Bringing people together to find solutions to global problems - problems which are bigger than any nation can tackle alone. Ambassador Proposal
Before reading on, please watch My Ambassador Pitch
Use Democracy Earth to crowd-source a global manifesto and take action for its internationally cooperative implementation.
Humanity is staring into the eye of a perfect storm of global problems, problems of its own making. Calming the storm requires the implementation of global agreements based on international cooperation. Instead however, nations are competing with each other for short-term gains benefiting the few in a world-wide race to the bottom.
There already exist many great solutions capable of tackling the systemic root-causes of the global problems we are experiencing. We just need the world to work together to act on them. The harsh reality is that nations are being held to ransom by a globally mobile, largely tax avoiding elite who are gaining the most from a system of international divide-and-rule, of which a hard Brexit and the election of Trump are its consequence. In order to maintain the status quo, threats of corporate disinvestment and of currency devaluation are peddled in the mainstream media to dissuade voters from any meaningful change.
To encourage the world to work together, global policy solutions for peace, equality, justice, sustainability and real prosperity must be presented coherently and by a united global movement.
The best way to learn is through doing, especially learning new world-centric values. That is why I propose we use Democracy Earth to encourage the vast swathes of humanity already feeling globally empathic to sign-up as Self Sovereign Global Citizens, to crowd-source a global manifesto, to take to the streets for global cooperation and to inspire the rest of the world to join in.
Of course, this is not about creating a global government, but global grassroots governance. The global manifesto will be implemented according to the wishes of sovereign continents, nations, regions, cities and local councils, if that is, via referendum they choose to cooperate globally. This is called “the power of subsidiary,” where global decisions are taken globally and local decisions taken locally.
By undertaking this highly ambitious proposal not only can we kick-start a global democratic revolution, but we could bring about the most beautiful of ideals, a recognition of our common humanity in the face of a perfect storm of global problems.
Year 1
Democratic process and campaign strategy
Democratic process
“To counteract thousands of years of male dominated power structures, I’d go to where women are living on the front-line of global problems to ensure they get to be first to propose what they think the world could and should agree to act on together.” Barnaby’s Ambassador Pitch
I recommend we kick start DE’s crowd-sourcing of a global manifesto by inviting progressive women activists to propose global policies. To swiftly grow Democracy Earth as a movement, we could ask invitees to encourage their many followers to debate and vote (or delegate their votes) on the proposals. For vibrant debate, I would also ask them to encourage their most vocal detractors to do the same. • Potential global policies • Invitation contact list
Taking action for global cooperation
A. On the streets
“I’d demonstrate for Democracy Earth on the street showing people how to sign-up, vote or delegate their votes to people they trust, using the Liquid Democracy tool.” Barnaby’s Ambassador Pitch
Like Occupy, but rather than a constant occupation losing momentum, I propose we hold regular monthly demonstrations. We could use slogans appealing to different value memes: “This is what democracy looks like.” “To protect what you love, take global control.” “Everyone and everything is interconnected.”
• Where? Your high street. • When? Monthly. 1st Saturday. • What? Demonstrate for global cooperation. Debate global problems and solutions. • Bring food, music, art, individuality, culture, your humanity.
B. Using the system to change the system.
I propose we use targeted campaigns to recruit Self-Sovereigns in nations with pending national elections. Self-Sovereigns could invite their political candidates to also become Self-Sovereign Global Citizens, to propose, debate and vote on global policy and to sign an Accountability Contract to implement the Global Manifesto* alongside other nations. At national and continental (EU) elections, politicians signing-on can gain votes from other Self-Sovereign Global Citizens prioritising their votes for fellow Self-Sovereigns. (*The revolutionary, globally empathic act of debating and voting for a global manifesto designed for the benefit of everyone, everywhere will naturally engender progressive and enlightened proposals. If, however, a politician rescinds their contract, they must notify DE in writing and also inform their constituents.)
Tools (UK) to contact candidates to become Self-Sovereign Global Citizens:
Year 2-5.
• People learn of existing solutions to global problems through participating in DE and further social media. As the manifesto takes shape it will win hearts and minds undermining international divide-and-rule arguments of the neo-liberal, far-right internationally competitive world order.
• People of the world demand global cooperation to lay groundwork for manifesto implementation.
• Global Cooperation Street Parties and festivals take off around the world and are live linked.
• Progressive political parties sign the Accountability Contract to implement the manifesto alongside other nations. They also begin to use DE to source their own manifestos.
• Through global unity and global policy coherence via the global manifesto, it becomes much easier for progressive political parties to win national elections.
• Culture wars dissipate and the world moves towards greater unity in diversity. People with strong nation/ethno-centric values begin to experience a greater connection with the wider world whilst simultaneously finding stronger connection with their traditional cultural values.
Note on value meme inclusion: • I propose that at all stages of campaigning we must avoid alienating any value group, self/ethno/nation centric memes. Only a world-centric meme which acknowledges, honours, includes and yet transcends other less-inclusive memes is practical and ethically sound.
Final Note
Please see The Leap Manifesto, which has gained the backing from Socialist Democrats Corbyn (UK) and Sanders (US). Their moto is “small steps are no longer enough.” The Leap Manifesto has a very similar campaign strategy to that set out above. Its proposals are radical and progressive. It was put together by global justice NGO’s in Canada. For me however, it would be more systemically comprehensive and compelling if it included vital policies such as World Peace through Law, International Monetary Reform and Net Neutrality Laws. Although I support this campaign, I believe a global manifesto should be open to democratic input from new participants.