The Amplify Central Discovery Agents can be used for discovering APIs managed by external API Gateway and publish API Server resources to Amplify Central. The Amplify Agents SDK helps in building discovery agent by providing the necessary config, command line parser and interfaces to manage the communication with Amplify Central.
- Building Discovery Agent
- Table of Contents
- Central Configuration
- Agent Configuration
- Setting up command line parser and binding agent config
- Filtering
- Processing Discovery
- Publishing changes to Central
- Subscriptions
- Marketplace Provisioning
- Registering handler for API Server events
- Building the Agent
- Executing Discovery Agent
The Amplify Agents SDK provides a predefined configuration that can be set up based on yaml file, using environment variables or passed as command line flags. This configuration is used for setting up parameter that will be used for communicating with Amplify Central. In addition, it is also used to set up subscription processing, see subscriptions
Below is the list of Central configuration properties in YAML and their corresponding environment variables that can be set to override the config in YAML.
YAML property | Variable name | Description |
central.url | CENTRAL_URL | The URL to the Amplify Central instance being used for Agents (default value: US =<> / EU = ) |
central.organizationID | CENTRAL_ORGANIZATIONID | The Organization ID from Amplify Central. Locate this at Platform > User > Organization. | | CENTRAL_TEAM | The name of the team in Amplify Central that all APIs will be linked to. Locate this at Amplify Central > Access > Team Assets.(default toDefault Team ) |
central.environment | CENTRAL_ENVIRONMENT | Name of the Amplify Central environment where API will be hosted. |
central.additionalTags | CENTRAL_ADDITIONALTAGS | Additional tag names to publish while publishing the API. Helpful to identify the API source. It is a comma separated list. |
central.auth.url | CENTRAL_AUTH_URL | The Amplify login URL:<> |
central.auth.clientID | CENTRAL_AUTH_CLIENTID | The client identifier associated to the Service Account created in Amplify Central. Locate this at Amplify Central > Access > Service Accounts > client Id. |
central.auth.privateKey | CENTRAL_AUTH_PRIVATEKEY | The private key associated with the Service Account. |
central.auth.publicKey | CENTRAL_AUTH_PUBLICKEY | The public key associated with the Service Account. |
central.auth.keyPassword | CENTRAL_AUTH_KEYPASSWORD | The password for the private key, if applicable. |
central.auth.timeout | CENTRAL_AUTH_TIMEOUT | The timeout to wait for the authentication server to respond (ns - default, us, ms, s, m, h). Set to 10s. |
central.ssl.insecureSkipVerify | CENTRAL_SSL_INSECURESKIPVERIFY | Controls whether a client verifies the server's certificate chain and host name. If true, TLS accepts any certificate presented by the server and any host name in that certificate. In this mode, TLS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks. |
central.ssl.cipherSuites | CENTRAL_SSL_CIPHERSUITES | An array of strings. It is a list of supported cipher suites for TLS versions up to TLS 1.2. If CipherSuites is nil, a default list of secure cipher suites is used, with a preference order based on hardware performance. SeeSupported Cipher Suites. |
central.ssl.minVersion | CENTRAL_SSL_MINVERSION | String value for the minimum SSL/TLS version that is acceptable. If zero, empty TLS 1.0 is taken as the minimum. Allowed values are: TLS1.0, TLS1.1, TLS1.2, TLS1.3. |
central.ssl.maxVersion | CENTRAL_SSL_MAXVERSION | String value for the maximum SSL/TLS version that is acceptable. If empty, then the maximum version supported by this package is used, which is currently TLS 1.3. Allowed values are: TLS1.0, TLS1.1, TLS1.2, TLS1.3. |
central.proxyURL | CENTRAL_PROXYURL | The URL for the proxy for Amplify Central<http://username:password@hostname:port> . If empty, no proxy is defined. |
central.grpc.enabled | CENTRAL_GRPC_ENABLED | Controls whether an agent uses a gRPC based stream connection to manage its internal cache. (Default value = false) | | CENTRAL_GRPC_HOST | The host name of the gRPC based Amplify Central watch service (default value: uses the host from central.url config) |
central.grpc.port | CENTRAL_GRPC_PORT | The port of the gRPC based Amplify Central watch service (default value: uses the port from central.url config) |
central.cacheStoragePath | CENTRAL_CACHESTORAGEPATH | The file path the agent will use to persist internal cache (default value: ./data) |
central.cacheStorageInterval | CENTRAL_CACHESTORAGEINTERVAL | The interval the agent will use to periodically check if the internal agent cache needs to be persisted (default value : 10 seconds) |
The following is a sample of Central configuration in YAML
organizationID: "123456789"
team: APIDev
environment: remote-gw
additionalTags: DiscoveredByCustomAgent
clientId: serviceaccount_1234
privateKey: ./private_key.pem
publicKey: ./public_key.pem
Amplify Agents SDK expose the following interfaces to retrieve the configuration items.
// Central Configuration
type CentralConfig interface {
GetAgentType() AgentType
GetTenantID() string
GetEnvironmentID() string
GetEnvironmentName() string
GetTeamName() string
GetTeamID() string
GetURL() string
GetPlatformURL() string
GetAPIServerURL() string
GetEnvironmentURL() string
GetServicesURL() string
GetRevisionsURL() string
GetInstancesURL() string
DeleteServicesURL() string
GetAPIServerSecretsURL() string
GetSubscriptionConfig() SubscriptionConfig
GetAuthConfig() AuthConfig
GetTLSConfig() TLSConfig
GetTagsToPublish() string
GetProxyURL() string
GetPollInterval() time.Duration
IsUsingGRPC() bool
GetGRPCHost() string
GetGRPCPort() int
GetCacheStoragePath() string
GetCacheStorageInterval() time.Duration
// Central Authentication config
type AuthConfig interface {
GetTokenURL() string
GetRealm() string
GetAudience() string
GetClientID() string
GetPrivateKey() string
GetPublicKey() string
GetKeyPassword() string
GetTimeout() time.Duration
// TLS Config
type TLSConfig interface {
GetNextProtos() []string
IsInsecureSkipVerify() bool
GetCipherSuites() []TLSCipherSuite
GetMinVersion() TLSVersion
GetMaxVersion() TLSVersion
BuildTLSConfig() *tls.Config
The agent can define a struct that holds the configuration it needs specifically to communicate with the external API Gateway. The agent config struct properties can be bound to command line processor to set up config, see Setting up command line parser and binding agent config
type AgentConfig struct {
TenantID string `config:"tenantID"`
ClientID string `config:"clientID"`
ClientSecret string `config:"clientSecret"`
SubscriptionID string `config:"subscriptionID"`
ResourceGroupName string `config:"resourceGroupName"`
ApimServiceName string `config:"apimServiceName"`
Filter string `config:"filter"`
To validate the config, the following interface provided by config package in Amplify Agents SDK must be implemented for the agent config. The ValidateCfg() method is called by Amplify Agents SDK after parsing the config from command line.
// IConfigValidator - Interface to be implemented for config validation by agent
type IConfigValidator interface {
ValidateCfg() error
For e.g.
// ValidateCfg - Validates the agent config
func (c *AgentConfig) ValidateCfg() (err error) {
if c.TenantID == "" {
return errors.New("Error: azure.tenantID is empty"))
if c.ClientID == "" {
return errors.New("Error: azure.tenantID is empty"))
return nil
If there are ResourceInstance values that you want to apply to your agent config, the following interface provided by config package in Amplify Agents SDK must be implemented for the agent config. The ApplyResources() method is called by Amplify Agents SDK after parsing the config from command line.
// IResourceConfigCallback - Interface to be implemented by configs to apply API Server resource for agent
type IResourceConfigCallback interface {
ApplyResources(agentResource *v1.ResourceInstance) error
For e.g.
// ApplyResources - Applies the agent and dataplane resource to config
func (a *AgentConfig) ApplyResources(agentResource *v1.ResourceInstance) error {
var da *v1alpha1.DiscoveryAgent
if agentResource.ResourceMeta.GroupKind.Kind == "DiscoveryAgent" {
da = &v1alpha1.DiscoveryAgent{}
err := da.FromInstance(agentResource)
if err != nil {
return err
// copy any values from the agentResource to the AgentConfig
return nil
organizationID: "123456789"
team: APIDev
environment: remote-gw
additionalTags: DiscoveredByCustomAgent
clientId: serviceaccount_1234
privateKey: ./private_key.pem
publicKey: ./public_key.pem
tenantID: "az-tenant-id"
clientID: "az-client-id"
clientSecret: xxxxxx
subscriptionID: "az-apim-subscription"
resourceGroupName: "az-apim-rg"
apimServiceName: "az-apim"
filter: tag.Contains("somevalue")
Amplify Agents SDK internally uses Cobra for providing command line processing and Viper to bind the configuration with command line processing and YAML based config file. The Amplify Agents SDK exposes an interface for predefined configured root command for Agent that set up Central Configuration. The Agent root command allows to hook in the main routine for agent execution and a callback method that get called on initialization to set up agent specific config. The Amplify Agents SDK root command also allows the agent to set up command line flags and properties that are agent specific and bind these flag/properties to agent config.
// RootCmd - Agent root command
var RootCmd corecmd.AgentRootCmd
var azConfig *config.AzureConfig
func init() {
// Create new root command with callbacks to initialize the agent config and command execution.
// The first parameter identifies the name of the yaml file that agent will look for to load the config
RootCmd = corecmd.NewRootCmd(
"Sample Discovery Agent", // you can set this to "" if you set BuildAgentDescription in your makefile
// Get the root command properties and bind the config property in YAML definition
rootProps := RootCmd.GetProperties()
rootProps.AddStringProperty("azure.tenantID", "", "Azure tenant ID")
rootProps.AddStringProperty("azure.clientID", "", "Azure client ID")
rootProps.AddStringProperty("azure.clientSecret", "", "Azure client secret")
rootProps.AddStringProperty("azure.subscriptionID", "", "Azure subscription ID")
rootProps.AddStringProperty("azure.resourceGroupName", "", "Azure resource group name")
rootProps.AddStringProperty("azure.apimServiceName", "", "Azure API Management service name")
// Callback that agent will call to process the execution
func run() error {
// Code for discovering API and publish
return nil
// Callback that agent will call to initialize the config. CentralConfig is parsed by Amplify Agents SDK
// and passed to the callback allowing the agent code to access the central config
func initConfig(centralConfig corecfg.CentralConfig) (interface{}, error) {
rootProps := RootCmd.GetProperties()
// Parse the config from bound properties and set up agent config
azConfig = &config.AzureConfig{
TenantID: rootProps.StringPropertyValue("azure.tenantID"),
ClientID: rootProps.StringPropertyValue("azure.clientID"),
ClientSecret: rootProps.StringPropertyValue("azure.clientSecret"),
SubscriptionID: rootProps.StringPropertyValue("azure.subscriptionID"),
ResourceGroupName: rootProps.StringPropertyValue("azure.resourceGroupName"),
ApimServiceName: rootProps.StringPropertyValue("azure.apimServiceName"),
agentConfig := config.AgentConfig{
CentralCfg: centralConfig,
AzureCfg: azConfig,
return agentConfig, nil
The Amplify Agents SDK provides package to allow setting up config for filtering the discovered APIS for publishing them to Amplify Central. The filter expression to be evaluated for discovering the API from Axway Edge API Gateway. The filter value is a conditional expression that can use logical operators to compare two value. The conditional expression must have "tag" as the prefix/selector in the symbol name. For e.g.
filter: tag.SOME_TAG == "somevalue"
The expression can be a simple condition as shown above or compound condition in which more than one simple conditions are evaluated using logical operator.
For e.g.
filter: tag.SOME_TAG == "somevalue" || tag.ANOTHER_TAG != "some_other_value"
In addition to logical expression, the filter can hold call based expressions. Below are the list of supported call expressions
Exists call can be made to evaluate if the tag name exists in the list of tags on API. This call expression can be used as unary expression For e.g.
filter: tag.SOME_TAG.Exists()
Any call can be made in a simple expression to evaluate if the tag with any name has specified value or not in the list of tags on the API. For e.g.
filter: tag.Any() == "Tag with some value" || tag.Any() != "Tag with other value"
Contains call can be made in a simple expression to evaluate if the the specified tag contains specified argument as value. This call expression requires string argument that will be used to perform lookup in tag value For e.g.
MatchRegEx call can be used for evaluating the specified tag value to match specified regular expression. This call expression requires a regular expression as the argument. For e.g.
The agent can discover APIs in external API Gateway based on the capability it provides. This could be event based mechanism where config change from API gateway can be received or agent can query/poll for the API specification using the dataplane specific SDK. To process the discovery and publishing the definitions to Amplify Central the following properties are needed.
API Service property | Description |
ID | ID of the API. |
PrimaryKey | Optional PrimaryKey that will be used, in place of the ID, to identify APIs on the Gateway. |
Title | Friendly name of the API that will be used as Amplify Central product name. |
Description: | A brief summary about the API. |
Version: | Version of the API. |
URL: | Endpoint for the API service. |
Auth policy: | Authentication/Authorization policies applied to API. For now, Amplify Central supports passthrough, api key and oauth. |
Specification: | The API service specification. The Amplify Agents SDK provides support for swagger 2, openapi 3, WSDL, Protobuf, AsyncAPI or Unstructured. |
Documentation: | Documentation for the API. |
Tags: | List of resource tags. |
Image: | Image for the API service. |
Image content type: | Content type of the Image associated with API service. |
Resource type | Specifies the API specification type ("swaggerv2", "oas2", "oas3", "wsdl", "protobuf", "asyncapi" or "unstructured"). |
State/Status | State representation of API in external API Gateway(unpublished/published). |
Attributes | List of string key-value pairs that will be set on the resources created by the agent. |
Endpoints | List of endpoints(protocol, host, port, base path) to override the endpoints specified in spec definition. |
To set these properties the Amplify Agents SDK provides a builder (ServiceBodyBuilder) that allows the agent implementation to create a service body definition that will be used for publishing the API definition to Amplify Central.
In case where the SetResourceType method is not explicitly invoked, the builder uses the spec content to discovers the type ("swaggerv2", "oas2", "oas3", "wsdl", "protobuf", "asyncapi" or "unstructured").
Along with the above properties the following properties are on the ServiceBodyBuilder for unstructured data only.
API Service property | Description | Default (not set) |
UnstructuredAssetType | Type of asset for the unstructured data. | Asset |
UnstructuredContentType | Content type for this data. | parse based on spec |
UnstructuredLabel | Label to display in the asset item. | Asset |
UnstructuredFilename: | Filename of the file to download. | APIName |
The builder will use these properties when set, or use the default if not.
func (a *AzureClient) buildServiceBody(azAPI apim.APIContract, apiSpec []byte) (apic.ServiceBody, error) {
return apic.NewServiceBodyBuilder().
func (a *AzureClient) getAzureAPITitle(azAPI apim.APIContract) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (Azure)", *azAPI.Name)
func (a *AzureClient) getAzureAPIURL(azAPI apim.APIContract) string {
return *azAPI.ServiceURL + "/" + *azAPI.Path
func (a *AzureClient) getAzureAPIDescription(azAPI apim.APIContract) string {
// Update description/summary if one exists in the API
description := "API From Azure API Management Service"
if azAPI.Description != nil && *azAPI.Description != "" {
description = *azAPI.Description
return description
func (a *AzureClient) getAzureAPIVersion(azAPI apim.APIContract) string {
version := "0.0.0"
if azAPI.APIVersion != nil {
version = *azAPI.APIVersion
return version
func (a *AzureClient) getAzureAPIDocumentation(azAPI apim.APIContract) []byte {
var documentation []byte
if azAPI.APIVersionDescription != nil {
documentation = []byte(*azAPI.APIVersionDescription)
return documentation
func (a *AzureClient) getAzureAPIAuthPolicy(azAPI apim.APIContract) string {
apiAuthSetting := azAPI.AuthenticationSettings
authType := apic.Passthrough
if apiAuthSetting != nil && apiAuthSetting.OAuth2 != nil {
authType = apic.Oauth
return authType
The Agent can use the service body definition built by earlier set up and call the PublishAPI method in the agent package to publish the discovered API to Amplify Central. The method uses the service body to create following API server resources
- APIService: Resource representing an Amplify Central API Service.
- APIServiceRevision: Resource representing an Amplify Central API Service Revision
- APIServiceInstance: Resource representing the deployed instance of the revision
When PublishAPI is called for the first time for the discovered API, each of the above mentioned resources gets created with generated names. On subsequent calls to the method for the same discovered API, the APIService resources are updated, while a new resource for APIServiceRevision is created to represent the updated revision of the API. For update, the APIServiceInstance resources is updated unless the endpoint in the service definitions are changed which triggers a creation of a new APIServiceInstance resource.
The PublishAPI method while creating/updating the API server resources set the following attributes.
- externalAPIID: Holds the ID of API discovered from remote API Gateway
- externalAPIName: Holds the name of the API discovered from remote API Gateway
- createdBy: Holds the name of the Agent creating the resource
serviceBody, err := buildServiceBody(azAPI, exportResponse.Body)
err = agent.PublishAPI(serviceBody)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error in publishing API to Amplify Central: %s", err)
Note: Few details are removed/updated in the sample resource definitions below for simplicity.
group: management
apiVersion: v1alpha1
kind: APIService
name: 37260bb8-203b-11eb-bac3-3af9d38d3457
title: musicalinstrumentsapi-azure (Azure)
id: e4f4922a75742c4501759dee158c0114
createdBy: AzureDiscoveryAgent
externalAPIName: musicalinstrumentsapi-azure
description: This is a sample Musical Instruments API.
group: management
apiVersion: v1alpha1
kind: APIServiceRevision
name: 37260bb8-203b-11eb-bac3-3af9d38d3457.1
title: musicalinstrumentsapi-azure (Azure)
id: e4fcb2ab75906c6201759dee183500e8
createdBy: AzureDiscoveryAgent
externalAPIName: musicalinstrumentsapi-azure
apiService: 37260bb8-203b-11eb-bac3-3af9d38d3457
type: oas3
group: management
apiVersion: v1alpha1
kind: APIServiceInstance
name: 37260bb8-203b-11eb-bac3-3af9d38d3457.1
title: musicalinstrumentsapi-azure (Azure)
id: e4f4922a75742c4501759dee1aa80118
createdBy: AzureDiscoveryAgent
externalAPIName: musicalinstrumentsapi-azure
- host:
port: 443
basePath: /music/v2
protocol: https
apiServiceRevision: 37260bb8-203b-11eb-bac3-3af9d38d3457.1
See Subscriptions
See Provisioning
func run() error {
func (a *Agent) validateAPI(apiID, stageName string) bool {
// Add validation here if the API should be marked as invalid
return true
The Agent SDK maintains a cache of API server resources for its internal processing. These caches are populated by fetching the API server resource using an API call. The API call is performed at a regular interval. With the support for streaming API server resource events over gRPC, the Agent SDK does not require periodic API calls. The SDK will instead use the gRPC based watch service to receive events on API server resources. The Agent SDK creates a gRPC connection with the service and subscribes to the service based on a WatchTopic resource in the API server. The Agent SDK initialization creates the WatchTopic resource which defines the filters based on the type of agent, and the type of API server resources it needs for its internal processing.
When running in gRPC mode to watch for API server resource events, the agent specific implementation can choose to register an event handler to receive the API server resource event based on a watch topic filter that the Agent SDK registers.
The registration requires clients to implement the following interface as the event handler
type Handler interface {
// Handle receives the type of the event (add, update, delete), event metadata and the API Server resource.
Handle(action proto.Event_Type, eventMetadata *proto.EventMeta, resource *v1.ResourceInstance) error
The handler receives the following as parameters to the callback
- Event type: specifies the type of operation on the API server resource("CREATED", "UPDATED", "DELETED" and "SUBRESOURCEUPDATED")
- Event Metadata: holds the following metadata associated with the event
- WatchTopicID: ID of the subscribed watch topic resource
- WatchTopicSelfLink: Self link to the subscribed WatchTopic API server resource
- SequenceID: Sequence identifier for the event
- Subresource: Holds the name of the sub resource updated when the event type is "SUBRESOURCEUPDATED"
- Resource Instance: The API server resource
The agent specific implementation can use the following method in the agent package to register an event handler
RegisterResourceEventHandler(name string, resourceEventHandler handler.Handler)
type ResourceClient struct {
func (r *ResourceClient) Handle(action proto.Event_Type, eventMetadata *proto.EventMeta, resource *v1.ResourceInstance) error {
if resource.Kind == v1alpha1.AccessRequestGVK().Kind {
fmt.Printf("Event Type : %s\n", action.String())
return nil
func init() {
// agent command initialization and agent config setup code
// Callback to process the agent execution
func run() error {
resClient := &ResourceClient{}
agent.RegisterResourceEventHandler("resource-event-handler", resClient)
// Code for discovering API and publish
return nil
// Callback to initialize the agent config.
func initConfig(centralConfig corecfg.CentralConfig) (interface{}, error) {
The agents are applications built using Go programming language. Go is open source programming language that gets statically compiled and comes with a rich toolset to obtain packages and building executables. The Amplify Agents SDK uses the Go module as the dependency management which was introduced in Go 1.11. Go modules is collection of packages with go.mod file in its root directory which defines the modules source paths used in the packages as imports.
The go mod tidy command will prune any unused dependencies from your go.mod and update the files to include used dependencies. The go mod verify command checks the dependencies, downloads them from the source repository and updates the cryptographic hashes in your go.sum file.
Run the following commands to resolve the dependencies
go mod tidy
go mod verify
After resolving the dependencies, run make build to compile the source and generate the binary executable for the target system. The Amplify Agents SDK provides support for specifying the version of the agent at the build time. The following variables can be set by compile flags to set up agent name, version, commit SHA and build time.
- - this is an internal name
- - this is a friendly description that will be displayed in the --version and --help commands
The following is an example of the build command that can be configured in the Makefile
@export time=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S` && \
export version=`cat version` && \
export commit_id=`git rev-parse --short HEAD` && \
export sdk_version=`go list -m | awk '{print $$2}' | awk -F'-' '{print substr($$1, 2)}'` && \
go build -tags static_all \
-ldflags="-X '$${time}' \
-X '$${version}' \
-X '$${commit_id}' \
-X '' \
-X ' Discovery Agent' \
-X '$${sdk_version}'" \
-a -o ${WORKSPACE}/bin/discovery_agent ${WORKSPACE}/main.go
- An Axway Amplify Central subscription in the Amplify™ platform. See Get started with Amplify Central.
- An Amplify Central Service Account. See Create a service account.
- An Amplify Central environment. See Create environment.
The Agent built using Amplify Agents SDK can be executed by running the executable. The agent on initialization tries to load the configuration from following sources and applies the configuration properties in the order described below.
- The configuration YAML file in the current working directory.
- Environment variable defined for configuration override on the shell executing the agent
- A file containing the list of environment variable override
- Command line flags
Below is the sample for executing the agent when the config YAML file only is used.
cd <path-to-agent-install-directory>
Typically, the configuration YAML can be placed in the same directory as the agent executable, but alternatively the YAML file could be placed in another directory and then pathConfig command line flags can be used to specify the directory path containing the YAML file.
<path-to-agent-install-directory>/discovery_agent --pathConfig <directory-path-for-agent-yaml-config-file>
The following is an example of command to execute the agent with a file holding environment variables
cd <path-to-agent-install-directory>
./discovery_agent --envFile <path-of-env-file>/config.env
The agent configuration can also be passed as command line flags. Below is an example of agent usage that details the command line flags and configuration properties
cd <path-to-agent-install-directory>
./discovery_agent --help
Discovery Agent
discovery_agent [flags]
--envFile string Path of the file with environment variables to override configuration
-h, --help help for azure_discovery_agent
--pathConfig string Configuration file path for the agent
--status Get the status of all the Health Checks
--synchronize Run the sync process for the discovery agent
-v, --version version for azure_discovery_agent