diff --git a/NuGet.Config b/NuGet.Config
index 5832a9da27..e416486706 100644
--- a/NuGet.Config
+++ b/NuGet.Config
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
diff --git a/build.ps1 b/build.ps1
index 1d0b808590..d47148f175 100644
--- a/build.ps1
+++ b/build.ps1
@@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ param(
- [string]$slnFile="wilson.sln",
- [switch]$runApiCompat,
- [switch]$generateContractAssemblies)
+ [string]$slnFile="wilson.sln"
################################################# Functions ############################################################
@@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ function CreateArtifactsRoot($folder)
mkdir $folder | Out-Null
-function GenerateContractAssemblies($root)
- # clear content of baseline files as it is not relevant for the next version
- ClearBaselineFiles($root)
- # execute generateContractAssemblies script
- & "$root\generateContractAssemblies.ps1".
-function ClearBaselineFiles($root)
- Write-Host ">>> Clear-Content $root\Tools\apiCompat\baseline\*.txt"
- Clear-Content $root\Tools\apiCompat\baseline\*.txt
################################################# Functions ############################################################
@@ -79,8 +63,6 @@ Write-Host "root: " $root;
Write-Host "runTests: " $runTests;
Write-Host "failBuildOnTest: " $failBuildOnTest;
Write-Host "slnFile: " $slnFile;
-Write-Host "runApiCompat: " $runApiCompat;
-Write-Host "generateContractAssemblies: " $generateContractAssemblies;
WriteSectionFooter("End build.ps1 - parameters");
[xml]$buildConfiguration = Get-Content $PSScriptRoot\buildConfiguration.xml
@@ -138,10 +120,10 @@ CreateArtifactsRoot($artifactsRoot);
Set-Location $root
Write-Host ""
-Write-Host ">>> Start-Process -wait -NoNewWindow $msbuildexe /restore:True /p:UseSharedCompilation=false /nr:false /verbosity:m /p:Configuration=$buildType /p:RunApiCompat=$runApiCompat $slnFile"
+Write-Host ">>> Start-Process -wait -NoNewWindow $msbuildexe /restore:True /p:UseSharedCompilation=false /nr:false /verbosity:m /p:Configuration=$buildType $slnFile"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "msbuildexe: " $msbuildexe
-$p = Start-Process -Wait -PassThru -NoNewWindow $msbuildexe "/r:True /p:UseSharedCompilation=false /nr:false /verbosity:m /p:Configuration=$buildType /p:RunApiCompat=$runApiCompat $slnFile"
+$p = Start-Process -Wait -PassThru -NoNewWindow $msbuildexe "/r:True /p:UseSharedCompilation=false /nr:false /verbosity:m /p:Configuration=$buildType $slnFile"
if($p.ExitCode -ne 0)
@@ -149,13 +131,6 @@ if($p.ExitCode -ne 0)
-if ($generateContractAssemblies.IsPresent)
- WriteSectionHeader("Generating Contract Assemblies");
- GenerateContractAssemblies($root);
- WriteSectionFooter("End Generating Contract Assemblies");
foreach($project in $buildConfiguration.SelectNodes("root/projects/src/project"))
$name = $project.name;
diff --git a/generateContractAssemblies.ps1 b/generateContractAssemblies.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 65f0314d8f..0000000000
--- a/generateContractAssemblies.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-# Generate Contract Assemblies, for each Target Framework, which will be used as reference assemblies during ApiCompat validation
-# Directory structure under contractAssemblies will be as following:
-# $contractAssembliesPath\{TargetFramework}\{ReferenceAssembly.dll}
-$implementationAssembliesRootPath = "$PSScriptRoot\src"
-$contractAssembliesPath = "$PSScriptRoot\Tools\apiCompat\contractAssemblies"
-Write-Host "============================ `n"
-Write-Host "implementationAssembliesRootPath: $implementationAssembliesRootPath"
-Write-Host "contractAssembliesPath: $contractAssembliesPath `n"
-# remove existing contract assemblies
-if (Test-Path $contractAssembliesPath)
- Write-Host ">>> Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $contractAssembliesPath"
- Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $contractAssembliesPath
-# create contractAssembliesDir
-Write-Host ">>> mkdir $contractAssembliesPath"
-mkdir $contractAssembliesPath | Out-Null
-# recursively iterate implAssembliesRootPath and include DLLs whose name contain 'IdentityModel'
-Get-ChildItem $implementationAssembliesRootPath -Recurse -Include '*IdentityModel*.dll' | Foreach-Object `
- # get partialAssemblyName - remove text before the first dot e.g. System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt -> IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt
- # this hack is in place as there are cases when a project is producing an assembly with a name different than its name (special builds)
- $null = $_.Name -match "^*\.(?.*).dll$"
- $partialAssemblyName = $matches["partialName"]
- # continue if source path [string] of current item (assembly) doesn't contain partialAssemblyName
- # we don't want assemblies that don't belong to IdentityModel-extensions solution in contractAssemblies e.g. 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll'
- if (!($_.Directory -match $partialAssemblyName))
- {
- # think continue;
- return
- }
- # resolve target framework, destination directory and destination assembly file path
- $targetFramework = Split-Path $_.Directory -leaf
- $destDir = Join-Path -Path $contractAssembliesPath -ChildPath $targetFramework
- $destAssemblyFilePath = Join-Path -Path $destDir -ChildPath $_.Name
- # create directory if it doesn't exist already
- if (!(Test-Path $destDir))
- {
- Write-Host ">>> New-Item -ItemType directory $destDir | Out-Null"
- New-Item -ItemType directory $destDir | Out-Null
- }
- # if an assembly with the same name as the current item (assembly) already exists in destination dir
- # overwrite it only if curent item's LastWriteTime is greater than LastWriteTime of an existing assembly
- if (Test-Path $destAssemblyFilePath)
- {
- $destAssemblyFile = Get-Item $destAssemblyFilePath
- if ($_.LastWriteTime -gt $destAssemblyFile.LastWriteTime)
- {
- Write-Host ">>> Copy-Item $_ -Destination $destDir"
- Copy-Item $_ -Destination $destDir
- }
- }
- else # copy assembly to destination dir
- {
- Write-Host ">>> Copy-Item $_ -Destination $destDir"
- Copy-Item $_ -Destination $destDir
- }
-Write-Host "`nDone!`n"