This is a fork of the OG Loot physics to show how a minigame can be created.
This is experimental. Put a Fork in it.
- ADD Statistics Points -- At XP level - spend points onto a Stat level -- Health Shop - Bid style
- Multipler damage for adventurer Level. The Adventurer should both, deal more damange and receive more damage.
Get the highest gold balance without dying.... Do you dare? You can always stop on top
First mint an Adventurer
nile mint_adventurer_with_item
You now have an adventurer - see them with:
nile get_adventurer 7
_____________________*+ loaf +*______________________
| Race : 1 | HomeRealm : 1
| Birthdate : 1676262189 | Name : 1819238758
| Order : 1 | ImageHash1 : 123
| ImageHash2 : 123 | Health : 100
| Level : 1 | Strength : 0
| Dexterity : 0 | Vitality : 0
| Intelligence : 0 | Wisdom : 0
| Charisma : 0 | Luck : 0
| XP : 0 | WeaponId : 0
| ChestId : 0 | HeadId : 0
| WaistId : 0 | FeetId : 0
| HandsId : 0 | NeckId : 6
| RingId : 0 | Status :
| Beast : 0
You can do three things, choose wisely
This is like searching the long grass in pokemon... You might discover a Beast... You might discover gold... You might discover a trap
Once you have discovered - you can flee or fight. If you flee you might get hurt.
nile explore
🤔 You discovered nothing
try again....
There is a native dynamic loot market. However there are some rules.
- Items are not tradable from an Adventurer. They are soul bound to that Character.
- Items can be rerolled every 6hrs by anyone. It is an open function and the Adventurer who rolls it gets 3 gold.
- When rerolled the past Items that have not been purchased are no longer purchasable.
- You must bid on an Item above the minimum bid, currently (3)
- You must claim your item after you have won the bid
Type | Metal | Hide | Cloth |
Blade | Low | Medium | Strong |
Bludgeon | Medium | Strong | Low |
Magic | High | Low | Medium |
low vs metal
medium vs hide
strong vs cloth
medium vs metal
strong vs hide
low vs cloth
High vs metal
Low vs hide
Medium vs cloth