We, the contributors and maintainers of the RagRank project, are committed to fostering an inclusive and welcoming community. We pledge to respect all individuals regardless of age, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, or experience level. We expect all members of our community to adhere to this code of conduct in all project spaces, including but not limited to GitHub repositories, communication channels, and events.
Examples of behavior that contribute to creating a positive environment include:
- Being respectful: Treat others with kindness, empathy, and compassion.
- Being considerate: Be mindful of how your words and actions affect others in the community.
- Being inclusive: Welcome and support individuals of all backgrounds and identities.
- Being collaborative: Work together towards common goals in a constructive and cooperative manner.
- Being open-minded: Be receptive to feedback, ideas, and viewpoints different from your own.
- Being accountable: Take responsibility for your words and actions and strive to make amends if mistakes are made.
Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
- Harassment: Any form of harassment, discrimination, or intimidation is not tolerated, whether verbal, physical, or digital.
- Disrespectful behavior: Personal attacks, derogatory comments, and trolling are not acceptable forms of communication.
- Inappropriate conduct: Posting or sharing inappropriate content, including but not limited to offensive language, images, or gestures, is prohibited.
- Unwelcome advances: Unsolicited or unwelcome advances, whether verbal or physical, are not tolerated.
- Violating boundaries: Disregarding personal boundaries, consent, or privacy is not acceptable.
- Harmful actions: Engaging in behavior that causes harm or distress to others, whether intentional or unintentional, is not permitted.
If you witness or experience any behavior that violates this code of conduct, please report it to the project maintainers immediately. You can report violations by contacting us via email or by opening an issue on GitHub.
Project maintainers are responsible for enforcing this code of conduct and will take appropriate action in response to any violations. Enforcement actions may include warning individuals, temporarily or permanently banning individuals from project spaces, or taking other measures deemed necessary to maintain a positive and inclusive community environment.
This code of conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 2.1, available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/1/code_of_conduct.html.