This module uses the same API on the client and the server and has two modes: websites and feeds. Either way, it consumes an URL and returns an object. Additionally, there is an url() method that returns the plain response text without any further parsing
@Scrape =
website: (url) ->
html = ScrapeRequest.fetch url
data = ParseWebsite html
obj = correctWebsite url, data
return obj
catch e
return {}
feed: (url) ->
xml = ScrapeRequest.fetch url
data = ParseFeed xml
obj = correctFeedItems url, data
return obj
catch e
return {}
wikipedia: (key, lang, tags) ->
page = Wikipedia.lookup key, lang, tags
return page
catch e
return {}
url: (url) ->
data = ScrapeRequest.fetch url
return data
catch e
return ""
For communication between client and server, the following Methods are required:
# ToDO: may be needed when the client export works, but not now.
# Meteor.methods
# ScrapingWebsiteCustom: (url) ->
# html = ScrapeRequest.fetch url
# data = html
# return data
Some cleanup of the data is needed before delivering the result. Especially the transformation from any type of link to a clean absolute url.
correctWebsite = (url, data) ->
obj = _.clone data
url = Link url
obj.feeds = _.compact _.uniq obj.feeds, (f) ->
link = if f then url.join f else ""
if Link.test(link) then link else ""
obj.image = if obj.image then url.join obj.image else ""
obj.favicon = url.join obj.favicon
obj.references = obj.references, (r) -> url.join r
obj.domain = url.domain
obj.url = if obj.url then obj.url else url.create()
rx = url.brands(), (e) -> new RegExp(e, "i")
obj.tags = _.reject Yaki(obj.tags).clean(), (tag) ->
_.some (r.test tag for r in rx)
obj.references = _.uniq _.filter obj.references, (r) ->
Link(r).domain isnt url.domain
return obj
correctFeedItems = (url, data) ->
obj = _.clone data
url = Link url
obj.items = []
for item in data.items when and item.title and item.pubDate
i = _.clone item = url.join
i.image = if i.image then url.join i.image else ""
rx = url.brands(), (e) -> new RegExp(e, "i")
i.tags = _.reject Yaki(i.tags).clean(), (tag) ->
_.some (r.test tag for r in rx)
obj.items.push i
return obj