions 10 partition the data into how many partitions
psNumPartition 10 partition the data into how many partitions on ps
batchSizeMultiple 10 the multiple of batchsize used to accelerate when predict prediction or embedding

Algorithm Parameters for Pytorch Model

Property Name Default Meaning
input_dim -1 input dimention of node features
hidden_dim -1 hidden dimension of convolution layer
output_dim -1 the number of classes for supervised algo, or the dimension of output embedding for unsupervised algo
output_file "" output file name
input_user_dim -1 input dimention of user node features
input_item_dim -1 input dimention of item node features
input_user_field_num -1 the number of user field num, for high-sparse
input_item_field_num -1 the number of item field num, for high-sparse
input_user_embedding_dim -1 embedding dim of user node features, for high-sparse
input_item_embedding_dim -1 embedding dim of item node features, for high-sparse
field_num -1 field num of node features, for high-sparse
input_embedding_dim -1 embedding dim of node features, for high-sparse
encode dense the encode of feature, optional value:dense, one-hot, multi-hot
edge_input_dim -1 the dimension of edge feature
item_types -1 the num of item_types
negative_size 1 multiples of positive samples
heads 1 the number of attention heads, the default is 1
dropout 0 the dropout ratio
edge_types false the dimension of edge feature
method classification the encode of feature, the default is classification, optional value:classification,regression for IGMC
task_type classification the type of task, the default value is classification, optional value:classification or multi-label-classification(multi labels for one node)
class_weights "" class weights for supervised GNN, in order to balance class, such as: 0.1,0.9

Result for Algorithm

Property Name Result for predictOutputPath Result for EmbeddingPath
Semi GraphSage node label softmax node embedding
DGI/Unsupervised - node embedding
RGCN node label softmax node embedding
EdgeProp node label softmax embedding -
GAT node label softmax embedding -
HAN user-node label softmax embedding -
Semi Bipartite GraphSage user-node label softmax embedding -
Unsupervised Bipartite GraphSage - node embedding
HGAT - node embedding
IGMC src dst label -