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SSH Certificates

Bogdan Gavril edited this page Sep 17, 2019 · 4 revisions

Note: this feature will be available from MSAL 4.3.2 onward

AAD is capable of issuing SSH certificates instead of bearer tokens. These are not the same as SSH public keys. Currently this is available as an extension method on AcquireTokenSilent and AcquireTokenInteractive.

var result = await pca
    .AcquireTokenSilent(s_scopes, account)
    .WithSSHCertificateAuthenticationScheme(jwk, "keyID1")


  • jwk = The public SSH key in JWK format as described at . Currently only RSA with a minimum key size of 2048 bytes is supported.
  • keyID = Any string that distinguishes between keys (usually hash of the key, but format is not important)

Example creating a JWK

private string CreateJwk()
     RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(2048);
     RSAParameters rsaKeyInfo = rsa.ExportParameters(false);

     // Algorithm behind Base64UrlHelpers.Encode is described here
     string modulus = Base64UrlHelpers.Encode(rsaKeyInfo.Modulus); 
     string exp = Base64UrlHelpers.Encode(rsaKeyInfo.Exponent);
     string jwk = $"{{\"kty\":\"RSA\", \"n\":\"{modulus}\", \"e\":\"{exp}\"}}";

     return jwk;

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