title | subtitle |
Strings Practice |
Practice Code 6 |
This Notebook Contains practice question for the note on Strings.
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Q1: Write a program to get a string and print its reverse as output.
Q2: Write a program to get a string and print elements in odd position as output.
Q3: Write a program to get a string and print elements in even position as output.
Q4: Write a program to get a alphabetic string and print vowels in them as output.
Q5: Write a program to get a string and print digits in them as output.
Q6: Write a program to get a string s and a substring x and print if the x is present in s as output.
Q7: Write a program to get a string and set the first letter of all the words in the string to upper case and print the modified string as output.
Q8: Write a program to get a name from the user and print if it is a valid name as output.
Condition: Name is valid if contains only alphabets and there are at least 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase characters.
Q9: Write a program to get a variable name, replace all the white spaces with an underscore " _ " and print the modified string as output.
Q10: Write a program to get a string and print all the elements sorted in the alphabetical order as output.
Q11: Write a program to get a string and print the words in them in lexicographic order as output. The words in the string are delimited by a single whitespace (' ').