The angles-javascript-client has all the necessary functions to store your test results in the Angles Dashboard.
To install the angles javascript client in your project simply run the following command.
# if your only using whilst running your tests (otherwise remove --save-dev)
npm install angles-javascript-client --save-dev
You should be able to use the angles-javascript-client with any javascript execution framework to help you store your test results and do your image comparison. You make use of the client in the following ways.
// Option 1 (preferred): You can import an (singleton) instance of the anglesReporter
import anglesReporter from 'angles-javascript-client';
// And you can then point it to your instance of the Angles dashboard.
await anglesReporter.startBuild('TestRunName', 'Team', 'Environment', 'Component');
// store the versions of your system under test (so you can compare builds)
const artifact = new Artifact('angles-ui', 'anglesHQ', '1.0.0');
const artifactArray: Artifact[] = [];
await anglesReporter.addArtifacts(artifactArray);
// Called e.g. in the "before"
anglesReporter.startTest('test1', 'suite1');
// This will group all the loging afterwards in this action
anglesReporter.addAction('My first action');
// Using the following two requests you can store your screenshots (with a view name and platform details)
const platform = new ScreenshotPlatform('Android', '10', 'Chrome', '89.0', 'Samsung Galaxy S9');
const screenshot = await anglesReporter.saveScreenshotWithPlatform(
// this will add your screenshot to the info and display a thumbnail.
anglesReporter.infoWithScreenshot('Checking my view on android', screenshot._id);
// these methods don't do an assertion, but just report on the result (and change the state of the test run in Angles).
anglesReporter.pass('Assertion', 'true', 'true', 'Just doing an assertion');'Assertion', 'true', 'false', 'Just doing an assertion');
// Needs to be called once the test is done to send it to the Angles Dashboard.
await anglesReporter.saveTest();
If you want to create your own reporter, you can instantiate the request classes yourself.
// Option 2: you can import the invidividual TypeScript classes
import { BuildRequests, EnvironmentRequests } from 'angles-javascript-client';
// and instantiate the request classes yourself with your own axios instance.
const buildRequests = new BuildRequests(axios);
const environmentRequests = new EnvironmentRequests(axios);
To see more details about Angles Dashboard and e.g. how to set it up, have a look at our documentation on our github page.