The following deliverables are not required but are nice-to-haves. If you choose to implement them, it should take around 1 hour but you must complete this section within 3 hours. You can complete any number of the bonus deliverables; you don't need to complete all of them.
Bonus Deliverables
- Use bootstrap to make the application look a little better, especially the pages seen by our customers.
- Use devise to secure the admin pages on our site. Customers and cleaners do not need to be able to login at the moment.
- The Cleaner form should have one additional field: 'email'
- Email should be required
- Check that it is a valid email address
- When a new booking is created, email the cleaner with information on the booking and customer.
- The Customer Show view should show all associated bookings below the form and link to them
- The Cleaner Show view should show all associated bookings below the form and link to them
- When you are done, please zip up the whole app directory with dependencies and upload it below.
For this step you can use devise and a bootstrap gem. Don't use any gems except those 2.