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Requests and filtering

Pawel Baran edited this page Apr 7, 2020 · 11 revisions

Requests are used to filter the elements in Revit document that are meant to be processed (e.g. pulled or removed). Currently there is over 20 requests available in Revit_Toolkit that could be divided into three categories presented below. Practical implementation of the requests is discussed in Pull examples for Grasshopper, Dynamo and Excel.

Filtering all Revit elements by properties

First category that could be distinguished, are Requests that force parsing all elements in the model looking for certain feature, e.g. workset or parameter value. Name of such requests start with a prefix FilterBy.

Request Description
FilterByBHoMType Filters Revit elements based on their correspondent BHoM Type. Wrapper for BH.oM.Data.Requests.FilterRequest.
FilterBySelection Filters elements selected in Revit. Wrapper for BH.oM.Data.Requests.SelectionRequest.
FilterByActiveWorkset Filters all elements in active Revit workset.
FilterByCategory Filters all elements of a Revit category.
FilterByDBTypeName Filters all elements of given Autodesk.Revit.DB type. Information about types can be found in the Revit API documentation.
FilterByElementIds Filters elements by their ElementIds.
FilterByFamilyAndTypeName Filters all elements of given Revit family, optionally narrowing the search to a specific family type.
FilterByParameterBool Filters elements based on given Boolean parameter value criterion.
FilterByParameterElementId Filters elements based on given ElementId parameter value criterion."
FilterByParameterExistence Filters elements the have (or do not have) a parameter with given name.
FilterByParameterInteger Filters elements based on given integer parameter value criterion.
FilterByParameterNumber Filters elements based on given floating point number parameter value criterion.
FilterByParameterText Filters elements based on given text parameter value criterion.
FilterBySelectionSet Filters elements contained in a given Revit Selection Set.
FilterByUniqueIds Filters elements by their UniqueIds.
FilterByViewSpecific Filters elements specific to (owned by) a given view in Revit.
FilterByVisibleInView Filters all elements visible in a given Revit view.
FilterByWorkset Filters all elements in a given Revit workset.

Filtering Revit elements of given category

Another specific group of Requests are the ones parsing only elements of given Revit category, which start with a prefix Filter[CategoryName].

Request Description
FilterActiveView Filters the active view in Revit.
FilterFamilyByName Filters Revit families by name. If the family name is left blank, all families will be filtered.
FilterFamilyTypesOfFamily Filters Revit family types that belong to a given Revit family.
FilterViewByName Filters Revit views by name. If the view name is left blank, all families will be filtered.
FilterViewsByTemplate Filters all Revit views that implement a given view template.
FilterViewsByType Filters all views of given type.
FilterViewTemplateByName Filters Revit view templates by name. If the template name is left blank, all view templates will be filtered.

Special Requests

Last group of Requests are the special ones.

Request Description
EnergyAnalysisModelRequest Filters all elements that are contained in Revit's energy analysis model.
LogicalOrRequest Logical structure that allows joining multiple requests using OR statement.
LogicalAndRequest Logical structure that allows joining multiple requests using AND statement.

Programmatic filtering

On code level, each Revit-applicable type that inherits from IRequest is coupled with a BH.UI.Revit.Engine.Query.ElementIds method that extracts the ElementIds of Revit elements that match the requirements it imposes. These methods can be used without prior creation of IRequest.

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