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Releases: AugurProject/augur-app


02 Apr 04:15
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Augur App v1.11.1

🐛 BUGFIX release 🪲 🐝

🐦 This release fixes an error users get when initially reporting on a mainnet market.

Platform SHA 256 Checksum
Windows d72d86fbff3cc794fd9f6949030b126136ed119d24450829a0482d0be56eea13
Mac 66e5cffb0c3cc4e460d2eb5d609d6a15d777faea55c709704d4b360821e66125
Linux (deb) 78034aa4a0e67d1bb0de1eef9df88fdfd118fe71106168cc18ed14603f53380d
Linux (AppImage) 15847b0604294f35eac6ade48dcbeb54cd37134e492c6c738bf3de1096e93b94


30 Mar 15:36
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Augur App v1.11.0

New release is here with improvements to help aid market creators understand how timezones interact with market end time.

  • 🎏 Includes a more prominent display of when markets end to aid traders in understanding when a market’s definition is potentially invalid due to timezone or end time issues

  • 🔈 New verification modal dialog gives you better understanding of the market you are about to create

Platform SHA 256 Checksum
Windows 9d09f1d2d52dd2bfef90381f147dd799512c252465bc6d4e21bb66407e788332
Mac 6516ee33d8f3e3a65d7becb214b69cd1814f4337f44eab949d5c11daf23802ee
Linux (deb) bcaa9d55d3bdd170ee567244d4304aaf8bd7c76d7c0803f790482b77a186f18b
Linux (AppImage) 142c67d1d8ab59748b101bf772d8b3e03c840f5290240d0ca3f7343072d8d05a


26 Feb 20:56
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Augur App v1.10.3

Updated geth light client version and new rinkeby endpoint

  • 🎊 For those of you using the local light client, we've updated version 1.8.23 of Geth.
  • 💪 Are you using Augur with the Rinkeby Testnet? The endpoint is now hosted by Alchemy.
Platform SHA 256 Checksum
Windows 9d5bd60f06f42295e3c1354913106e4512f4095cb30630a6821e65977d178c2c
Mac 76ac9ea79ad52c95d3ca464a71f83c863099471f6077b96fecc0d004b81a213e
Linux (deb) d94fcdac93de714eb0246f87eb2a5fd741c60e174d744f0a098b4415cc2c8537
Linux (AppImage) b451fc8866845349ae99eb7b4f3fdde52b0aa9620a9ed81cfa84f8d62e005b63


11 Feb 22:55
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Augur App v1.10.2

🐛 🐞 🐝 Everyone once in a while a big bad bug comes along, today was one of those days. This release is a hotfix for a vulnerability discovered in Augur UI during the dispute process. The issue affected one market currently in dispute, with the UI incorrectly showing the wrong number of outcomes on the dispute page.

Platform SHA 256 Checksum
Windows d0c9a59de71c325224a5fd45732c133e99e4265a6400ae60eb99cb16d91acec1
Mac e8ecb965e351d79dce6fd4d715b84fd8e48221277bbd39d58b6310017aa85102
Linux (deb) 74787cc2f665d81f0422e91808696131d14af30f158e4d08a08b373a223ebe28
Linux (AppImage) 118deb0491e71a07264166a2001fef2f23bc77d005828789ad78197b6bad7e04


06 Feb 19:15
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Augur App v1.10.1

Bug fix edition!

  • 💸 Using the Augur UI to transfer ETH and REP? It now taskes into account gas costs and lets you transfer all ETH (minus gas) to another address easily.
  • 📏 Markets and their outcomes now show correct volume. We now use a "cash changing hands" definition for volume, which includes complete set creation and destruction. Does not require a DB reset.
  • 🚫 UI no longer incorrectly displays an error when disputing a result of a scalar market.
  • ⏬ You can properly sort markets "In Reporting"
  • ⌚️ Timezones are hard, but important when choosing a market end date. There is now guidance on using UTC for end times by default.
  • 🥇 For traders who are creating orders, transaction history will now correct show "buy" or "sell" from the creator/maker's point of view. Previously all transaction history was displayed from the filler/taker's point of view.
  • 💻 In the augur.js API, getMarkets() now supports filtering by more than one ReportingState in a single call.
  • 💄 Style improvements to Error colors and the Mobile UI.
Platform SHA 256 Checksum
Windows 18405890175cea06e4698809ca1b407a5015281d5ff22868351a04e26b67b5d8
Mac 3d19054f73ca9120fe6712b9a4b99a29cb932cdd7c24db669da9e4835f1f7311
Linux (deb) 6cc2b8ed0ec55cb6ac8aa95742d17d1f9c118c0bbcb3cb9f7f95106cea9eebd7
Linux (AppImage) 7c33fad868288dc1e873e90b0f391993bdbf52e3a2279f61bcdd785c0c13cc4c


25 Jan 19:14
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Augur App v 1.10.0

This release fixes a lot of problems our users have been having with the last release. Please note, this release requires a full DB re-sync to fix some of the issues we saw in 1.9.x.

Hidden Stuff

  • 🐞 We've fixed a number of bugs and problems related to positions and Profit and Loss.
  • 💻 Positions should now appear correctly in all cases
  • ➕ All portfolio positions and profit and loss calculations now take into account Augur's unique way of expressing shorts positions.


  • 🗣 Google Translate now active on Market pages
  • 🛑 Fixes issue in the portfolio page when finalizing markets and canceling orders
  • 🤸‍♂️ Fix up some issues showing markets available for dispute, should be faster and more completer now.
  • 🔽 Categories are now sorted by Open Interest by default.
Platform SHA 256 Checksum
Windows 3a0b62f2fd82f9d7c35f906bc4cfd52af8bab4db395d14321270ccddc05673aa
Mac 22be4d8be43695384069665ed0a3d782f11ec493db946207ed8dda1808e9101a
Linux (deb) 32a39c3d4dac44a0775742e4edc474c4fdf72fd2d0606b6af75c8098b4da4fd3
Linux (AppImage) fcd5d6b96497728ebba1a101d18a5cb91661bc67164dcf568b9f429550e3f98c


17 Jan 19:06
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Augur App v 1.9.2

Minor fix on the Reporting page

  • 🕵️Fixes an issue loading dispute markets where in some cases the dispute info doesn't load properly
Platform SHA 256 Checksum
Windows 9bca065ee926941322fcfaa061a546590b0b5d1976a30ba09d218d7c89609700
Mac e67e9cd37aac579ab0a6688398719593380a6889c7ef47e4d38e77859755d9fc
Linux (deb) 1c7a68ca0562322c4d257b3d79bffc6feeba9c7c492e1b4112e66643750914a3
Linux (AppImage) 6e1ca369b13d4263abb7636d8b973e1fe61bb6136acf7f21d757c1ca8db61e12


17 Jan 00:31
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Augur App v1.9.1

This release has a few quick updates, most notably an update of geth light node client which postpones the mainnet Constantinople upgrade.

Patch release for geth light client

  • 🥢geth client update to v1.8.21-stable-9dc5d1a9
  • 🧞minor light client change to speed up syncing
Platform SHA 256 Checksum
Windows 53a8fb49d71430797dbe4761e4b44cd9a826a399592ab991cbb1a6f0cd3cc5e5
Mac c93370f994095626eb07a86bd92a81918ce15cd04caf62120eab73cbac8374c9
Linux (deb) 687497be3887d7562a3caa96d862d0f2dc4e0cb2291ee9d096299aa3ac2a632f
Linux (AppImage) f5d62ce33cbc79c59c0f24c20a5a9859cbdf3e7dcde90db8a765d483ce5668db


12 Jan 23:33
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Augur App v1.9.0

This release continues the trend of improving reliability and adding features which make the data more useful to users. The major components of this release include a full re-write of our Profit & Loss calculations and a first (BETA) version of warp-sync -- where you can import an existing Augur database to get up to speed without syncing fully from the chain.

Profit ⬆️ , Loss ⬇️, and Bears 🐻, OH MY!

NOTE: This change requires a full re-sync of your Augur Node database!

The new implementation of Profit & Loss takes care of some long outstanding issues users have reported. We now:

  • Account for trading fees in your realized P&L.
  • Properly account for P&L of "synthetic short" positions -- which are cases when you own all but one outcome in a market.
  • Properly display your effective position (called Net Position) in cases where you have shorted a particular outcome.

"Warp Sync" (v1 - Beta)

Ok so its not yet "warp sync", but this release includes step 1 -- The ability to import an existing Augur Node database. If you have an existing database that you trust the contents of, you can now import it directly from Augur App. Augur will then continue syncing from the last block in the existing database, potentially saving hours of sync time if you're on a slow connect or don't have a full node available.

Smaller changes

  • 🚤 The markets dispute page used to lock up, and now its super speedy!
  • ♻️ Added even more retry logic to recover from cases where Ethereum nodes return no data.
  • 🌲 New menu options to aid in finding the Log and Data directories (In Settings)
  • 🔎 Filter by markets that have open orders.
Platform SHA 256 Checksum
Windows 69ba5e8c16fe41ce7004d69ed2f436266ee69cf1134fc3e1653a97ae6cdacc0d
Mac c41c994d9391a49a5529d4bba56675146a075ea3be993b8f8cead006783bab82
Linux (deb) 2651c0018f14373c27bc06265fd7c022711180039a066992e1be924d903358e1
Linux (AppImage) bdfc76064f91c4913a2a21e98f3fa00c47197da3d33e2c37cc25e59b383b58aa


22 Dec 01:37
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Augur App v1.8.6

Quick, lets get this one out before Christmas 🎄! Everyone likes the gift of improved reliability, right?


  • 😜 Augur App will automatically detect stalled syncing and attempt to reconnect -- this usually gets it out of the normal sticky situations.
  • 🌳 For the die-hard of you running with the built-in light node, you can now see the logs from geth in your augur-app log.
Platform SHA 256 Checksum
Windows 3a9cb257a86f1d05d137422aac0b73927c068c5ad7fdeca3e844248c55811ad7
Mac 9339d1c7fbcd6d68a5d60ee7793ca772ab4c3007142eb673c72b92fe0edcf38d
Linux (deb) f691096c7efc51903c99aade2e0725aadc22430a64953995d91653ad4a0c236d
Linux (AppImage) 2df15d891f86d69d957993ef6d87e75bf5da08fb19eafe960909e2959d43663c