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Multi Cloud Support or Instance Aware

Neha Bhargava edited this page Feb 24, 2022 · 8 revisions

Multi-cloud support is available for PublicClientApplications which enables the user to sign in to an AAD tenant or use an MSA account with an e-mail. Some points to note about instance-aware

  • Instance aware helps complete the scenario where any an account from any cloud can be signed-in using the default value for environment. If instance aware is not activated, the calling app has to provide the correct environment for the account.
  • It enables applications to pass in a default public cloud authority to the library and can still get tokens for resources (Graph) from national clouds.
  • The user and the resource should belong to single national cloud.
  • It is applicable only when using /organizations or /common in the authority url as compared to a tenantId guid.

Currently, multi-cloud support is available for Interactive flows for web.

Sample to enable multi-cloud support:

    IPublicClientApplication pca = PublicClientApplicationBuilder

    \\ Acquire a token interactively
    AuthenticationResult result = await pca

    \\ Get Accounts
    var accounts = await pca.GetAccountsAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

    \\ Acquire a token silently
    result = await pca
        .AcquireTokenSilent(s_scopes, accounts.FirstOrDefault()) \\ Use the account to make the silent call

The environment used to acquire a token can be found using account.Environment to create a mapping to respective resource endpoint.

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