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Installation Instructions v5.0

David Jobling edited this page Aug 12, 2024 · 3 revisions

OpenEyes™ Install v5.0

This document provides install instructions of OpenEyes™ v5.0 in simple to follow steps.

OpenEyes™ Version 4.0.4 must be installed before its possible to update to OpenEyes™ Version 5.0. This is due to the import requirement for DM+D data in 4.0, which needs to be in place before the migrations in later versions, can run. As such, it is assumed that all dependencies for OpenEyes™ v4.0.4 have been installed prior to installing OpenEyes™ v5.0

OpenEyes™ default implementation uses Apache2 Web Server, MariaDB and PHP. It is expected that the user has some familiarity with these services.

OpenEyes™ v5.0 requires a minimum of 4GB of RAM to run successfully.

Important Information

The documentation below details how to install OpenEyes™ on a Linux Ubuntu Server Version 20.04.06.


Please ensure that your Ubuntu-Server installation is in a clean 'just installed' state and that you did not include any additional services that was offered during the install, with the exception of sshd 'opensshd'.

We recommend that the non-root user you create is 'openeyes', if you do not follow this advice, please swap your chosen non-root username in the guide when suitable.



  • OpenEyes™ Version 4.0.4 it's associated dependencies and the DM+D import has been installed as per the OpenEyes Version 4.0.4 instructions
  • The Ubuntu system is up to date and appropriate local user rights have been created and granted.
  • You are logged into the system via ssh or a direct terminal as your non-root user 'openeyes' and that you are a member of the sudo group (which should be default).

Install Dependencies

Install node dependencies for OpenEyes™ v5.0:

sudo apt-get install -y npm nodejs \
&& cd /var/www/openeyes/ \
&& npm i \
&& echo "Success"

Install latest v5.0 release

sudo /usr/sbin/mysqld & \
sleep 5 && { \
    sudo git config --global --add /var/www/openeyes \
    && cd /var/www/openeyes/protected/ \
    && git checkout -f v5.0.8 \
    && sudo php yiic migrate --interactive=0 \
    && sudo php yiic migratemodules --interactive=0 \
    && sudo mysqladmin -uroot shutdown \
    && echo "Success"; \

Restart apache service

sudo systemctl reload apache2 \
&& sudo systemctl start mariadb \
&& sudo systemctl enable mariadb \
&& echo "Success"

You should now be able to see the OpenEyes™ login screen from the http://hostname/ where hostname is the DNS name or IP address of your server/vm. Assuming you have used the sample database, the default user account is 'admin' with password 'admin'.

Post-update steps

  1. Due to the retirement of the drops element, you now need to configure drops for the new Drug Administration Element / Event. To do this:
    • Go to Admin->Drugs->Drug Sets
    • Add a new set
    • Call it “Common Eye Drops” (the name is not relevant, you can call it whatever you want)
    • Under “Usage Rules”, add a rule for the “Usage code” of “Common eye Drops”
    • Under “Medications in set”, add all the drop medications that you desire
  2. To use the PSD and PGD features (Drug administration), you should:
    • Create teams under Admin->Core->Teams. You can then assign PSDs and PGDs to these teams
    • Configure PSD and PGD sets under Admin->Drugs->PGD/PSD Settings
      • Note that configuration of these sets is very similar to creating drug sets, except it allows you to assign to one or more teams
  3. [Optional] Set the value of “DOB Mandatory in search” to the desired value in Admin->System->Settings
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