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Scala Lox

This aims to be a tree-walk interpreter for the Lox language from Crafting Interpreters written in Scala 3.3.0. The project uses the Scala Build Tool for compilation and uses ScalaTest for testing.

We aim to produce maintainable code that is well-documented, implements good design patterns and is (somewhat) tested.

Language Details

Expression Evalulation

Logical Or and And

These act as control flow operations since the implement short-circuiting.

The return value is not guaranteed to be the literal true or false but is only guaranteed to have the same "truthiness" as what the boolean expression should evaluate to.

Ternary Operator

Lox implements the ternary operator as a control flow structure as well. I.e. we only evaluate (and return) the ? term if the condition is true, else we evaluate and return the ':' term.

var a = 0;
var b = a > 0 ? (a = 1) : (a = 2)
// a == 2, b == 2

Variables and Scoping

Variables in Lox are dynamically typed. They are either of

  • 64-bit Floating Point Double
  • String

We check for type errors during runtime.

Each block in Lox is specified as being a sequence of statements within a pair of braces { statements }. Each block has its own lexical environment.

We define variables via var x = 10;. These declarations will be localised to the current block, so doing

var a = 1;
  var a = a + 2;
  print a;
print a;

will print 3 followed by 1. Redefining a variable within a block merely assigns it.

We assign variables via x = 9;. Assignments are expressions that return the value being assigned to the variable. It is right associative so a = b = c = 10 is treated as a = (b = (c = 10)), thus setting each variable to 10.

A variable needs to be assigned before it is first evaluated. Assignments modify the instance of the variable with the smallest scope that is possible. A RuntimeError occurs if we assign variables in a scope that they are not lexically available in.

We evaluate a variable when it is used for computation e.g. print x+10. This uses the instance of the variable within the smallest possible scope or raises a RuntimeError if not available or not initialised.

Control Flow

These work exactly like in C


if (x == 0){  // condition: Expression
    y = 1;    // ifBody: Statement
else y = 2;   // elseBody: Statement

Note that to evaulate whether a condition is true, we evaluate the "truthiness" of the expression.

  • false is false
  • nil is false
  • Everything else is true

While Loops

while (x < 10){  // condition: Expression
    x = x + 1    // body: Statement

Lox also supports continue; and break; statements within loops.

For loops

for (var i = 0; i < n; i = i + 1){
    if (i == 2) break;

For loops are implemented as syntactic sugar for while-loops.


Functions are first class objects in Lox. We can do a "regular" function declaration as such:

fun sum(a, b, c){
    var x = a + b + c;
    return x;

This is syntactic sugar for creating a function object and binding it to a name

var sum = fun (a, b, c){
   var x = a + b + c;
   return x;

These function objects are parsed as expressions and so can be used wherever we would normally use expressions.

Here are some examples:

var a = (1 < 2 ? fun (a){return a*2;} : fun(a){return a/2;})(1);
// a == 2
fun thrice(fn) {
    var x = 1; 
    for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i = i + 1) {
        x = fn(x);
    return x;
var a = thrice(fun (a) {return a*2;});
// a == 8


These functions are scoped with closures.

fun makeCounter() {
  var i = 0;
  fun count(){
    i = i + 1;
    return i;
  return count;
var counter = makeCounter();
var a = counter(); // 1
var b = counter(); // 2

This works since the i is captured by the closure of count.


Lox supports classes with constructors, methods and getters. Fields are set dynamically at runtime. There is currently no support for static functions or fields.

class Circle {
  init(radius) { // constructor
    this.radius = radius;

  area { // getter
    return 3.141592653 * this.radius * this.radius;
  scale(factor){ // method
    this.radius = this.radius * factor;

var circle = Circle(2);
print circle.area; // Prints roughly "50.2655".

We support "method closures" i.e.

class Circle {
  init(radius) { // constructor
    this.radius = radius;

  area { // getter
    return 3.141592653 * this.radius * this.radius;
  scale(factor){ // method
    this.radius = this.radius * factor;

var circle = Circle(2);
var scaler = circle.scale;
print circle.area; // Prints roughly "50.2655".

works since the "this" is resolved and bound to correct instance of the class.


Like most OOP languages we support implementation inheritance. We only use single inheritance. The syntax looks something like:

class vehicle{
        return "this is a vehicle";
class car < vehicle{
        return super.describe() + ", specifically a car";

print car().describe();
// Prints: "this ia vehicle, specifically a car"

Implementation Details

Differences from Book Version

Compared to the tree-walk interpreter in the book, I'm attempting to do the challenges listed as well.

  • Added multi-line comment support.
  • Added ternary operator.
    • a ? b : c evaluates a, b and c. Returns b if a is truthy else c.
    • Higher precedence than equality (== and !-).
    • Right associative.
  • Added comma operator.
    • a,b,c evaluates a, b and c. Returns the value of c.
    • Higher precedence than ternary operator.
  • Added custom errors for binary operators without left operand.
  • Added error on using variables without initialisation.
  • Added support for printing expressions from the REPL.
  • Added continue and break statements for usage within loops.
  • Added lambda functions.
    • Replaced regular functions with syntactic sugar for lambdas.
  • Added getters for classes
    • These are kind of like syntactic sugar for 0 arity functions
    • They are still shadowed by fields of the same name