This example shows how to find Containered Trade Product Pack (CTPP) concepts containing some ingredients but not others
We would like to find all the Containered Trade Product Pack concepts that contain codeine but not paracetamol.
< 30537011000036101|containered trade product pack| : 30409011000036107|has TPUU| =
< 30425011000036101|trade product unit of use| :
700000081000036101|has intended active ingredient| = 1978011000036103|codeine|,
[0..0] 700000081000036101|has intended active ingredient| = 2442011000036104|paracetamol|
This ECL restricts to descendants of CTPP which have a has TPUU relationship to a TPUU concept which has an active ingredient of codeine, but no active ingredient "[0..0]" of paracetamol.
This same query can be modified to only return products that contain codeine exclusively (no other active ingredients present).
< 30537011000036101|containered trade product pack| : 30409011000036107|has TPUU| =
< 30425011000036101|trade product unit of use| :
700000081000036101|has intended active ingredient| = 1978011000036103|codeine|,
[0..0] 700000081000036101|has intended active ingredient| = (ANY minus 1978011000036103|codeine|)