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File metadata and controls

343 lines (231 loc) · 11.1 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog

[//] : # ## [1.x] - Unreleased

[1.7.4] - 2023-09-29

Bug fixes:

- Fix compatibility with latest Cython version

[1.7.3] - 2023-01-31

Bug fixes:

- Fix compatibility issues with networkx

[1.7.2] - 2022-11-28

New features:

- Add script to run RMSD clustering from scratch
- Add filters for plotAdaptive script
- Add support for multiple control files

Bug fixes:

- Fix bug in pdb processing for MD simulation when no protein was present
- Fix bug extracting the ligand for MD in some weird edge cases

[1.7.1] - 2021-05-14

New features:

- Add equilibrationRotationRange, equilibrationTranslationRange and
  equilibrationBoxRadius parameters to tune equilibration
- Add support to correctly run simulations with PELE interstep reports and trajectories

Bug fixes:

- Fix bug reading the ligand information in the adaptiveSampling main,
  which caused to set the equilibration box in the center of mass of the
  whole system

[1.7] - 2021-02-11

New features:

- Use residue numbers and chain names in clustering, which makes possible
  to run protein-protein simulations
- The plotAdaptive script now accepts a path to the simulation folder and
  has an option to skip the first step, or a number of steps when plotting

Bug fixes:

- Fix bugs running MD simulations without ligand after the changes in
  previous version

[1.6.3] - 2020-09-28

New features:

- Add annotations to plotAdaptive, which show the origin (epoch, trajectory and snapshot) of the plot points
- Parametrize more than one ligand in MD simulations
- Include confactors in MD simulations
- MD simulations can now be extended in time
- The plotAdaptive script now accepts a path to the simulation folder and
  has an option to skip the first step when plotting

Bug fixes:

- Fix bug ignoring ligandName parameter in the simulation block

Behaviour changes from previous version:

- Modify plotAdaptive to generate the plots using matplotlib and not rely on gnuplot
- Raise separate and more informative errors for the cases of input file not existing, resname selection incorrect, input file in text file but not pdb and topology mismatching for binary files
- Constrain the heavy atoms in the minimization run at the begging of the
  epochs in MD simulation, to preserve similiraty with the original

[1.6.2] - 2019-07-24

New features:

- Add possibility to generate cylinder box from pdb
- Add coordinate wrapping to XTC reporter

Bug fixes:

- Fix bug restarting MD simulation with constraints
- Fix bug that crashed when constraining HIS
- Fix colorbar range for plotAdaptive script
- Fix bug in HIS protonation

Behaviour changes from previous version:

- Allow PELE equilibration to run without a box
- Read PELE and MD reports seemingly
- Add postprocessing option to simulationRunner
- Add proper topology support to selectOnPlot and backtrackAdaptiveTrajectory 
- Write topologies.pkl at the start of the first epoch

[1.6.1] - 2019-04-26

New features:

- Add cylindrical box for MD
- Add script to generate cylindrical box for visualization
- Introduce new postprocessing function for MD

Bug fixes:

- Fix bug selecting topolgies for odd number of initial conditions
- Fix bug extracting indexes from topology in MSMClustering
- Fix bug in atomset writing PDBs with gaps, now if there are residues with
  a difference in more than one in the residue number a TER is written 

Behaviour changes from previous version:

- Now the MSMClustering with PELE simulation repeats the rejected steps

[1.6] - 2019-02-19

New features:

- Add the possibility of running MD simulations using OpenMM
- Add new script analysis/, to identify to which
cluster belongs a given conformation within a simulation
- Add support for formats trr, dcd and dtr, mdcrd, nc
- Add the null clustering method
- Add independentMetric spawning
- Add MSM-based spawning methods
- Add reportName template for PELE control file

Bug fixes:

- Fix bug in PELE equilibration when number of initial structures selected
exceeded number of processors
- Fix bug in atomset that wrote MODEL lines in PDBs non-compliant with the
- Fix minor bug in in select equilibration structure with trajectories with
no accepted steps 

Behaviour changes from previous version:

- Restructured a good part of the code in the adaptiveSampling main
referring to simulation, moved into SimulationRunner class
- Change how AdaptivePELE deals with topologies, now it supports several
different topologies in a single simulation
- Change how the spawning parameters are used, now are an attribute of the
spawning calculator
- Update how the srun command is called when running PELE, also added
srunParameters to customize the call to srun
- AdaptivePELE now runs with replicas synchronized via files, needed for
running MD in GPU clusters

[1.5.2] - 2018-08-13

New features:

- AdaptivePELE can now be installed through pip

Bug fixes:

- Fix bug in in environments without cython

[1.5.1] - 2018-06-07

New features:

- The extractCoords script now works seemesly with pdb or xtc trajectories

Behaviour changes from previous version:

- Improve the speed of handling xtc trajectories by switching to the
low-level API of mdtraj
- Optimize and parallelize extractCoords script from the freeEnergies
subpackage, change the multiprocess module to multiprocessing

Bug fixes:

- Fix several bugs in extractCoords script

[1.5] - 2018-05-11

New features:

- Make code compatible with python2 and python3
- Add posibility of using a third column as color in plotAdaptive
- Add __version__ attribute to package
- Add possibility of skipping first structure of each trajectory in
clustering when calling cluster function
- Add compatibility with non-pdb trajectories

Behaviour changes from previous version:

- Change rmsd and be otions of plotAdaptive to lines and points
- Change name of writePrecisePathToSnapshots to
bactrackAdaptiveTrajectory, added name parameter to select the name of the
output file and automatic detection of said name, so that if a file exists
with the same name, a number is added at the end to differentiate them
- Optimize and parallelize extractCoords script from the freeEnergies

Bug fixes:

- Fix bug in alternative structure when a cluster had no other structure
than the representative
- Fix several bugs related to unicode and string handling

[1.4.2] - 2018-03-02

New features:

- Added null spawning calculator
- Added possibility of max metric in epsilon

Behaviour changes from previous version:

- Improvements in REAP spawning
- Metric columns in control file now start by 1
- Changed symbolic links in rawData in freeEnergies calculation to
relative paths

Bug fixes:

- Various bug fixes

[1.4] - 2018-01-30

New features:

- Added scripts plot3DNetwork, plotSpawningClusters for better
visualization of simulations
- Added exitContinuous density for exit path simulations
- Added possibility to change the simulation box at each epoch
- Added equilibration procedure
- Added possibility to test metric greater than in metric exit condition
- Added metricMultipleTrajectories exit condition

Behaviour changes from previous version:

- Moved buildRevTransitionMatrixFunction to Cython code (speed-up of up to

Bug fixes:

- Fixed minor bug in controlFileValidator
- Fixed bug in writePrecisePathToSnapshot, where backtracking was not
carried out until the initial structure

[1.3] - 2017-06-01

New features:

- Added script to reconstruct precise path to a given snapshot
- Added possibility of chain and resnum selection in PDB
- Added scripts to calculate free energies in pyemma_scripts
- Added new parameter to control the number of clusters considered in
epsilon scoring

Behaviour changes from previous version:

- Change names of clustering in control file 

Bug fixes:

- Minor bug fixes in scripts to calculate free energies
- Fixed bug of incorrect trajectory selection in estimateDG
- Fixed bug of multiple its plot not visible (bug due to pyemma)

[1.2] - 2017-05-09

New features:

- Added conformation network and first discovery tree to improve
simulation analysis
- Added scripts to plot RMSF for each residue over a trajectory
- Added scripts to calculate contact map histogram for each residue over a
trajectory or a complete simulation
- Added scripts to create a network of residues  over a trajectory or a
complete simulation
- Added more robust pickling interface so old simulation can be used with
newer version (to some extent)
- Added script to reconstruct approximate path to a given snapshot

Behaviour changes from previous version:

- Alternative structures are stored in a priority queue with the priority
set to the population of the subclusters spawn inversely proportinal way
according to this population

Bug fixes:

- Fix bug in spawning of alternative structures, was not calling the new
code for randomly spawn from cluster center of alternative structure
- Fix bug in pickling (serializing) coordinates of Atom objects
- Fix bug in pickling AltStructures objects

[1.1] - 2017-02-17

New features:

- Follow proper packaging conventions for Python packaging
- Added alternative structure to each cluster that will spawn 50% of the
- Implemented UCB algorithm for spawning

Behaviour changes from previous version:

- Atomset package implemented in Cython (faster)
- Jaccard index is calcualed using only the cells of the matrix that are 1

[1.0] - 2017-01-19

New features:

- Added support for symmetry with contactMap
- Added lastSnapshot clustering for easy restart of sequential runs
- Added independent spawning to perform classical PELE simulations
- Added exitCondition on metric
- Added support for changing clustering when clustering method parameter changes, and be able to handle
metric column change in spawning
- Added suport for wildcard in control file input structures
- Added several scripts for analysis

Behaviour changes from previous version:

- Changed quadratic function for continuous
- Changed symmetry dictionary for list of dictionaries, with symmetry groups

Bug fixes:

- Fixed bug of incorrect atom consideration in symmetries
- Fixed bug of NaN correlation similarity evaluator in contactMap