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Context Mod's behavior after a Check has been processed can be configured by a user. This allows a subreddit to control exactly what Runs/Checks will be processed based on the outcome (triggered or not) of a Check.

Table of Contents

Post-Check Properties


When a Check is finished processing it can be in one of two states:

  • Triggered -- The Rules defined in the Check were triggered which caused the Actions for the Check to be run
  • Failure -- The Rules defined in the check were not triggered, based on the conditions that were set (either from the Check condition or Rule Sets), and no Actions were run

The behavior CM follows is based on which state it is in. The behavior can be specified by one or both of these state properties on the Check configuration:

  • postTrigger -- Specifies what behavior to take when the check is triggered
  • postFail -- Specifies what behavior to take when the check is not triggered


There are four behaviors CM can take. Both/either state properties can be defined with any behavior.


The Next behavior tells CM to continue to whatever comes after the Check that was just processed. This could be another Check or, if this is the last Check in a Run, the next Run.

NOTE: next is the default behavior for the postFail state


- name: MyCheck
  # ...
  postFail: next # if Check is not triggered then CM will start processing AnotherCheck
- name: AnotherCheck
  # ...

Next Run

The Next Run behavior tells CM to skip all remaining Checks in the current Run and start processing the next Run in order.

NOTE: nextRun is the default behavior for the postTrigger state


  - name: MyFirstRun
      - name: MyCheck
        # ...
        postTrigger: nextRun # if Check is triggered then CM will SKIP mySecondCheck and instead start processing MySecondRun
      - name: MySecondCheck
        # ...
  - name: MySecondRun
      - name: FooCheck
        # ...


The Stop behavior tells CM to stop processing the Activity entirely. This means all remaining Checks and Runs will not be processed.


  - name: MyFirstRun
      - name: MyCheck
        # ...
        postTrigger: stop # if Check is triggered CM will NOT process MySecondCheck OR MySecondRun. The activity is "done" being processed at this point
      - name: MySecondCheck
        # ...
  - name: MySecondRun
      - name: FooCheck
        # ...


The Goto behavior is an advanced behavior that allows you to specify that CM should "jump to" a specific place in your configuration, regardless of order/location, and continue processing the Activity from there. It can be used to do things like:

  • create a loop/iteration to have CM re-process the Activity on an earlier executed part of your configuration because a later part modified the Activity (flaired, etc...)
  • use a Check as a simplified switch statement

Goto should be use with care. If you do not fully understand how this mechanism works you should avoid using it as most behaviors can be accomplished using the other behaviors.

As an additional protection goto depth is limited to 1 by default which means if a goto would be executed more than once during an Activity's lifecycle CM will automatically stop processing that Activity. The maxGotoDepth can be raised by the Bot Operator per subreddit.

Goto Syntax

Location to "jump to" can be specified as:

  • Run -- goto:myRunName
  • Check inside a different Run -- goto:myRunName.aCheckInsideTheRun
  • Check inside the current Run -- goto:.myCheck


  - name: MyFirstRun
      - name: FirstCheck
        # ...
      - name: MyCheck
        # ...
        postTrigger: 'goto:MyThirdRun' # jump to the run MyThirdRun
        postFail: 'goto:MySecondRun.BuzzCheck' # jump to the Check BuzzCheck inside the Run MySecondRun
  - name: MySecondRun
      - name: FooCheck
        # ...
      - name: BuzzCheck
        # ...
  - name: MyThirdRun
      - name: BarCheck
        # ...

Default Behaviors

It is not required to define post-Check behavior. CM uses sane defaults to mimic the behavior of automoderator as well as what is "intuitive" when reading a configuration -- that logic flows from top-to-bottom in the order it was defined. For each Check like this:

- name: MyCheck
  kind: comment
   # ...
   # ...

postTrigger and postFail have default behaviors (mentioned in the sections above) that make the Check end up working like this:

- name: MyCheck
  kind: comment
   # ...
   # ...
  postTrigger: nextRun # check is triggered and actions were performed, skip remaining checks and go to the next Run
  postFail: next # check is not triggered and no actions performed, continue to the next check in this Run

So if you are fine with all Checks running in order until one triggered there is no need to define post-Check behaviors at all.

Defining Default Behaviors

Defining postTrigger and/or postFail on a Run will set the default behavior for any Checks in the Run that do not have an explicit behavior set.

  - name: MyFirstRun
    postTrigger: stop # all Checks without postTrigger defined will have 'stop' as their behavior
      - name: FooCheck # postTrigger is 'stop' since it is not defined
        # ...
      - name: BarCheck
        # ...
        postTrigger: next # overrides default behavior


One Run with default behavior (no post-Check behavior explicitly defined)

flowchart TB
    subgraph spam ["(Run) Spam"]
        b1["(Check) self-promotion"] -- "postFail: next" --> b2
        b2["(Check) repeat spam"] -- "postFail: next" --> b3
        b3["(Check) Good user"]
    b1 -- "postTrigger: nextRun" --> finish
    b2 -- "postTrigger: nextRun" --> finish
    b3 -- "postFail: next" --> finish
    b3 -- "postTrigger: nextRun" --> finish
    finish[Processing Finished]

Two Runs with default behavior (no post-Check behavior explicitly defined)

flowchart TB
    subgraph flair ["(Run) Flairing"]
        a1["(Check) Flair Submission based on history"]-- "postFail: next" -->a2
        a2["(Check) Flair Submission based on user profile"] -- "postFail: next" --> a3
        a3["(Check) Flair Submission based on self text"]
    a1 -- "postTrigger: nextRun" --> b1
    a2 -- "postTrigger: nextRun" --> b1
    a3 -- "postFail: next" --> b1
    a3 -- "postTrigger: nextRun" --> b1
    subgraph spam ["(Run) Spam"]
        b1["(Check) self-promotion"] -- "postFail: next" -->b2
        b2["(Check) repeat spam"] -- "postFail: next" -->b3
        b3["(Check) Good user"]
    b1 -- "postTrigger: nextRun" --> finish
    b2 -- "postTrigger: nextRun" --> finish
    b3 -- "postFail: next" --> finish
    b3 -- "postTrigger: nextRun" --> finish
    finish[Processing Finished]