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Push to Revit basics

Pawel Baran edited this page Apr 15, 2020 · 9 revisions


Pushing from BHoM to Revit can be simply explained as creation of Revit elements based on BHoM objects. In order to perform that action, the adapter needs to be set up correctly first. Once this is done, the user needs to specify two basic Push inputs:

  • Objects (which BHoM objects are meant to be pushed?)
  • Push type (should the existing Revit elements be replaced by the new ones, updated etc.)
  • Action config (settings of this particular action - optional, if not specified, default values are used)

Besides that, a tag can be added to all newly created elements. Once the adapter and inputs are ready, the Push action needs to be activated - in visual programming environment this is done by setting its active property to true.


Any BHoM objects can be attempted to be pushed, but only the ones that have a BHoM -> Revit conversion method implemented will be created in Revit document - a full list of such types can be found in Revit BHoM conversion section. If a given Revit type is not matched with any BHoM type, one can try to use ModelInstance or DraftingInstance as a powerful workaround. Important! Conversion of BHoM object properties to Revit family types is currently not supported - Revit element type is applied based on name matching with BHoM property. Therefore, to create a Revit element of given family type, one needs to set BHoM object's property name to same value. Example of Push using this approach is available here.

Push type

Push type specifies the way in which Revit elements should be created and updated - more info on that is available in Push types section.

Action config

Push action config is represented by RevitPushConfig and allows to specify the following settings:

  • SuppressFailureMessages - if true, Revit warnings are suppressed in order not to interrupt the element creation procedure (default is false)
  • IncludeClosedWorksets - if true, Revit elements from closed worksets will be processed (default is false)

If RevitPushConfig is left empty, default values will be used.


Code mechanics of the Push adapter action is explained in Push Details section.

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