React Native TypeScript Stater Project
Creating a basic folder structure
mkdir -p src/{assets,components,configs,constant,contexts,hooks,layouts,routes,screens,styles,types,utils}
mkdir -p src/assets/{animations,fonts,icons,images}
mkdir -p src/components/core
mkdir -p src/screens/{auth,private,public,common}
mkdir -p src/routes/{private,public}
Creating all basic files and index files for each folder
touch src/Router.tsx
cd src
for dir in * ; do [ -d " $dir " ] && echo " export {};" >> " $dir /index.ts" ; done
cd assets
for dir in * ; do [ -d " $dir " ] && echo " export {};" >> " $dir /index.ts" ; done
cd ../components
for dir in * ; do [ -d " $dir " ] && echo " export {};" >> " $dir /index.ts" ; done
cd ../screens
for dir in * ; do [ -d " $dir " ] && echo " export {};" >> " $dir /index.ts" ; done
cd ../routes
for dir in * ; do [ -d " $dir " ] && echo " export {};" >> " $dir /index.ts" ; done
Create absolute paths for your project
Install babel-plugin-module-resolver
as a devDependency
yarn add -D babel-plugin-module-resolver
Add the following code to the babel.config.js
module . exports = {
presets : [ 'module:metro-react-native-babel-preset' ] ,
plugins : [
'module-resolver' ,
alias : {
assets : './src/assets' ,
components : './src/components' ,
'components/core' : './src/components/core' ,
configs : './src/configs' ,
constant : './src/constant' ,
contexts : './src/contexts' ,
hooks : './src/hooks' ,
layouts : './src/layouts' ,
routes : './src/routes' ,
screens : './src/screens' ,
styles : './src/styles' ,
types : './src/types' ,
utils : './src/utils' ,
} ,
} ,
] ,
] ,
} ;
Add the following code to the tsconfig.json
"baseUrl" : " ./" ,
"paths" : {
"assets" : [" src/assets" ],
"components" : [" src/components" ],
"components/core" : [" src/components/core" ],
"configs" : [" src/configs" ],
"contexts" : [" src/contexts" ],
"constant" : [" src/constant" ],
"hooks" : [" src/hooks" ],
"layouts" : [" src/layouts" ],
"routes" : [" src/routes" ],
"screens" : [" src/screens" ],
"styles" : [" src/styles" ],
"utils" : [" src/utils" ],
"types" : [" src/types" ]
Restart the metro server for the changes to take effect
Configure custom fonts in the project
Create react-native.config.js
file in the root of your project
touch react-native.config.js
Add the following code to the file
module . exports = {
project : {
ios : { } ,
android : { } ,
} ,
assets : [ './src/assets/fonts' ] ,
} ;
Add some commonly required react native packages
Install the following packages with yarn
yarn add react-native-svg react-native-linear-gradient react-native-image-crop-picker react-native-sms-retriever lottie-ios lottie-react-native @react-native-async-storage/async-storage @react-native-community/netinfo @react-native-community/clipboard
Install the pod dependencies for IOS
Install native-base and its dependencies
Install the packages with yarn
yarn add native-base react-native-safe-area-context
Install the pod dependencies for IOS
Install react-navigation
and its dependencies
Install the core react-navigation packages with yarn
yarn add @react-navigation/native @react-navigation/native-stack @react-navigation/bottom-tabs @react-navigation/drawer
Install react-native-gesture-handler
with yarn
yarn add react-native-gesture-handler
Install react-native-screens
with yarn
yarn add react-native-screens
Add the following code to the body of android/app/src/main/java/<package-name>/
// ...
import android .os .Bundle ;
public class MainActivity extends ReactActivity {
// ...
@ Override
protected void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState ) {
super .onCreate (null );
// ...
Install react-native-reanimated
with yarn
yarn add react-native-reanimated
Add Reanimated's babel plugin to your babel.config.js
module . exports = {
// ...
plugins : [
// ...
'react-native-reanimated/plugin' ,
] ,
} ;
Install the pod dependencies for IOS