This proposal will change the witness payment from 3BTS/block to 1BTS/block.
From March 2017 to now, the BTS price went up tenfold and the witness payment doubled in BTS, generally speaking we can say that now the witness is obviously overpaid.
Discussion on a perfect, or a self-adapted witness payment infrastructure is still on going, it is not easy to get consensus on this and implement the new designed infracture, we now still need to adjust the witness payment with committee proposal when BTC price changes greatly.
We now propose to change the witness payment to 1BTS/block, in the price of 17th, May, 2017 this price means about $1720 month salary for a witness. generally speaking this is still a good salary to attract more profecessional witnesses, and this is not so overpaid considering what a qualified witness need to do.
Surely this is not the final witness payment, this is just a response to current BTS price, in the future, while things like big BTS price change happen we also need to review the witness payment and apply similar change.
This change will end or at least elimate most of the complaint to current witness payment, and will save much budget for worker proposals.