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Azure Functions Core Tools Deployment Pipeline

Azure Functions Core Tools image is nightly build and deployed to the production enviornment. This document explains how to operation the pipelines.


We have two pipelines for Core Tools.

v3 Core Tools Publish

This pipeline trigged nightly at 22:00 every night.

This pipeline will

  • Fetching the latest version of the Azure Functions Core Tools from npm package.
  • Build and Test the images for (DotNetCore 3, Java, Node, Python) then push to the Private Registry.
  • Publish these images from the Private Registry.

The pipeline has several stages.

Stage Responsibility
prepare Fetch the latest version of Azure Functions Core Tools
build Build and Test the images and publish to the Private Docker Registry with PrivateVersion (e.g. 3.0.2534.3)
Publish Pull the images with PrivateVersion and Tag and Publish the images with MajorVersion (e.g. 3.0) TargetVersion (e.g.3.0.2534)


This pipeline provide several modes.

Full Deployment

Execute all the pipeline that I explained above.

Pipeline Variables

Name Value
BuildOnly false
PublishPrivateVersion (empty)
PublishTargetVersion (empty)
SkipProduction false
Build Only

Doesn't execute publish stage. It is used if the Dockerfile is property created.

Pipeline Variables

Name Value
BuildOnly true
PublishPrivateVersion (empty)
PublishTargetVersion (empty)
SkipProduction -
Skip Production

It tags the images, however, it is not actually publishing the image to production. If you want to test publish stage, this option works.

Pipeline Variables

Name Value
BuildOnly false
PublishPrivateVersion -
PublishTargetVersion -
SkipProduction true

If the image is broken by some reasons, you can rollback the image by this mode. This pipeline preserve 7 histories for each images for each versions.

Under the hood, this pipeline has PrivateVersion That is used for private repository. It is consist with TaregetVersion + .0 0 will be (0 - 6). 0 Represents Sunday.

If you want to Rollback, You can specify the PrivateVersion. The last dight will be the weekday (Sunday(0) - Saturday(6)). This operation will only execute publish stage.

Pipeline Variables

Name Value sample
BuildOnly false false
PublishPrivateVersion PrivateVersion 3.0.2534.3
PublishTargetVersion TargetVersion 3.0.2534
SkipProduction false false

This pipeline will publish 3.0 version and Tareget version (e.g. 3.0.2534) to the production. The target version is the latest Azure Functions Core Tools version that is fetched by func command installed by npm. If you want to test the rollback, you can execute it with SkipProduction=true. It is just do the testing. After the rollback, you can execute the health check pipeline that is decribed below.

v3 core-tools image health check

This pipeline is trigged every hour. Pull the official images and test the images if it work propery.

Trouble Shooting

Pipeline Fails

Sometime test fails. In the test, we validated that the latest Azure Functions Core Tools version matches the version of the func command that is inside of the container. Inside of the container, the func command is installed by apt-get package manager. Sometimes, npm package is updated before the apt-get. You can refer what happens in the log of Azure Pipeline. In this case, you can ignore it and wait until the apt-get azure functions core tools package is updated. It might take several days, however, since the test is done by build and test stage, it won't publish the new images, so no problem. However, keep your eyes on the helthcheck pipeline.

Pipeline has got stuck

Sometimes, I see the issue that Azure Pipelinse stop working during pulling some images. Currently, I don't know the root cause, however, as a workaround, cancel the pipeline and execute it again after waiting for a while. Then it will success.

Pipeline Fails without change

Sometimes Pipeline fails without any change. If you see the log, it could 500 of the Docker Registry, sometimes, network issues. If it is not caused by Dockerfile or tag images mistake, just re-run the pipeline, after waiting for a while. It could happen. Each stage is re-run separately.