- A display on the Front End for all content provided by the /approval_reconciliation/ end point, which is currently a functional end-point unconnected to the front end. The corresponding function in the DS codebase is most likely the to_approve function in main.py.
If the feature works as expected, the new feature may ameliorate issue number one to a great extent.
Please check archive.py
The current codebase may allow the option to send the tweet with the form so that many may provide the missing information regarding the incident. This means that we may have multiple input for the same incident ID, which would in turn populate the database as separate, stand-alone entries.
a. One entry per incident ID, and another feature yet to be built would display all related tweets.
a. Look at #1 of Highlight Feature Yet to Implement b. Alter the approve function accordingly after adjusting the Backend or DS code.
Currently, our DM message does not specify to reply only by clicking the meta-data button generated by Twitter.
a. Change the message in the codebase (twitter.py); and/or
b. Modify the process_dms function in twitter.py, which needs additional command to check none-metadata input. The goal should be that if there is no metadata, the app would send another message to remind the user to use the metadata button.
Twitter bot has an environmental variable as its name currently not used in the code; it was intended to be the name during a real conversation. However, we never reach that stage.
a. Change the environmental variable when it is necessary.
Currently, BloomTech's Twitter account was opened by a student. Should HRF not want to continue with the current account, HRF may need to consider opening a business/enterprise account on twitter.
a. In conjunction with the new account, HRF may have to use its new credential to create new environmental variables to activate the welcome message function in twitter.py. The function would return a welcome message id and place that id, which is tied to the account, in bot.py, as it is in the codebase.
The advance_all end point would refresh the etnry of the status of each conversation in the conversations table. As is, advance_all call is not automated, because @app.on_event("startup") command was never placed above line 177 in main.py.
@app.on_event("startup") needs to be added one line above the top of the advance_all function; namely, above the current line 177 in main.py.
End point form-out would send the forms out. Form 0 is a tweet, from 1 is a direct message. Below is a sample of input for the form-out end-point input
{ "form": 1, "incident_id": 0000 (number of your choice), "link": "https://twitter.com/(twitter user name)/status/(the id of the very tweet: 0000000000000000000)", "tweet_id": "(the id of the very tweet: 0000000000000000000 in one string)", "user_name": "(twitter user name in one string)" }
Please make sure that you, on behalf of HRF, have left all conversation in DM and deleted all response tweets to the designated person or test object (in this case, most likely the personal account of the data science person conducting the test).
Please make sure that you have deleted all previous test entries of the same incident_id.