- moved some cpp files to ensure Debian compatibility
- Contributors: Unknown
- Added script to start all test sequentially
- Added RSSi and Range Deviation Test to sick_scan_test
- channel handling for 8 bit rssi values corrected
- Defines for param keyword introduced
- added ros param for rssi data size 16 or 8 Bit
- added rssi resolution configswitch
- support for LMS_5xx and LMS_1xx added
- testprogramm can now handle comments;
- Test instructions added
- Generation of result file
- inital test revisited
- Initial version protocol tester
- Tiny XML Parser added
- added Sopas protocol param
- Added Tools and driver folder, removed unnecessary libusb dep.
- Added scanner_type to parameter set to allow the processing of parallel scanners
- timeout handling improved
- reading thread times after connection lost Timeout settings optimized
- protocol switching supported
- Protocol switching implemented
- added timeout and binary/ascii detection
- Support of LMS1104 debugged, skipping scan mgs. publish for MRS6124 (only pointcloud)
- Adding MRS6124 link to supported scanner table Edited trouble shooting
- Add documentation for network stack
- scandataCfg for binary commands prepared
- min_ang, max_ang adapted for MRS6xxx
- LMS1000 support continue, Bug fix for parsing distance value MRS6xxx, mrs6xxx.launch modified
- COLA_A and COLA_B prepared
- Package handling optimized (for asynchron tcp data transfer)
- Debug info added for receiving tcp packets
- Support of MRS1104
- Cleanup and supporting Tim571
- errorhandler added
- First version with 9413 bytes packet
- tcp handling optimized
- Queue introduced
- colaa+colab libs included
- Parsing of MRS6xxx-data packages integrated
- Timeout incremented due to startup wait phase for MRS6xxx
- Sleep duration between inital commands changed from 2.0 to 0.2 Sleep of 10 Sec. introducted after start scandata to ensure that the scanner comes up.