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Releases: AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-js

Release msal v1.0.0-preview.0

18 Apr 04:46
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New Features (Breaking Changes)

As announced earlier @ we are excited to announce the preview release.

Release notes:

Configuration Object

  • Initialization of the MSAL JS library – We introduced a ‘Configuration’ object that can be sent through the constructor of UserAgentApplication() class.

Request Object

  • ‘Request’ object is introduced for all login/accessToken calls, this replaces previous overloading of login/acquireToken calls
  • Users can choose to pass optional parameters to finetune their requests for authentication and authorization.
  • 'User' object is now replaced with 'Account' => the public API getUser() is now getAccount() with more enhanced data.

Response and Error Objects

  • ‘Response’ and 'Error' objects are introduced for server responses and app failures
    • For ‘Redirect’ usecases, explicit success and failure call backs should be passed to ‘handleRedirectCallbacks()’.
    • For 'Popup' and 'Silent' usecases, a promise pattern i.e.,' .then and .catch' can be used.
    • Note: Error objects are better classified and messaged with this release. Detailed documentation for Error Handling will be added soon in docs

The 'Configuration', 'Request', 'Response' and 'Error' datatypes and their usage is detailed in the @

We will follow up with a detailed blog post and a Quickstart Application soon with these changes.

Release msal v0.2.4

05 Jan 00:08
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  • Features
    • Removal of prompt-select account
      • Removes prompt parameter from interactive login and acquireToken requests, which include:
        • loginRedirect
        • loginPopup
        • acquireTokenRedirect
        • acquireTokenPopup
      • acquireTokenSilent will continue to pass prompt=none
      • When no prompt parameter is passed, the server:
        • Attempts SSO. If there is a single available session, SSO will succeed.
          • This session can come from cookies or the OS, and must match other request parameters such as login_hint, domain_hint, etc.
        • If SSO fails, then you see either a login prompt or account selector
          • If there are no active sessions, the user will see a login prompt
          • If there are one or more active sessions but SSO was unable to match to a session with correlating request parameters, the user will see an accountSelector
      • Clients can set the prompt value to any of the allowed values with extraQueryParameters. Please read docs here for more information:
    • Unified Cache
    • Redirect URI as a function
      • Set default redirectUri/postLogoutRedirectUri to a function returning
        the current location.href, instead of the location.href from when the
        UserAgentApplication was instantiated. Enables use of history.pushState.
        One test updated, and tests added for redirectUri/postLogoutRedirectUri
        as functions.
      • Fixes #458
    • Unit and End to end testing for msal-core enhanced
  • Bug Fixes
    • extraQueryParameters minor bug fixes - ac1fb57
    • tokenReceived callback allowed to be null - ac1fb57
    • authority URI no longer tied to user, allowed null values
  • Package updates:
    • added ajv 6.6.1
    • added fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin: "^0.5.1"
    • jasmine-node: ^2.0.1 to ^1.16.2
    • karma-webpack: ^2.0.5 to ^4.0.0-rc.5
    • @types/jasmine-ajax:3.1.35 to 3.1.39
    • jshint: 2.9.5 to 2.9.7
    • webpack: 3.6.0 to 4.27.1
    • changed from awesome-typescript-loader to ts-loader 5.3.1
    • added webpack-cli: "^3.1.2",
    • added webpack-dev-middleware: "^3.4.0"

Release msal v0.2.3

11 Sep 23:28
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  • Single Sign On(SSO)

  • Bug Fix #406

  • Bug Fix #340

  • Bug fix #412

Release msal v0.2.2

18 Aug 01:20
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Added support to handle the issue of the session storage and local storage getting cleared in IE and edge browsers during redirects across different security zones. This can be enabled by setting storeAuthStateInCookie flag in config to true. Default value is false.

Release msal v0.2.1

14 Aug 22:48
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New Features

  • Added State parameter in login request. #262

  • Removed istanbul code coverage due to webpack bundle size issue.

Release v0.2.0

07 Aug 20:56
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New Features

  • Changes in MSAL-Core to support MSAL-angular wrappers.

Release v0.1.9

23 Jul 23:42
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New Features

  • Fixed bug to use acquireTokenRedirect to call your own APIS. #333
  • Fixed bug to delete temporary cache entries in cases of errors. #327

Release v0.1.7

16 Jun 00:07
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New Features

  • Fixed bug with resolveAuthority in acquireTokenSilent. #322
  • Fixed bug with window.opener for cases when app is opened due to a click event. #318

Release v0.1.6

22 May 00:43
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New Features

  • Fixed bug with concurrent acquireToken requests. #274
  • Added catchHandler for authority validation
  • Fixed bug to handle the case for id_token with special characters.

Release v0.1.5

01 Mar 01:53
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Breaking Changes

  • The constructor function in Msal is no longer asynchronous. To use the instance of userAgentApplication in the callback function passed in the constructor, use "this" in the calback function scope. Please see below:
 var userAgentApplication = new Msal.UserAgentApplication(applicationConfig.clientID, null, authCallback);
        function authCallback(errorDesc, token, error, tokenType) {
                   console.log(userAgentApplication) //this will print undefined, use this instead
                   var self  = this// self is instance of userAgentApplication

New Features

  • By default, msal tries to take you back to the loginStartPage after successful authentication. To disable this setting, you can pass navigateToLoginRequestUrl:false
    in the options object in the constructor. In that case, msal will just set the url hash to null and call the provided callback, thereby avoiding an additional reload. Please see snippet below:
 var userAgentApplication = new Msal.UserAgentApplication(applicationConfig.clientID, null, authCallback, { navigateToLoginRequestUrl:false });
  • The idToken object is now added as a property on user object in msal which can be used to query claims and the User class itself is exported under the global namespace.
  • loadFrameTimout(msec) is now configurable by setting it to a value in the options object passed to the userAgentApplication contructor. The default timeout is 6000 msec. Please see the snippet below to change it:
 var userAgentApplication = new Msal.UserAgentApplication(applicationConfig.clientID, null, authCallback, { loadFrameTimout:10000 });